Chapter-80<*Impregnating Lora and HouXiang***>

Iora stared at me, and quietly she understood she couldn't go against me. I know this is anticlimactic, but at least it worked out and there doesn't have to be a fight. If mom fought her there would probably be some stupid scene where mom is on the ground giving her last breath while I cry and try to comfort her.

F*** that!

Overly emotional scenes don't belong here in my life, only scenes where I pound away.

"Now Iora, I'm going to impregnate you," I said with a smile.

"Okay," Iora said.

She stripped herself and got on the ground, laying on her back in a submissive position. I could see that she was soaked and lubricated between her legs and her fluffy dog like tail wagged from side to side excitedly.

"Good girl, good girl."

"Well, I don't hear any sort of fighting going on," Sana said. "Do you think Risless and Dong Chen are alright?"

"I can't tell through the portal," HouXiang said.

"I hope they're alright," Gora said.

"Please be fine… you're both my only family."

Theshackles of hibernation broke again. The four of them were a bit surprised. One of them could come out next.

"Did Dong Chen willingly impregnate Iora?"

"It's possible he went with the plan and it worked, now she's weaker. Let me go."

HouXiang was the first to go as she was the strongest and the other three didn't challenge her. The tall dragon woman left to enter the portal.

Iora was really a small kitten in my arms. I started by going into the wrong hole in purpose. She didn't seem to mind at all as I pumped her. With this libido and my new abilities, I pumped her hard.

I don't know how to describe it, but I filled her up from behind to where she vomited out the nectar I put into her. I didn't know I could push out such huge loads and with an enough pressure that it goes in all the way.

"Was that uncomfortable?" I asked reflexively.

Even if she was a b***h, something like this could be horrible. If she had been upset at me wanting to mate with her, I'm not even sure I would have done it.

"No, keep going, but this time impregnate me!"

She was excited and wagging her tail, so I obliged andspurted everything I could into the right hole. Mom watched as Iora screamed with delight and I could tell as the Yin and Yang once again mixed, producing a child… it was another daughter.

At least that went without issue. A few moments later another came through the portal. It was HouXiang who came. HouXiang who will lay eggs.

"Are you next?" I asked.

"I suppose I am," HouXiang said. "Iora… she's following your orders?"

"She has no choice, all females will have to bow down to me now that I have the Universal Dual Cultivation body. Every woman will recognize my greatness!"

"Oh, my… such a cocky little brat, aren't you?"

I guess she has the qualifications to call me that.

"I don't see why I shouldn't be," I said.

"I gave birth to him," Mom said. "Now I just have this overwhelming feeling that I should share him with you."

"You don't have the feeling of jealousy anymore?" HouXiang asked.

"I don't. Once I got pregnant, it wasas if everything just changed and moved away from me. I feel like I have everything I need… also what mother doesn't want to see her grandchildren? Even if you as my daughter-in-law will be much older than me, I don't mind at all."

"That's very generous of you," HouXiang said. "It's time for us to do it."

It sounded like a sarcastic conversation where the both of them were poking fun at each other. I would not get in between either of them, of course. Still, it was time to work on the next one.

HouXiang stripped off her mask, revealing the face of a woman who looked ageless. When her robe came off, I could see the huge globes in all their glory. She wasn't a woman that I can describe. If anything… her breasts can only be described as similar to characters in an adult game with Egyptian style women in it. It's one where horses, panthers, and monsters were involved. I can't think of its name, but it comes to mind.

"Don't be afraid, Dong Chen," she said.

I was pulled in between those gigantic mountains and my body fit right in between, but after a few moments I slipped down and seeded her. The size of her walls were definitely larger, which meant I had to work harder, butthe hard work seemed to pay off.

"Dong Chen… how do you do this… it's… after over a million years… how?"

I can read your mind so I can know our spots! You thought only you could read my mind?

"Also… how are you blocking me from seeing your thoughts now?"

"It's part of being the perfect partner for everyone," I said. "If I can read your mind, I can always smash it into the right places."

I kept going and going, and HouXiang kept getting more and more intense. It's amazing with this libido. I'm not even tired at all. I've literally become a sex god with no moral issues. I filled up HouXiang's womb, and the Yang mixed into her blood as she climaxed.

"Dong Chen," she said, panting. "I love the way you pound me."

"You don't actually love me, just the way I have intercourse with you?"

"Yes," HouXiang said. "Love is something that might come later, but for now you've done a good job. I want to do it again with you, but first the others have to be freed."

HouXiang took a deep breath, and she laid three eggs. One came out after the other and sat there on the grass.

"Don't they need to be warmed?" I asked.

HouXiang and mom both laughed. Iora was asleep, so she couldn't react.

"Dragon Eggs have a powerful shell that will take care of our children until they hatch," HouXiang said. "Don't worry, your daughters will be fine and once they hatch, they'll be healthy."

"I see…"

"Well, bring the rest of them in, there are three more, right?"

HouXiang smiled.

"I'll leave and be the ruler of the Sect for now. Dong Chen, when you're done with the other three they'll stay here. Order Iora to stay here and be peaceful as well. I'll come up with the next step to ensure all of our safety now that you've committed a taboo and impregnated your mother."

"It's the other Sects right?"

"Yes," HouXiang said. "We have enemies who know a bit about the Fate of Extreme Beauty and they areprobably looking for signs. If they discover Risless is alive and well after killing your father before you consummated, they'll know something happened so stay here for now and we'll make it look like Risless died."

I understand.

After HouXiang went back the other three came one by one and we did the same thing where I pumped into them and got each of them pregnant. Every Sect Master of the Blossoming Flowers was now going to bear me a child each. I felt like I should be proud of myself.

I have to admit the strangest pregnancy belonged to Xisleth. Would that child be Mom's Aunt, or grand daughter? Would the child with mom be my sister or my daughter? I mean… we both came from the same womb… but then when I think about how there are such things as surrogate mothers who are not blood related to the child they give birth too and I realize there could be some strange relationships that are possible.

Xisleth was the last one I finished up with, and she smiled at me.

"Little Dong, we've done it… we are going to have a child together," Grandma Xi said. "I will have another child and it'll be a girl. I hope she will be beautiful like me and maybe you can help her with her cultivation as well."

It feels so wrong, but after coming this far, I don't think I can refuse.

"If she wants to, then I will," I said. "I won't force her to do anything, even if she'll benefit from me doing so."

"I understand," Grandma Xi said. "You're such a gentle boy. I can see why Sana is in love with you as well HouXiang."

"I'm not in love with him because he's gentle," Sana said. "I love him because he's willing to pound my p***y rough!"

I was shocked by what she said… this is Sana? I though elves…

"Yes… Dong Chen! After I give birth, I'm going to ask you to do it continuously with me for a few weeks."