Chapter 17

That worked as Jasmine laughed. "Seriously Kevin? Frozen? I didn't know you watch that."

"Um...what? I don't watch it." Kevin denied, getting embarrassed.

"Sure you don't." Jasmine giggled. I looked at Kevin and smiled at his discomfort. Jasmine was really enjoying torturing Kevin. I was just glad that Jasmine was distracted from Tyler.

Kevin threw his hands up in the air in surrender. "Okay, I've watched it once, but that's because my little sister forced me to watch it with her." He defended himself.

"Don't blame your poor little sister, Kev." Jasmine said, trying to hide her laugh. "Admit it, you loved it."

Kevin sighed. "Alright, you caught me. I have to admit, it was a pretty good movie." He confessed.

"Of course it is. It's Frozen. You couldn't say anything less." Jasmine replied smugly.

"What kind of movie is Frozen? I've never watched it." Lucas asked.

"It's a Disney Animation. You have to watch it." I said.