Jasmine clasped her hands together. "Oh my God, this is so exciting." She expressed grinning at me. "You have your own Knight in shinning armour. You know? Since his name is Knight."
"Yes Jasmine, I get it." I said, shaking my head at her clever choice of words. Before she could say anything else, the teacher entered the classroom. Jasmine and I turned to the front of the class and the teacher began to speak.
In maths class, Mr. Malcolm gave us back our test papers. He took so long with them, that I didn't even remember about this test.
When Mr. Malcolm reached my desk, he gave me a satisfied smile. What the hell? Mr. Malcolm actually smiling? I've never seen him smile before. He was always grumpy and miserable. Especially when it came to me.
"Nice work, Kayla. This is an improvement." He said as he handed me my paper. Shocked by his comment, I looked down on my paper.