Chapter 19

I stood up from the floor and took up my books. "Well, I have to get going. We can do this again tomorrow at 5 o'clock." I said.

"I can't tomorrow. How about Saturday?" He asked, standing up too.

"I can't come on Saturday. I work at the cafe from nine to six thirty." I explained.

"Okay then, Monday?" He asked.

I smiled. "Monday it is."

I heard a noise in the kitchen, so I decided to head in there to thank Ms. Linda for the sandwiches earlier. She was such a nice lady and to be honest, the sandwiches were the best I've ever had. When I got in the kitchen, Ms. Linda was busy preparing dinner.

"Ms. Linda, thanks again for the sandwiches earlier. They were delicious." I said.

Linda looked up at me and smiled. "You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it." She said.

"Would you mind telling Mrs. Knight that I left?" I asked.

"Sure, I will do that." She replied.

"Thank you." After saying goodbye to her and Carson, I left the house.

Carson's POV