Chapter-72<*talk with grandma*>

Xi crawled up into my lap, placing her head on my chest. Despite the mask, I had to admit she looked very cute. I felt like I would do anything to protect her, even though I knew she would be the one protecting me.

Is that what useless anime protagonists felt when they were physically larger than their love interest yet were far weaker otherwise. I don't understand what that fascination is with weak men getting powerful women. Do most people who read novels see themselves as weak and wishing they could have someone protect them?

"Yes," Xi said. "Yes, Little Dong, we can talk now. Grandma has had her fill and feels good. Grandma wants more later, but grandma's stomach is just too small."

Again, the way she words everything just feels so wrong. I'm not even sure what to say.

"So… Xi… as my great grandmother, are you also planning on becoming a wife of mine?"

"Yes, Little Dong!" She said enthusiastically. "Not only me, but your mother Risless too! Or do you love the women outside your family more than those within?"

What? No! Okay… this is a different world. I have to learn to stop reacting to this like an idiot.

"No, I don't just love women outside my family. It's just the idea of marrying my mother and grandmother is strange to me still. I know the other Sect Masters are older than the both of you, but they're not blood related like you two are."

"Blood relation doesn't matter once we discovered we were cultivators," Xi said. "Rather, the fact we're blood related actually makes it easier to dual cultivate, though there is rarely ever a time where dual cultivation happens since compatibility is a problem. Even more rare for those blood related to have that compatibility."

"I didn't know that…"

So does this mean they actually encouraged incestuous relations from cultivators? That two blood related individuals are to be a together goes against the norm that mortals have, doesn't it?

"No, it's never happened before, grandma lied," Xi said. "Relationships between parent and child are completely forbidden in the eyes of the world and even in the cultivation world, the only reason we have done it here is because HouXiang had talked about it. If the other Sects were to learn about this, they would all attack us at the same time saying we are an abomination under the heavens."


I guess the idea of letting two consenting adults do whatever they want in their bedrooms is something they do not know about. All those arguments I saw when I was a kid about how there shouldn't be regulation about what happens in the bedroom… well, at the very least this world doesn't act hypocritical and then pretend it isn't. They base everything here on power. Well, maybe there is hypocrisy here, but since I'm stuck in the Sect I see little of the wide world.

"Then what are we planning to do?"

"You will empower all of us after becoming a universal cultivator," Xi said. "You will dual cultivate with every one of us except for Iora, who is someone we have eliminated."


This is news to me. I thought I would have to deal with her when this was over and even made mental preparations and thoughts on what I would need to do. This was rather strange in a way.

"You just have to remember one thing," Xi said. "After HouXiang, she is the next best at combat. All of us aren't confident against her one on one because of her instinctual advantages, so having more against her would be better."

"That doesn't sound too difficult—"

"However," she interrupted me. "Iora has very good reflexes and instinct and it's likely she will be the first one out which leaves Risless in a vulnerable position. Since you're a dual cultivator and not an actual cultivator, there might be problems. You'll have to ensure that Risless wins if they fight. I doubt Risless will let you be with her."

"How would I do that?"

Xisleth handed me a small stone.

"I've set this stone up so that it would light up when she's definitely stronger than Iora. As long as you follow it, there is a better chance, but it's not likely that Risless can win by herself. I'll tell you how it works after we're done dual cultivating. Since all the others except Iora could get to their pinnacle of cultivation, then we should be able to do that too."

I know she wanted to focus on dual cultivating with me, but this revelation burdened me. Mom is going to have to fight against someone again. When I hear Iora and everything she did, it was something terrifying. She had killed and ate the men she tried to mate with. There was no stopping her from whatever she wanted, and her instinct told her that being the strongest meant others would eventually have to bend to her will.

Iora also threatened to make a male r*** me… and those huge… um… eggplants… fitting into my anus would not be something I could ever enjoy. Not in this lifetime, my previous lifetime, or any reincarnation I might have if there was such a thing. I figured since transmigration was possible, then so was reincarnation.

I felt my eyelids get heavy as I wanted to sleep. The conversation was long. It did not physically exhaust me as I expected I would be after two large loads came out of me.

"You're tired, Little Dong? Come, lay on Grandma's lap and close your eyes. Grandma will watch over you and tomorrow you can use grandma's butt again!"

She spoke with a cutesy smile and voice. Loli grandmother… what is this world coming too? I felt myself go to sleep.


As Dong Chen closed his eyes and Xisleth noted that her great grandson was asleep she altered the Qi inside him to put him into a deeper sleep.

"As a blood relative I can see the flow of energy through you, and if you want to have a chance at preventing Risless from dying to Iora, then this has to happen," Xisleth said. "I'm sorry Little Dong, but from now on you're going to have a very intense sexual appetite and it might never go away."

Xisleth placed her small hands on Dong Chen's cucumber. She circulated Qi through it as it became more and more erect. There were several pathways that were inefficient for libido and as only one of two cultivators capable of changing it, she pushed her own spiritual energy inside him. Dong Chen's prostate, which harbored a lot of his yang, was slightly knotted, which prevented the Qi from circulating well, and so she opened it.

She pushed her own Qi energy and the Yang within Dong Chen's body released, as the flow became better not only would Dong Chen have more stamina, but the Qi will supplement his Yang so he could eject out much more than the normal mortal would.

Xisleth then sealed the area around Dong Chen, putting up several formations so that the energy could go back and forth. She felt saddened that she wouldn't have the week for him, but sacrifices had to be made and so Xisleth left the room after fortifying everything.

Elder Liu was in her study near the room, ready to attend to anything Xisleth might request. The small sect master walked out and was greeted by Elder Liu.

"Sect Master Xisleth," Elder Liu said, cupping her hands with a bow.

"No need for formalities when it's just the two of us," Xisleth said. "You've worked hard for this Sect after I had left. You even raised Risless on your own when her mother died giving birth to her. I wanted to thank you, Little Liu."

"No need to thank me," Elder Liu said. "It was my duty, and I gained much from raising Risless for the last thirty-six years."

"Thirty six? I guess not that long after I went into hibernation," Xisleth said. "Risless remained in her mother for thousands of years… if only she could have met her mother, my best friend or her father who came out of me."

Elder Liu stood quietly as Xisleth spoke of the past and what she wished for Risless but couldn't get for her. There were far too many complications with who takes control of a Sect and many forces and factions who interact with them.

"If it were not for you raising her, I am afraid Risless might have been another victim to the fate of Extreme Beauty," Xisleth said. "Now however everything has changed and I hope you will be with us once more for many years to come."

Elder Liu bowed. "Sect Master Xisleth, I am but an old woman now and my time will end in the next few hundred years. I seek nothing as I have lived life and been happy. There is nothing I wish for that the Sect has already given to me."

"Nonsense," Xisleth said. "There is always more that can be given when one has diligently taken care of their post. I promise you, Little Liu, there will be much more given to you by the Sect and by those of us who have been the masters both past and present."


hey guys what's up✌️

I hope you'll be fine ✌️✌️

well my tests are finished now...

well I'll upload some chapters tomorrow

well guys I was reading an manhwa named : Windbreaker

well it's great 🤘🏻🤘🏻

the feeling was something different 🤬

bye guys and Good night 🌃