Chapter-54<*Older Dong Chen-II & HouXiang again*>

I can't deny I read the story and that fan-fiction he now has knowledge about. I see him walking.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"I'm going to the computer," Jordan said. "I'm going to look at that website. I want to read the story myself too, so I know how you think!"

"You're an idiot!" I yell at him. "You know that enjoying something fictional doesn't mean someone wants to do it in real life, right?"

"Oh? Aren't you going to have intercourse with your mom? You're going to do it. It's cause your parents in this world are dead that's why you're willing to switch with me, isn't it? Well… I can't deny that my mother is beautiful, but it's not the same pure love that can only be had between men."

I do not know what he's talking about. It doesn't matter, does it? He will not listen to me, no matter what I say, anyway.

"I thought you liked men because you were attracted to them sexually." I said this, trying to probe.

"Oh, no," Jordan said. "I just read many tales in the books about how brothers would give their lives for each other. They would sacrifice on the field of battle and develop bonds where they would leave their families and wives over it. I felt that was the purest form of love, and only men can give that love to each other. I always felt that to consummate with this kind of love, I had to replace a woman with my life with a man."

"So was it everything you hoped for?" I had to ask.

Jordan seemed to be hesitant. "It is, it is everything I hoped for and more."

He's lying to himself. I can tell. He was probably disappointed, and can probably tell that though Charles was into him, he probably wouldn't give his life for him.

"Well, read that web novel," I said.

"Which one?" Jordan asked. "There are two of them, there's the main one and the fan fiction… then there is another one that is called 'Oh No I switched places with someone and my mom became a son-con' which I don't recognize because they're not in your memories."

"Wait, there's a new one?"

"Says written by the same degenerate who wrote the fan-fiction," Jordan said. "By the way, why would you read something like this? I don't get the allure of wanting to do it with your own mom… but.. since you're going to be doing it with your own mom, I guess it served as adequate preparation material."

"Just shut up!" I didn't want to take this anymore.

Seriously, even if I enjoyed reading that stuff and have trouble admitting I'm a degenerate… reading about it and having it actually happen are two different things. I can try my hardest to think of doing it with mom as normal, but the only reason it's fun in fiction is because of the reactions. In real life, yandere behavior is scary, and doing it with my mom just feels so wrong.

"Hmmm… this story talks about how you and me had a conversation in a dream and Charles as well," Jordan said. "I don't really understand but everything it says so far has happened din your memory."

"Wait? What?"

"Yes, it's only up to chapter eleven now though, but this guy called super boy or something is the only one other than the author and the website manager who posts comments."

What? Okay, what? My story is being written… then that author… who the hell is that author writing it?

"Jordan, you said the author posts comments, right?"

"Yeah," Jordan said. "It's the same guy who wrote that fan-fiction."

What the heck? How would he?

"Find a way to message the author, I want to know what happens!"

"I'm looking at this… disqus thing… I don't know how to do it… there is no private message function."

"Jordan, just find some old disqus thread somewhere far away that no one uses and mention his name, so he sees it and post your email there. Once he sees it he'll write you back."

"Okay.. okay! Man… what made you think of that?"

"Well, that superboy or something commentator would do that with someone else's name to get him to read it, I just figured it would work that way, but you'll probably have to create an account to do it."

"Alright, alright, I'll do it!" Jordan said. "Then I'm going to bed, I'll talk to you after it's done."

The conversation ended, and he was gone. I think I spent most of the morning talking to him. It was afternoon and HouXiang would be back soon.

HouXiang went down to the chamber before returning to the room to see Dong Chen. This was to check in on Risless' recovery as well as inform the others about Dong Chen. In the chamber, the other four who were awake greeted her.

"So how was my great grandson?" Xisleth asked. "Did you enjoy his taste?"

"He was delicious indeed," HouXiang said. "He's an adorable boy who needs more tender loving care. Even though he tried to be brave, he was nervous in my loving arms. Though he gave me his seed, he was anxious the entire time. He needs more work."

"You are intimidating looking," Gora said. "Someone like me is much more soft and alluring than you would be."

"Be quiet!" Sana said. "You can't disrespect the progenitor!"

"It's fine, Sana," HouXiang said. "It wasn't nice of me to force my way first, but I really wanted to confirm for myself if the theory would be true and I've confirmed he will definitely be a universal dual cultivator once he mixes his yang with Risless Yin."

"So we can all break past the limit of our current cultivation?"

"Yes," HouXiang said. "Not only that, but the amount of power I have now from just one night has to still be cultivated because of how much it is. I feel as though if I cultivated for a few more months, I could break through. It explains how Risless grew in power as well, though it was too soon for her to leave seclusion, which is why she suffered a backlash."

"This is incredible," Sana said excitedly. "To walk out there again and no longer having to hibernate and wait my turn of ten thousand years."

"You will all bear him a child each," HouXiang said. "After Risless we will all have at least one child with him, if not more. Our seeds will allow us the Blossoming Flowers to dominate the world."

"Why must we dominate the world," Iora asked, making everyone quiet as she hardly spoke. "I do not feel that is worth doing."

"It's the question of power." HouXiang spoke with a convincing voice. "If the world were to learn that Risless had a child with Dong Chen and we did not defend our Sect, they would all combine and try to destroy us. If they know we are having a universal dual cultivator who can help us break through our limits as dual cultivation is the most powerful form of cultivation, they'll try to assassinate him. It is important therefore that we strengthen ourselves as quickly as possible."

Those who were present agreed with what was said by HouXiang. Cultivators always understood that might makes right. This was true in all societies, the ones with the power make the rules and can bend them when they wanted. No matter the kind of society, one could always find the wrongdoings of the leaders and the powerful being swept away.

"I will go and help him relax now," HouXiang said.

The door opened, and HouXiang entered. I'm not sure I'll get used to seeing blue hair, I know Hou Jian had it butblue hair on silver scaled skin? When I touched her skin, it was soft despite being of a different texture. She definitely felt like a woman.

"Dong Chen, was your morning pleasant?"

I can't tell her about the conversation with Jordan, but she can't understand anything I think about when it pertains to my switch, anyway.

"It was boring," I said. "I don't like being stuck in here and I want to go out and play."

"Young men always want to go out and play," HouXiang said teasingly. "For now, bear with it and I'll play with you instead. We can do this all afternoon or until you're tired and want to sleep."

She was inviting me.

I want to see her naked.

I want to see it so bad. She must look amazing naked. I want to see what her million year old hole looks like too… it's probably a cave of wonders for me to insert…

"Ho ho ho… such nice thoughts you have Dong Chen!" HouXiang walked over. "Let me help you, don't be nervous."

Her hands are rubbing around my body as I feel her pulling off my clothes. This is all we could do now because I couldn't go further… damn it mom… If you just told me and you were already pregnant then I'd be able to do it with this beautiful milf now!

"Milf? What is a milf?" HouXiang suddenly asked.

Uh.. crap…

"Milf stands for… mother I would like to fu…"

"Ah… so it's because I was a mother before and you want to do it with me? Ho ho ho! A boy who makes me feel young again!"

"Uh.. yeah…"

I trembled as HouXiang felt dangerous. Her breath was on mine as she kissed me softly. Her tongue slithered all over the place in my mouth, around my teeth, and down my throat.

"I can feel how anxious you are in the kiss," she said.

"It… it's hard not to be nervous…" I say. "I know how beautiful you are… I'm… not experienced…"

"It will get easier," HouXiang said. "I have a million years of hundreds of thousands of lovers and everyone of them who had never done it before was nervous. This is normal Dong Chen, so relax and let me take the lead."


Her hands rubbed my back and pulled me in deep to her embrace.

"Let your mind go blank," she whispered. "Embrace the sensations I give you, embrace the lust."