
Everyone is looking at Pyro like he was some sort of a God. With his extraordinary strength and power, they are without a doubt respected and fear him at the same time.

" Everyone can rest now for a minute before we head back," Pyro said as he approaches everyone.

" Why are you so strong? " Ashen couldn't stop himself from asking.

" Hmm " Pyro wonder for a moment putting his hands in his chins before answering.

"I must be strong, I trained the hardest and endure every hardship that I encounter," Pyro replied.

" I also wanted to be like you, " Ashen looks at him with sparkling eyes and admiration.

" You must rest first and then go find me at my residence after I report to the king," Pyro handed Ashen a crest that symbolizes his position as the 3rd Dark Knight.

Everyone was surprised by the decision of Pyro because his crest symbolizes his authority, it's like recognizing Ashen as his successor or his pupil.

[The 3rd Dark Knight Crest ] ( Unique )

Symbolizes the power and authority of the 3rd Dark Knight.

- You will have almost the same privilege as the current 3rd Dark Knight.

- Almost everyone at the Timber Kingdom will respect you if you show it to them.

- You will have more access to some of the restricted places in the Timber Kingdom.

" I will only give you this one chance to prove yourself you better not disappoint, " Pyro said to Ashen as he commanded everyone to come back in the kingdom.

After a long journey, everyone finally arrives at the threshold kingdom.

They look so tired, their armors and weapons are in bad shape but when they enter the kingdom they felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.

"Pyro! Pyro! Pyro! Pyro! "

" Alex you're so cool! please marry me "

" The soldiers look so mature and handsome this time they deserve to have a wife"


The people were celebrating and shouting their names as they went inside. Flowers and cheers are everywhere as they succeeded in the mission.

Ashen is also so tired but he didn't feel that way when he saw a lot of people appreciate their effort. He promises himself that he would dedicate himself to helping others.

After that short welcome everything was back to normal as they approaches the royal castle.

Ashen was in awe of the magnificent structural beauty of the castle. He looks at it like it was some sort of a fairy tale dream.

He also looks at the garden like it was a haven full of flowering fragrances, nooks, and crannies of sheer delight. He is in marvel at the coolness of marbles and the sheer beauty of the landscaping.

It also has several defensive turrets that look dangerous.

There are also several guards here that protect and patrol the place.

Finally, they arrive at the royal court, 100 meters away from them a middle-aged man was sitting on an extravagant chair.

He is approximately 2.11 meters, with a bald head and skinny ripped muscles. He is wearing a green royal mantle that slightly hides his black and green armor.

They immediately bow down their heads and kneel in the presence of the king.

" Everyone stand up, " The king said as he raises his hands.

Everyone quickly stands up and makes a four-line that each one representing their battalion.

Ashen scans the king to know how strong he is.

[ Kevin Os ] ( Timber Kingdom King )


" As expected nothing shows up," he sigh.

The King ordered Pyro to report everything that happened.

Pyro started reporting and also praises the soldiers for their effort.

" For the brave soldiers and valiant effort of everyone, I congratulate all of you. Your rewards will be given to you according to your performance."

Everyone was receiving almost the same kind of weapons and armors. The items are no less than rare, this is extremely valuable early in this game, and the king rewarded everyone like it was nothing.

" Why is everyone receiving rare items like it was nothing? " Ashen asks Alex because of his curiosity.

" It's more likely a tradition after soldiers completed their first extermination mission which is usually very hard the king gave them not less than a rare item," Alex explained.

It's Ashen turn now, he's nervous and excited at the same time.

The King looks at Ashen like he was scanning him after that the king smiled at him.

" You're so young and have an infinite amount of potential, base on Pyro's report you have the most contribution among the new soldiers," the king taps him at the shoulder.

" Your heroic actions earned my favor an item would just give you a temporary power-up, so for your contribution, I will give you a portion of my lands, "

" What! " Everyone reacted at the same time they are so shocked that they forget they're in front of the king.

" Calm down everyone, this young man right here deserves to have a title of a knight based on his nature but his strength is still lacking so as compensation for his lack of strength I will give him the swamp village, "

Everyone seems to agree with the reward of Ashen as Swamp Village is one of the least important territories of the country and it's located in the northernmost part of the kingdom.

" Everything that's within the swamp village territory will be considered yours including hunting grounds and its people living there."


[ Quest: Troilo Extermination ] Completed

[ Difficulty: S]

Every time the Troilo's appear they are increasing in a ridiculous amount of number eliminate them before they become a greater threat.

Rewards: Swamp Village, Level Up Five Times.



Player Ashen Is The First Ever To Complete An S Rated Quest!


Player Ashen Has Completed An S Rated Quest!

All the players were in an uproar once again with Ashen's incredible feat.

He is speechless and didn't know what to react as he receive all this notification in his head.

Ashen appreciate his reward ang gives thanks to the king.

After a short conversation with everyone, Ashen went out of the castle and plans to log out when suddenly somebody calls him in the game.


Your Griffin is Calling You!

[ Accept ] [Ignore]

Ashen clicks accept and Griffin immediately talks.

" Hey Ashen how are you? Anyway, I'm already at the kingdom let's meet up, "

" Okay send me your location I'm coming there, "