Take a Step

Luke and Meredith continued exercising and playing together for a few hours, until the two half-beasts fell into bed, passing out from exhaustion. Meredith was grateful that the plan had worked, happy that she had finally realized a dream.

The half-fox didn't feel bad about using the pheromones as a way to encourage Luke, after all, she knew that as much as it increased Luke's desire, it wouldn't cause him to completely lose control of his own body. In the end, it was nothing more and nothing less than an incentive for the half-wolf to make a decision, and she was quite grateful for Luke's choice.

Luke, on the other hand, had no time to think; he just collapsed from exhaustion. Sleeping in the embrace of his beloved Meredith. Balance watched the whole situation, as much as she tried not to pay attention, it was impossible for the Goddess to completely switch off her consciousness. 

[This Luke... How can he be so...]