Chapter-52 <*With HouXiang (short R-18)*>

"It should feel rather good," HouXiang said. "At least I know you have a healthy sexual appetite, but you won't be able to do that with me tonight. Since the only hole you've entered in your mother is the mouth, that's the only hole you can use, but my fork tongue will definitely be very different."

HouXiang winks at me as she says that. I'm lifted and put on the bed and she undresses me.

"Will you take off your clothes too?"

I do not know why I asked that.

"Do it with your mom first and next time I'll take off my clothing too. Then I will bear your child as well."

Whoa whoa whoa! What?

"Yes… I… will… take… your… seed… and… bear… your … child…" HouXiang winked. "If your body is great for dual cultivation, then your daughters may dual cultivate with you too and will bear you more daughters."

"This is almost ridiculous!" I yelled. "I mean… I consider myself open-minded and willing to understand different things but this.. this…"

"It's a shock perhaps, but you're the only one in the continent's history who might have a universal body for dual cultivation because of these circumstances. Impregnating your own mother will finish that condition, and this ability to dual cultivate is a boon for all female cultivators. It will be for every female cultivator… or would you rather with hold those blessings from your daughters?"


I really can't process this…

My clothes are removed.

I've prepared myself for mom.

Dragon woman… I have not…

I find myself completely naked in front of her as her fork tongue wraps around my little dragon. It squeezes it and goes up and down as she stares up into my eyes while hers glow under the moonlight.

This is a dragon woman is making me squirm while her arms hold my legs in place. All I can do is grab her hair as she bobs back and forth on me.

It's a feeling I hadn't felt before, but it's a feeling I'm going to accept no matter how weird it feels. I need to enjoy this. I need to enjoy everything I can get and stop worrying. My life is already messed up. Letting go of everything I had believed in my life as Jordan, University student and embracing everything that is Dong Chen and his required unconventional sexual relations is something I must do.

My fluids come out and HouXiang swallows it all and cleans me up with her tongue. When I thought it would stop, it didn't… it kept gushing out more as her tongue kept moving back and forth. It constricted my member as though it was the dominant fighter after a hot and sticky wrestling match.

I couldn't stop it. I felt like I was being drained. I felt like…


A large load came all at once…

Her throat made gulping sounds as I saw her swallowing… I wasn't sure what to think as all this happened so quickly despite feeling so good.

"You gave me a lot, you were so backed up, weren't you? You didn't have an outlet, my poor, poor boy…"

She gave me a seductive smile as she lay me back.

"Don't worry Dong Chen, when your mom wakes up she will do it with you," HouXiang said. "We'll all let her know you're willing."

There was a smile on her face as she spoke, but after draining me I was just too tired.

"You'll all… all?"

"Don't you know? There are five previous Sect Masters before your mom. Until she wakes up, we're going to have our fun. Once your mom is pregnant, your body will change and you can save the elf you seem to like so much."

"I can save Hou Jian?""Yes," HouXiang said. "It's the only way, after all. Now go to sleep, I need you fresh for tomorrow. We're going to do more training."


"Yes, Training, you'll see."

A devilish smile was on HouXiang's face. If my guess is correct, this training involves something only degenerates would fully enjoy.

The next morning came and my face was right in between the enormous globes of HouXiang. She was already awakened and I'm sure cultivators don't need to sleep like mortals do.

"You looked so adorable when you sleep," she said. "So adorable. Let's make you even more adorable."

"What are you going to do?"

"I want more," HouXiang said. "I felt my power growing. Haven't you felt yours growing? Try circulating energy within your body."

No point in getting all riled up, I mean I'm supposed to react in shock here, jump up on the bed and try to resist saying this is wrong. I just don't want to do that. HouXiang's body was soft, and she blew me last night. If I'm lucky, she's going to blow me today.

Who cares about our age gap? She's beautiful.


I close my eyes and begin circulating. There's much more energy flowing back and forth than before. It was amazing. I didn't know I had this.

"You've turned from a mortal into a cultivator," HouXiang said. "You're the first of your kind, but for now you can only dual cultivate with those of us with the same Fate of Extreme Beauty as your mom has. Once she has your child, your body will change and you'll be the universal male cultivator."

"The Universal male?"

"You can dual cultivate and make any female cultivator stronger, also all your offspring with other cultivators will be born with a cultivation fate as well so you won't have to worry about having mortal children."

Isn't this too convenient?

"No, this is your fate. You were born to spread your seed and you're the key to the Blossoming Flowers, the Sect I founded, becoming the hegemony of the world."

HouXiang had a bright and exciting smile as her large hands and long slender fingers came from around my waist to fiddle with the smaller me.

"This Yang Stick of yours is truly miraculous."

Yang stick? What kind of name?

"Yes, I call it a Yang Stick," HouXiang said. "It delivers yang that is perfect for cultivation, and in the future it'll deliver even better Yang. Your white fluids are yang juice."

I felt my dragon arising, readying itself for battle. It's still morning, and I hadn't eaten yet but this woman just kept seducing me with her words. There was nothing I could hide in front of her.

"Grand Sect Master," I said. "I'm sorry, but it's hard to get used to the way you word and do things."

"Call me HouXiang," she said. "We already became familiar with each other last night. I will become one of your lovers, so there isn't a need for honorifics with me."

"Then HouXiang, I'm curious how you look like under the mask."

With that said, HouXiang smiled and then laughed.

"You really are curious, aren't you? Didn't your mother already show you what happens when someone sees her face?"

"She did. I remember when she showed what happened to the prisoner and how he went mad with lust after her. It was something I didn't think possible."

"Mad with lust, that's true," HouXiang whispered. "If you became mad with lust, it'll settle down after you've spent a sufficient amount of time with me. I've had other lovers before, and I've shown my face. Ethically, we with the Fate of Extreme Beauty should only show our faces to those whom we're willing to spend plenty of time with until they calm down and are used to our looks."

Desensitization training. It's a concept they use here as well. If mom really wanted me to go after her, all she had to do was show me her face. That's scary when I think about it. If I lost control of myself just because I saw her face… but in some ways it's kind of like one of those scenes a degenerate would watch of a man going after his own mom because he was… no… no… no!

"You're quite confused, aren't you Dong Chen? There is no need to be confused. Accept the sensations with your body and don't think too much of it. You are a man, we are women. Embrace that idea and let it go. You will become a powerful cultivator if you can do that."

I take a deep breath and relax in her arms. Her body was covered up just like mom's. Seeing me naked wouldn't cause her to lose control of herself, but apparently I wouldn't be able to control myself if I saw her naked.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked HouXiang.

"We're first going to have you eat breakfast, then I'm going to give some instruction to your mother's disciples. After that, I'll take you with me to do some training. You're a budding cultivator now and there are many things you're will need to learn."

I put my clothing on and HouXiang stares at me. It felt strange to watch a beautiful dragon lady watching me, and my dragon rose a bit.

"We'll do that tonight," HouXiang said. "For now, behave yourself."

Her teasing voice was hard to bear with, but she stood up and gave me a deep kiss with her tongue nearly going down my throat. When she let go, she smiled.

"You'll have to be a good boy for me this week."

HouXiang left and Elder Liu came to the room a few moments later with the breakfast she normally does. The older woman looked at the floor as though unwilling to make eye contact.

"Elder Liu, what is happening?"

"Master Chen, I apologize for treating you as a child before."

"Apologize? But Elder Liu… I am a child compared to you."

"No," she said. "If you are to be the lover and future husband of HouXiang, you will have a status and title far above my own. The husband of the founder, let alone marrying the rest of them."
