Oppressive Heat

The whole month passed and everything went on pretty well. Daryn had come one more day when Caleb had organized competition camps for his people. Together the brothers had released the entire magic from the Amber Moonstone. 

Urhan had stayed very low throughout the time. Caleb had kept a tight vigil on him and his home, but everything looked very normal. 

Caleb's magic was so strong that he had cast it over the entire Ixoviya. If someone used their magic or cast spells, he used to come to know immediately. However, every evening he would be extremely drained of his powers. 

"You are not going to be of any use if you continue doing this," Elize scolded him the second time in the evening. A servant was massaging him with aroma oil that she had infused with her magic's heat. It warmed over his body and stayed a little heated to relax his strained muscles. She was watching from the past month as to how he was keeping a close watch on his people.