Chapter-69<*Sweet Gora( R-18)*>

When the week ended, I felt the room being lifted again. It was Elder Liu on the outside.

"Dong Chen, Iora is back in hibernation and you can come out now," Elder Liu said.

I opened the door and gave the key back to her. There was no need to stay in this room unless…

"Is the next Sect Master going to be like Iora?"

"No," Elder Liu said. "She was the one who helped build the Sect back up once Iora finished her rampage and spent thousands of years to do so. She is civilized, as those from the demon race usually are."

"Demon race?"

"Oh, you're a mortal who has never seen noticed the demon race before? They're very similar looking to humans to where it's hard to tell them apart. There were many demon race disciples in our Sect you've seen that you might not have noticed at all."

"Then what's the difference between them and humans if they look the same?"

I was genuinely curious here. What's the point of saying they're of distinct races if their looks are similar. Is it because they have unique cultures or ways of doing things? Anything could be better than what Iora did. I will not think about that anymore. It just gives me a headache knowing that she'll be coming out.

Some arms hugged me from behind.

"We are only different in humans because of our eyes," the woman said. "I'm Gora. I'm glad you're alright."

There was a sweetness to her voice. A sweetness that seemed to tell me that everything was going to be fine.

"This is Sect Master Gora," Elder Liu kneeled.

"After me, your great grandmother is very eager to meet you," Gora said. "She'll be after me. She really wants to dual cultivate with you."

Gora winked as her words dripped with a hint of playful seduction. There were no wasted movements. To compare her body, I'd say she was most similar to Sana, except she was slightly taller than I was rather than slightly shorter. She had yellow glowing eyes and red hair along with a definition of her muscles that could be felt through the clothing when she embraced me.

"Nice to meet you," I said. "Sect Master Gora."

"Call me Gora, only Gora. You'll be my husband too, one day as well. Let's not waste time, I need to dual cultivate as much as I can if you're willing. I won't bring in other males or touch other males as long as you don't send me away."

"You're being too polite," I said. "I…"

"Shhh…" her finger went over my lips.

"Elder Liu, we're going to lock ourselves in the safe room. Bring some food and do the repairs while we're in there."

"Yes, Sect Master Gora," Elder Liu said.

"Come Dong Chen, let me spoil you."

I'm not sure how to describe my time with Gora except that she did a lot of things similar to Sana. If I didn't know better, I'd say that they were sisters. Gora's mannerisms were similar the only difference was she was more affectionate.

"Dong Chen, it tastes really good," Gora said.

"You're not joking, are you?"

"No," Gora said. "I really like the taste of your yang. It makes me feel stronger like there is something so compatible with my body. I wish we could do this the regular way though, so I can also enjoy with the part of my body that has to most Yin."

What she meant was intercourse.

"I have to wait for my mom for that," I said.

I wasn't really sure I wanted to impregnate her if it meant the possibility that Iora might be freed. I'm tired of crazy, powerful women trying to force me to bend to their whims and ideas. Beautiful women are who are sweet like Sana and Gora are fine, though.

Gora tilted her mask.

"I'm sure you want to see how we look like without our masks," Gora said. "I can tell you this though, if you can see one of us without our masks then you can see all of us without it. It's dangerous for us to show our face."

"Why didn't Iora show her face then if she could use it to control people?" I was curious about this.

"Iora has animal instincts and training by those who raised her within the Sect," Gora explains. "They taught her to never remove her mask, so she associates it with something bad. She could probably learn to understand it, but she chooses not too. Those who are stubborn often choose not to learn something because it makes them uncomfortable, and that is how Iora is."

"I… I see… so she just wants to give in to her animal instincts and think little of everything else."

"Yes, that is the case with her," Gora said. "I had to deal with many of her loyal followers for many years after I took over. I don't want to talk about her anymore now, Dong Chen. Your Great Grandmother will talk to you about her when it's her turn, for now just focus on me. I want your undivided attention. Dong Chen, I want you to tremble when I'm with you and I'll give you the sensations to do so."

Everything with Gora was easier, but she seemed to pay more attention to my sack than the first two. She really enjoyed touching it with her fingers while she worked the shaft with her mouth.

I moaned softly as the experienced woman worked her magic until she got her reward.

"It seems you're far more comfortable with this than you were before," Gora said. "Is it because of the experiences you had with HouXiang and Sana?"

"I guess…" I said. "I mean… I'm technically still a virgin but the amount of sexual contact I've had… is… well… different…"

"You mean the contact with our mouths, right?" Gora asked. "It's true that the mouth is very personal, especially for us as we're seeing what you have up close and personal. We're tasting you, but it also only means we are exploring your body and you haven't explored ours. So you've only experienced the pleasure but have no experience giving it."

I mean, she's kind of right… It's like buying a machine that can do it for you. If you're not taking part, is it really right? Did she have to talk about "exploring"my body in such a seductive way, though?

"So how about grabbing my head and thrusting away like you were born to do?" Gora suggested. "Make sure you're careful of the mask. Since I'm a high level cultivator, you won't be able to harm me even if you use all your strength."


I'm flabbergasted.

"Yes. Mouth F*** Me to your heart's content, or is it called face f***ing now?" She had a devilish smile. "Think of it as training your pelvic thrusts. You're going to have to satisfy all of us one day, so you might as well get used to the training now."

When HouXiang or Sana extracted Yang, I didn't dare touch them. They were beautiful and powerful women who had been alive longer… I want to say longer than human history in my previous world. I didn't dare do anything unless they suggested it first.

Horns sprouted on Gora's forehead as she smiled.

"Grab my horns and don't hold back. I can take it." Her smile… that damned smile… "Oh, this is the other thing demons have that humans don't. We have horns that can hide but come out when we want to go to war. It helps us concentrate."

Even hidden under her mask, that smile was something hard to forget. It wasn't easy to think about how. I reached for her horns and she used her hands to position mine on them.

"They're strong horns," Gora said. "How do they feel?"

"Hard…" I answered.

"I'll hold on to your hips while you thrust, rememberto go hard and fast."

I did as she asked and grabbed on tight. I felt her arms around my hips reaching to the cheeks behind and her nails dug in slightly. I thrust forward softly, but then I felt a light smack behind.

Looking down, I see her eyes through the mask glaring as though I'm going too weak.


A loud slap hit my butt, and the surprise had me thrust hard, pushing all of it to where I felt some of her throat. The hand rubbed where it hit, then she pushed me in and out. It wasn't hard to match her rhythm while holding onto the horns. I kept feeling like I was hurting her… it must be the instinct.

"Okay… I'm going to do it as hard as I can."

I began thrusting with her encouragement as we held onto each other. The sensation was unfamiliar and I didn't know how long I could hold it in. The intensity rose, and I let it go, and the rest of it came out, making me exhausted.

"You don't have enough stamina for the real thing with me," Gora said. "Good news is you can get that stamina, but it's nice that you don't have it when this is the only way to dual cultivate."

"How would I train that stamina?"

"Well, demons do a little thing we call six-nine, but I don't expect a human mortal to know what that is. I'll teach it to you after we're married."


hey guys what's up ✌️

I hope you guys like this chapter ✌️

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guys I'm uploading one more novel So please support

Name of The novel I have not decided yet

but I'm thinking like : I alone level up

or guys you can also tell me some name about leveling novels

please suggest an op name


well good night guys

See you soon🥶