
- Liberty Tower -

The staff and different members of

Chris Josh's team is now in the monitoring room and monitoring what is happening inside the game.

Aside from the system itself, there is an estimated over 100 people that monitor every kingdom available for now.

One of the monitoring members saw Ashen sweeping the Timber Forest at an unbelievable rate.

He is already level 8 and his leveling speed is double compared to the majority of the players.

" Boss look at this guy, he's sweeping one of the beginner's maps. With his speed, I'm sure that sooner or later he will encounter one of the field's boss monsters. " The man said with a worried face.

" Don't worry about it this game is all about freedom, if he truly reaches the field boss monster then it's their bad luck for disturbing it. " Chris Josh said without any worry in his face.

" But boss, if we allow that maybe our ratings would go down. It would be unfair if their village will be annihilated. "

" It's just simple if they failed in this village then they can create a new one and start again in another place. Although it would be hard to catch up it's not hopeless."

The man can't do anything but watch Ashen as he advances deeper.

If the field boss is failed to be eliminated then it can go on a rampage and kill everyone that within his territory, aside from that he can also conquer villages inhabited by players killing them and delaying their progress.

Also in these early stages of the game, a massacre wouldn't be a favorable site to see.

So the man who monitors the

The Kingdom of Timber notices that one of its territories is being invaded by a

Goblin King.

If a player came in contact with it, it will surely cost disaster.

After a few hours of watching Ashen, he finally receives a quest to eliminate the

Goblin King.

" Please decline it for the further development of the game," the man is doing a sign of the cross praying that Ashen would decline the quest as it was too hard.

But Ashen didn't even think twice as he accepts the quest.

" Noooo!! " he shouted inside the monitoring room.

Others are surprised and got irritated by his action. " Hey, man we are also working here just quiet down your voice a bit." his co-worker said.

" I'm sorry," with an apologetic tone he quietly watches Ashen once again.

After a few moments, he saw Ashen killing goblins and hobgoblins without any problem.

" Guys look at this, this guy is an expert, maybe he can kill the boss " he called everyone that is available.

" Holy sh*t who is this guy, he's freaking strong," another one said with a surprised expression.

" He's still gonna die, look at the Goblin King he doesn't even notice it. 3 hits would be enough to kill him," a middle-aged woman doubts that Ashen could pull it off.

" Bang! " the sound of Goblin King punching Ashen could be heard clearly.

" See I told you he has no chance he's gonna die," the woman smiled as she thought she predicted it correctly.

But after a few moments, everyone is in shock and disbelief as Ashen slashes the genitals of Goblin King and completely kill it.

" Yooo! That's awesome," the man jumps in excitement.

Others also clap at the performance of Ashen approving that he is an exceptional player.

Chris Josh also smiled and said " I didn't expect that one, with the first field boss being eliminated the game will now progress at a faster pace. "