Testing and Re-testing

As he stood in front of the two, Megan extended one of her hands just above the boy's blond hair. 

"Zaikiradis Water Fall." She recited.

A steady stream of water fell on Adrian's face as he struggled in the sand begging for forgiveness. The beach sand went flying everywhere, and the mark of the movement of the boy's arms and legs was marked on the beach. Now Adrian's uniform was completely soiled with sand and drenched with water.

When Megan stopped pouring water in the boy's face, he quickly stood up and shook his hair trying to get some of the water out, the sand and water droplets flying off. Luke dodged it so it wouldn't fall on him or his tail. Adrian was wet from the top of his head to the tip of his toes, his clothes were wet again and his hair had completely covered his eyes.