Chapter 8

The day passed by quickly and school ended. I was sitting on a bench in the school yard waiting for Jasmine. She had said that her gym teacher wanted to see her and she knew that it would take a while. She would always say that her gym teacher did not like her and had it out for her since sophomore year.

Jasmine had invited me to have a sleepover at her house. I was really grateful as usual for these sleepovers as I didn't have to go home and face an impending beating. I could also have one night where I'm safe and sleep peacefully. Allan did not care if I was there or not. Most times he didn't even know I was not there.

I also look forward to a warm home-cooked meal and I really love Jasmine's mother's meals. Mrs. Thomas was a great cook and is a nice woman. She reminded me of how my mother was. She was always taking care of others. Jasmine knew I was grateful to be around her mother, because she knew how much I missed my mother.