The capital 3.3

The inside of the Temple was even more luxurious than its outside. Noble wood tables with gold symbols on the cloth covering them, mighty statues of Ura and Uros. The bishop and the hooded priests were nowhere to be seen.

A nun came to greet Andro. Long black hair, porcelain skin, and big brown eyes. When she saw his ears, she turned around to leave. "Sister?" She stopped walking and turned around slowly, their eyes met. "A mere elf dares to call me?" Her burning gaze almost melts his confidence.

He tried to sound calm. "I'm here for a cleansing ritual. I've already talked to his most reverenced, the bishop, about this small matter." She squinted her eyes. "Oh really. You look fine, could it be for this filthy thing you're carrying?" Andro could see the disgust in the nun's eyes.

He chuckled and spoke in the most respectful way he could. "Sister is correct, it is indeed for this little one." Her disgust eased a little bit. "You have the Means?"

Andro nodded, and immediately after the nun's expression eased completely. "Follow me then, I'll escort you and this thing to the cleansing room." (It never ceases to amaze me how humans can change so fast when money is involved.)

He followed her to a room on the left. The door was made of the noblest wood he had ever seen. The nun knocked on the door once. "A cleansing ritual for one. May the one that carries the Means enter?"

The sound of heavy footsteps came from inside the room. "Is it an elf?" A deep voice. The nun smiled. "Yes." The sound of a key being put on the lock resounded on the empty Temple. With a loud clack, the door slowly opened. "Come in." Andro ignored the nun and quickly entered the room.

The room was dark, but he had the dark vision, something that elves and beastmans had. He looked around for a while. A quite small room, with a lone table in the middle. On his right side, is a fat man in a priest attire.

"You can lay down the patient on the table. The bishop will arrive soon." Andro gently laid the baby on the table. Although he already knew that his son was yet to awake, seeing the motionless baby on the table... If it were not for the continuous movement of the baby's chest, indicating that he was breathing, Andro would have long thought that his son was dead.

An hour later, the door opened again. The bishop came in. He said something to the fat man guarding the door, and when he got close to the table, the door was closed from the outside, leaving the bishop, Andro, and the baby alone in the darkroom.