Chapter-76<*Awakening & True feeling***>

I was no longer going ot be a virgin anymore, but I was going to lose my virginity to my own mother. I don't think such a thought would have ever crossed my mind. If people had that thought growing up, boys especially that the person they'd lose their virginity to was their mom…

No, I can't imagine it. If I was still in that literature class, I'd still be reading about how Oedipus f***ed his mom after killing his dad. Then I'd probably have that one blonde girl's name… was it Lisa? I can't even remember anymore… she would ask for help on her assignments and her brother would try to put the moves on me.

After everything that's happened, however, I realize that as long as I can live through what's coming next or deal with Iora, then my position in the Sect should be secure. After that, dealing with the other sects and the world that might come after us would be easy. I only need to continue dual cultivating and make more break throughs among the disciples.

My life will literally revolve around having sex with women to make them more powerful. It's literally a ridiculous plot used in certain adult fictions that originate from a very specific country.

Mom stirred up some more before finally sitting up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned before looking at me.

"Dong Chen? My son!"

Mom immediately came up to me to give a hug.

"I was so worried, my son… mommy was so worried. I thought you were going to be hurt, I thought you were going to be gone. Mommy attacked the Glowing Embers Sect to take revenge, but mommy got injured… where isthis place? Did we both die? No… my Dong Chen…"

She started shedding tears.

"No, mom we're both alive," I said and hugged her back. "This is a secret realm made by HouXiang, so your power fluctuations don't go out and alert the other Sects that you are here. Most think you are severely injured or dead."

"Oh… I'm not dead?" Mom was surprised, then happy.

"There isn't a full moon here dropping Yin energy on you. You will always be able to maintain full control while you're here, but mom there is something we both have to do together here."

"We do? Son… are you leaving me?"

"No! I need to impregnate you and have a child!"

"Have a child?" Mom was shocked. "Dong Chen! Really? You really?"

"Didn't I kiss you like a lover when you came to save me?"

"You did, but mommy thought that was just a kiss a son gives his mother," Mom said. "I wasn't sure, I love you, but I wasn't sure. I felt like you just forgave me for assaulting you that night when the moon was out."

"Mom, should have told me from the very beginning what we needed to do to stop the curse," I said. "I had to learn it from Elder Liu, and it was weird at first, but if youjust told me when I first came to the Sect I would have been open to it and we could have worked it out from there."

"You… but you were… really?" Mom seemed surprised. "I thought such a thing is taboo."

"I know it's taboo, but if it's helping you mom, I'd have been willing to do that," I said. "What I didn't like was having my freedom taken away from me. I wanted to make my own decisions and not be hindered by someone else forcing me to act like a puppet. You know I was always attracted to you."

Mom blushed. "Yes… mom knows… but being attracted and being willing to do that with me were two different things."

"I know, but I wish you could have been willing to trust me a little more at the beginning. All this stuff we went through was because you weren't willing to talk to me or let me decide together with you."

I felt her immediately kiss me; the tongue came into my mouth as I felt she genuinely took enjoyment from this.

"You make mommy so happy," she said. "I am so glad to have a son like you. Every day I had to watch you, I kept yearning for more and more physical contact. I wantedyou inside me a second time… well… only part of you."

"I know mom," I said. "There are a few things I need to tell you, though. A few things about the circumstances we are going through."

For the next several minutes I relayed the information about Iora and how she would try to come out first and how pregnancy would take away some of her strength. Mom listened closely, and I could tell there was some jealousy in her eyes when she asked for more details about how I spent each night with the other four and ignored what they said about Iora.

"Mom, you have to take this seriously, Iora is a genuine threat, and the others warned me a lot about her."

"Even if she is a threat, I don't like the idea of you being with others, humph!" Mom was jealous. "You know who gave birth to you? I did! You know who breast fed you when you were small and couldn't do anything for yourself? I did! You know who had to have intercourse with that weak looking and horrible mortal just so you could be born? I did!"

Wow mom… talk bad about the man who raised me some more if you want…

"Then mommy had to watch while he kept trying to choose a bride for you? Do you know how bad mommy felt when she couldn't be your bride?"

Wait! What the heck? Does the Fate of Extreme Beauty go that far?

"No, mom… I don't know…"

"Grandma Xisleth told Elder Liu that the reason she didn't want me born was because seeing her best friend with her son was heartbreaking and the idea hehad a child with someone else made her feel like needles poked her every day. Taboo made it so she could never be with her son. Taboo made it so all the previous Sect Masters couldn't be with their child. Even Iora once tried to mate with her child… that beast woman was only stopped because she had love for her child, and he adamantly didn't want to be with her and chose another mate. If she had taken her son in that way and the rest of the world knew about it, the Sect would have been in danger because she couldn't be discreet."

Mom sighed as she hugged me and dragged me to the ground where my face was planted in between her large breasts. The soft hands of hers went through my hair as she stroked it little by little.

"You know, mommy loves you a lot. Your circulation has changed a bit and there is more yang energy around your jewels."

"Grandma Xi did it to me while I was sleeping to make it more efficient," I said.

"I see," she said. "Dong Chen, I must ask you if you really want to do this. Mommy wants this very much. Mommy wants to take off her mask and her clothes and show you what she really looks like and you might lust after mommy. There is no turning back once you do, and you might lose your mind, but if you can be strong, then you can get used to my looks."

"Mom, I need to do that," I said. "If I can't become someone who can look upon your face, then I won't be able to look at the face of all of them after. They want to be my wives too."

"What!?" Mom shrilled. "What did you say?"

I shake my head. I will not be dragged into this game of cat and mouse where she gets jealous.

"You're feeling that way now mom but once we have a child together, you might change your thoughts. So please let this go for now."

"Why do you think I'll suddenly change my thoughts on that? Do you think your mom is a cheap woman who will be fine at not possessing the man she loves the most? What gave you the impression your mom will be that way? You unfilial son!"

"Those extreme emotions you get come from the curse itself," I said. "If you still feel that way after then we'll discuss it then and maybe we can run away together, but for now I have to tell you about Iora and what the plan is."

"Fine," Mom said.

These friggin' mood swings. Seriously.

"I'm going to impregnate her to weaken her, then the next one who comes out will kill her."