Of Gossips and Office Hook-Ups

Ever since Lissa started working at JD&A she was never the type of person to be so detached. She was always bubbly with a crude smile on her face, sometimes filled with sarcasm, most days whoring around---well she doesn't keep that fact a secret and she loves to annoy her co-workers randomly. Very industrious.

She's always the early bird at the office, and she has never once took an absence without official leave. That's one of the reasons why she was easily promoted from a mere business clerk, to an advertising assistant. She doesn't need to sleep her way to the top, but if she could, she would.

Until a certain someone came and disrupt the hell out of her life.

"Bish." Judy called for her attention. Based on the annoying smirk playing on her friend's lips, she knows what's coming next. And she's sure it's something to annoy her. "Chrome is calling for you." Then she winked.

Again with the annoying code name. 'Fuck my life'. Lissa cursed at herself then stood up from her cubicle. "What does he want this time, huh? A napkin, a condom? A tampon for his ass maybe?" She asked with much disinterest.

"The fuck if I know." Judy answered nonchalantly. "You're the Advertising assistant, and he's the Supervisor in your department. Obviously, he needs you."

Without even answering Lissa began to pace towards the office of her Boss-to-be. She stopped on her tracks when she heard Judy's loud teasing of "And tell him that the guy serving lunch is kind of cute. Maybe that's his type of guy." Then she heard the roaring bolstering laughter of her evil friend.

Oh, fate and her misery business is taking off fucking over Lissa's life. Since when did her office life became this boring? No more thrill. No more hot boss to flirt and fuck around. She actually preferred their former AD-head, Miguel. He wasn't as tall as Anthony --- or as he liked to be called Mr. Lee --- but boy, was he handsome. Of course, there was Renzel Racinez. The Mexican hottie who was the previous Marketing Head of their department. That man can surely fulfill her masochistic fantasies.

Now her 9 to 5 working hours is simply there to give a roof over her head and some groceries to fill her rumbling stomach. And if she has extra to spare, maybe go clubbing and drinking while Nina pays half of her drinks.

Also, the money she gets adds to her never ending collections of handcuffs, blindfolds, ballgags and many more.

Lissa let out a long lingering sigh when she was standing in front of her boss's office. Anthony Lee. She knocked on the door three times, abruptly opening the door afterwards.

"You called for me, Mr. Lee?"

"I told you to stop calling me, Mr. Lee, yes?" Was what he said with a smile. "I told you to call me Anthony or Tony. Whichever you prefer."

Lissa tilted her head to the side and was a bit confused. "But I thought you told us on the board meeting that you'd like to be addressed as Mr. Lee---

"No." Was his firm answer. "Call me Tony, or Anthony. You're my assistant, different from other colleagues."

"Uhm, okay, Anthony?" Was Lissa's shy reply. "Do you need something from me?"

Anthony stood up from his revolving chair and grabbed something from the very bottom of his thick file cabinet. He grabbed the brown envelope and closed the door. He gave the brown envelope to Lissa, for a moment their hands touched and it made the lust inside her spark.

'If only you were into girls...' She said to herself as she stares at him with such intensity.

"Please make three copies of these for me please." He said with a smile. "I need it in an hour. 4:45PM to be exact."

Lissa nodded then turned around quickly to perform the task she was assigned to. Before leaving the room she eyed the wall clock standing behind Anthony.


Perfect. She still has time to buy some snacks on the way.

When she woke up this morning, she thought this will start like any other days since she met Mr. Lee--- or Anthony. Everything seems perfectly normal, well, it's one of those typical boring days and nothing extra-ordinary was happening.

But then she overheard two little birdies gossiping --- almost going in and out of the cafeteria like they owned the place. It's nothing new since this place was a haven for gossipers and people who want to talk shit about their bosses. But this gossip was different.

At first, she did not want to meddle in to those two ladies who sat at the farthest table near the copy machine, but then she overheard something that made her ears perk up. It began when she noticed the woman's face was gushing red --- it was the cleaning lady assigned to Anthony's office. And when she hears clearly what they were talking about it's as if the gates of heavens opened up and showered her with blessing.

This is her day. Finally, the time has come and she'll no longer be needing Jimmy's services. And she thinks, she'll make this rumor the national anthem of her silly and sexually frustrated mind.

She leans forward and listens closely --- making sure she remembers every single detail.

"At first I thought this employee was losing her mind, and I thought maybe that's why she resigned weeks after the new Advertising Supervisor was assigned to her department. Imagine, he talks about how he likes boys and all that shit... but then I saw a girl under his desk and was noisily sucking his ---you know what. And to my surprise, it was Tess! Mother Teressa, dear lord. And funny thing is, she looks like she's enjoying it. She was sucking so noisily I swear I thought the vacuum was on! I swear, girl. I swear on my mother's grave... I'll never look at that Mr. Lee the same. Specially now that I've seen the 'thing' he's been keeping down there!"


Only a few people knows about Lissa's secret. Herself, her diary and her friends Nina and Judy. And what's the secret? That secret is how much she's utterly and completely in lust with the man.

She is so fed up with using Jimmy to warm her up during the cold and lonely days of her boring life. And she thinks, after a few more swings to it, Jimmy is ready to retire. And who is Jimmy? It's a 7 inch black vibrator that she bought off Amazon.

And every night just before she goes to sleep, whenever she uses Jimmy all she could think of is Anthony's handsome face and his hands roaming around her body.

It's only in her wildest fantasies where she sees his long legs and his body, how he touch and kiss her skin in ways imaginable, and taste the musk to fulfill her needs.

Now that she knows that Anthony isn't really gay as there is truth that he is bisexual, she's become more desperate than before. Which is why it only took her a matter of days for her to do something... a little out of the ordinary.

In her mind, it's time to unleash her inner beast.


A previous employee that came from Anthony's office let's Lissa in without a word, it's pass six in the afternoon and most of the workers here are excited to go home, rest and take off steam from the stress from their everyday work.

When she went inside the neat office, Anthony barely spared her a glance and then looked down again on the paperwork he's finishing. Only a few employees are left in the building as all of them refused to work overtime. And only the janitors the guards and workaholics like Anthony stayed behind to finish their jobs.

And Lissa sees it as the perfect opportunity.

"Oh, it's late. And you're still here?" Anthony observes her, that's when their eyes meet and started at each other's eyes for a few seconds.

Lissa's eyes widened in surprise when Anthony gestured for her to sit down on the chair across him. She leaned against the table, and prompted her arm against the table so that she can lazily place her chin on top of her knuckles.

Then with a sneer, she said. "You know, you're really unpredictable."

"Well, yes." Was Anthony's answer as he tries his best to indulge in the conversation. "If I wasn't, I won't be hired as your Supervisor."

Lissa laughed on cue then she stood up from her seat, she loves how amusing the situation is, and how vulnerable Mr. Lee or rather... Anthony is. "I'm not talking about that."

Anthony gave her a flat and uninterested look. "Then what? My hair, my name? My suit and tie or my---"

"I don't know, maybe? I guess so..." Lissa interrupts him as she plays with her nails, again she gives him a smile. "Let's say this is related to your sexuality."

Before it was noticeable how bored and uninterested Anthony was to engage in a conversation with Lissa, Now his interest suddenly spiked up. Eyes and ears opened, his quick question was: "What of my Sexuality?" He tilted his head a little, a sign of arrogance. "Is there a problem?"

Lissa shook her hands in front of Anthony as she swayed her head from left to right. "No. No. No." She laughed as she explained. "I'm not talking about that..." She quickly explained. "Just let me put it this way, okay. Let's just say a little birdie saw you... Like... A few days ago with our pretty housekeeping lady on her knees for you. That's why she immediately resigned when you replaced the old Supervisor. How scandalous is that?"

Anthony was good when it comes to keeping it cool and maintaining a poker face, his game face was on but it was far from perfect. Lissa could tell that he's guilty from his slightly frowned lips, and it gave her all the confidence that she needs.

If this event happened years ago and she was still the innocent teen she once was, then this event will never happen. She'd never have the courage to even dare to try.

"I wasn't hired to simply flirt, mingle and to fuck around like you're accusing me of. This is a place of business, and each and every one of us know that." Anthony's voice was deep and he's obviously serious. It made the excitement boiling inside Lissa ignite even more. She's already imagining how Anthony will take her when he's in rage and angry.

"Are you accusing me of doing vulgar things with my fellow employees, which is exclusively prohibited in this company?" Was Anthony's defensive and rather threatening statement to her.

"Accusing you isn't the word that I'd associate with you, Mr Lee." Lissa stood up as she leans on the desk. A gesture that implies one of them is in control and has power over the situation. And that's what she wanted all along. While Anthony is too helpless to deny her of anything that she wants. "I will not accuse you of something if I knew you really did not do it, yes? I'm not that stupid. And... "

It's blackmail at its best, and Lissa loves every minute of it.

"...I have solid proof of what you've done."

Lissa was already an expert when it comes to excuses and lies and deception. She even silently thanked God because when it comes to times like these, she had a better teacher when it came to poker face.

Although it dreaded Anthony to think that he's standing on thin ice, he knows he can't get away easily from what he has done. He averts his eyes somewhere else then looked down. "What do you want, Lissa? A raise? A promotion? A wage---"

"You." Was Lissa's short answer. And instantly, Anthony understood what it meant.