
As they are walking through the forest, Ashen inspects every villager that comes with him.

Rico Jay ( NPC )

Level: 8

Billy Joe ( NPC )

Level: 9

Ryan Peter ( NPC )

Level: 6


There are about 13 others that have the same level as them ranging from level 6 to 10.

With their level, goblins are not a huge threat, they could probably hold on their own.

The only problem is that the [ Goblin Queen ]. Ashen doesn't have any clue about her strength.

The villagers also don't know anything about [ Goblin Queen ] as they never come in contact with her.

After walking for almost 3 kilometers, they have encountered different mobs.

Ashen watches the people to test out their ability. Surprisingly they hold out on their own against wolves and goblins.

The people in this game or the NPC as we call them are used to hunting and battle so they didn't struggle, unlike the new players that don't have any experience even simple monsters can rekt them.

Ashen is satisfied with their performance and praises them for their ability.

" I didn't think that all of you would be this good, with your help I think we will have an easier time rescuing others."

" Thank you for your praise hero, but we are already near in their camp," the villager said as he pointed his hands to a cave.

" Before we go inside, I like to inform everyone about my plan. I don't want any casualties as much as possible so I'm going to fight the

[ Goblin Queen ] alone. While all of you exterminate the goblins and hobgoblins so that there won't be any distraction in our fight."

"You can count on us hero we won't disappoint you, " one of the villagers replied.

Others also nodded in agreement.

As soon as they enter the cave numerous goblins immediately welcome them.

" Attack! "

" Rahh! "

" Kill them all! "

The angry shouts of the villagers are echoing in the cave as they clash with the goblins and hobgoblins.

their weapons are clanging and shouts of pain could be heard all over the place.

They slash, stab and kill all the melee goblins while Ashen is attacking the hobgoblins from the back.

-22 Hit Points

-17 Hit Points

-19 Hit Points

-22 Hit Points



You gain 10 experience points!


You gain 10 experience points!


Within just 15 minutes all the small fries have been eliminated.

While the villagers are resting because of exhaustion.

Ashen scout further to check whether if there are more enemies deeper.

As he walks silently and steadily to avoid being caught. After 400 meters of walking, he saw a huge wood-like cage wherein they put all the other villagers tied up.

Just beside the cage, there are two stone chairs wherein the other one is empty, and in the other one a huge goblin is sitting comfortably guarded by numerous hobgoblins.

[ AiAi- Goblin Queen ] ( Boss Monster )

Level: 15

Hit Points: 500 / 500

Mana: 200 / 200

Skills: ( Thick Skin ) ( Saliva Spit ) ( Bite )

( Quick Strike ) ( Fast Kick ) ( Command )

( Night Vision ) ( Smell )

Seeing at it has almost the same strength as the Goblin King, Ashen underestimated the Goblin Queen and rushes at her.

He can't calm his head down as he saw the other people being tied like an animal inside the cage.

AiAi is not an idiot and immediately commands the goblins and hobgoblins to attack him.

Ashen notices that the goblins and hobgoblins are faster than they usually are.

" Maybe this is the effect of her skill command, in a large-scale battle, this would be troublesome," although he said this.

He still effortlessly kill the goblins and dodges the arrows that aim at him.

- 22

Vital Strike!

- 44 critical hit!

- 22

- 22


Ashen is bullying the goblins as they don't have any chance to even sniff his body.

He is looking like his real self in the modern world as he stabs all his enemies killing them and dropping them on the ground.

His hands and face are full of green blood. The surroundings are looking like a massacre of goblins.

AiAi cannot tolerate the action of Ashen as she launches her attack.

" It's a front kick"

Ashen tried to dodge his kick but he didn't imagine that it would be too fast even for him.

As the kick is nearing his chin, he already knew he couldn't dodge it so he crosses his arm below his chin to avoid a vital hit on him.


The impact of the kick could be heard as Ashen went flying in the air.

- 35 Hit Points

Before Ashen could even go down, in the midair AiAi spit on him.

" Saliva Spit "

" It's as fast as a bullet," Ashen exclaimed as he saw the spit coming into him and hitting his body.

- 20 Hit Points

After he landed Ashen tried to counter-attack as he launches his attack on AiAi's body.

He slashes AiAi but her skin is too thick to be penetrated.

- 8 Hit Points

- 8 Hit Points

- 8 Hit Points

But even though it only causes a small amount of damage Ashen didn't stop attacking her.

AiAi wouldn't just stand and allow him to do what he wants.

She uses her skill quick-strike ignoring defending and just focuses on hitting Ashen.

The hands of the AiAi are so fast that Ashen dodges it with just a hair strand.

Ashen showcases his battle experience as he jumps and stabs the right eye of AiAi.

Vital Strike!

- 88 Critical Hit!

The bleeding effect has been inflected!

- 5 hit points per second.

AiAi cried in pain and lost her footing as she cover his right eye and before she could even recover, Ashen didn't give him a chance to gain his balance as he stab the left eye of AiAi.

Vital Strike!

- 88 Critical Hit!

The bleeding effect has been inflected!

- 5 hit points per second

Your enemy is now been blinded.

With AiAi being blind it is only a matter of time before Ashen could eliminate her.