Memories and Bitterness

Caleb entered Ixoviya with a new work at hand. They had to catch Ivana and others and then get them to reveal Urhan's name. If Caleb wanted, he would have caught Urhan without a trial, but Urhan was a priest and priests held an extremely important position in the courts. 

Neal and Daryn too came with Caleb to Ixoviya. Though Daryn could have gone back to Bainsburgh and be with Dawn, he knew that Caleb would need him. Seeing Elize's take on her brother and his wife, he was doubtful that the uneasiness would purge soon. Revenge was not a dish served cold. It was like a knife that had serrated, rusty edges, kept close to you with bloodlust in mind. Elize hadn't gone to exact revenge, she had gone to meet and help her brother, but what she saw over there—whatever love remained in her heart, converted into full blown revenge.