Twin Blue-Lights

"That..s, Blue Light Spell!!!" I startled.

"Huh? It's really weird huh?? That's why I don't know what it is called as!!" He said.

"Zhang Guang, you really Think, You are the Only One to have Blue-light Magic??"

"What do You mean!! I thought I was the only one, I certainly never seen anyone, that can use the same Blue-Light magic as me!!" He said in Confusion.

"haha!! Just Watch!!"

I closed my eyes and started to call the Greater Light particles from the surrounding environment, Without using a Spell.

The instant, I opened My eyes, I made a Blue-light Illumination spell.

Zhang Guang was astonished to see the Blue-Light, as same as his.

"Zhang ling!! You are also can use this magic?? I thought I was the only one!! Woah!! It's really amazing To see someone, like me." Zhang Guang Said.

huh!! Talking to him, I really forgot that, I need to enter the Demon Kingdom Now. can I ask him to take me there? Or do I have to sneak in through my Shadow??..

"Zhang Ling! Are you okay?? It seems like, you are a great thinker!!" He said.

"hahaha! no, no, Zhang Guang!! I need to go to the de..!" While I was saying Zhang Guang The Reason...

"Young Master!! here you are!!" A thin man dressed as a butler just came.

Young master??

"Zhang Guang!! Do you know Him??" I asked.

"haha!! he is our servant, Yu Fei. he probably came looking for me, as I snuck out of the palace!! hahaha," Zhang Guang Said.

Palace?? Young Master?? Is he the Prince of the Demon Kingdom!! Wait, He is a Light mage right???? haaa!! It's really confusing?!!!

"Hey!! you Human, Get out of here! Or else...Wait, You are not a Human!!!" Yu Fei said.

huh? I'm, not a Human?? Is he serious??

"Yu Fei!! You sense that too right???" Zhang Guang said.

"Young Master!! he is just like you!! How Could that be???" Yu Fei was Confused.

Wait, What's going on here. Are they Saying That I am Really not a Human?? Than What the hell am I??

"Hold on There!! You said I am not a Human, right?? Then, What Am I??" I asked them.

"Zhang Ling, You are a Combination of Half-Human, and Half-demon, Just Like me!!!" Zhang Guang Said.

What?? Does that mean I am a Half-Demon?? haha...Man, It's really getting worse. For all this time, I thought I am a Human, and I lived among Them. Man, If they Found that, I am, not a Human, They will probably Kill me!!

"Young Master, This Guy, What do you just Call him??" Yu Fei Asked.

"Yeah, I forgot To introduce him, Yu Fei, He is Zhang Ling. He is from the Kingdom of Aixia" Zhang Guang Introduced me to Yu Fei.

"haha!! Nice to meet You, Mister Yu Fei!!" I greeted him.

Yu Fei's face started to change. He started to startle. He was also happy at the same time.

"Yu Fei, You are really making a weird face now!!" Zhang Guang said.

"Master Zhang Ling, You have Finally Returned!!! I am really happy." Yu Fei said.

What The Hell. Master Zhang Ling?? Finally, returned? What's Going On??

"Wait, Master Zhang Ling??" Zhang Guang Asked Yu Fei.

Yu Fei smiled and said, "Young Masters, We should Hurry back To the Palace and Meet the Empress now. We should get moving!" He Never answered Zhang Guang's Question and Took us to the Palace.

We Went towards the Kingdom Walls and stood at the Entrance.

Yu Fei tapped the Ground Twice with his Feet. Suddenly,

A Giant Hole appeared there, with steps.

"What The Hell Is that??" I reacted.

"Come on!! We need to Hurry Up!!" Zhang Guang seems confident in this Path, So I can Be safe too.

We started to Move down. There was a Straight pathway Underground, Yu Fei Asked us to get on the carriage that was standing and Took us to the End of the Tunnel Underground.

We got there Quickly, and Yu Fei again tapped his feet on the Ground Two Times, To open the door. The Door Opened and when we got Up, We were already inside the Castle. So the Underground Pathway is like a secret Passage.

All the Workers there were Starring at me, as I was certainly a new one there and I was looking exactly the same as prince Zhang Guang.

"Yu Fei!! Have You Bought The Young Master???" An Old grandma standing There asked.

She suddenly looked at me and stared at me so long, with her Focusing Old-eyes.

She Walked slowly Towards me and Touched my face.

"Young Master Zhang Ling, You certainly Have Grown-up! eh?? haha!!" She Said.

"Grandma, I Really Don't Understand, What You and Mister Yu Fei are talking about?? a You please explain me??" I asked out of confusion.

Zhang Guang was also looking a bit confused, At the Way, Yu Fei and That Old-Grandma were treating me.

"Haha!! Young Master Zhang Ling, You Are the First-Born twin of Empress Mu Zi Mo And The Radiant God, Zhang Gong Wei. To put it simply, You and young Master Zhang Guang, are certainly Twins, persay!!" the Old-Grandma said.

huh? What The ..??? I am The Son of the Demon Empress Mu Zi Mo and The Radiant God, Zhang Gong Wei?? Are you Kidding Me?

I was really surprised on hearing that. I slowly turned my head towards Zhang Guang. He was intensively starring at me.

"hahaha!! Grandma, You Must be Joking Right?? That's...Impossible!! I am Just a normal Magister, who is travelling To... never mind!!" I sighed.

"What??? You are a Magister??? Are you serious??" Zhang Guang Asked with astonishment.

"hahaha!! It seems You are the same as your Father, hahaha!!!" the Old-Grandma told.

"So, Young master,....??"

"Please Mr. Yu Fei, Don't call me Young Master, or the Other nonsense. call Me Zhang Ling or Whatever You see Fit!! haha," I asked.

"huh?? Fine, I will call you Xiao Ling, Is that Okay Young master...??" Yu Fei asked.

"haha!! Fine, You Can call me that!!!, So, What's your question??" I asked him.

"hm..Xiao Ling, What is Your Major, It seems You are Quite the Talented one!!!!!" He asked.

"Oh, That!! My, Major is Shadow Affinity, and Minors are, spatial, and Light!!!" I replied.

The time they heard The words Shadow affinity from my mouth, they all Astounded and their eyes were at the Peak of Suprisement.

"What?? Why Are you Guys, Making That face, Did I said, something that's not right??" I asked them.

"uhh umm. That's Not it. We are all really surprised to hear that, The Shadow God we once worshipped, has passed his powers to one of our kind. That's all!! " Zhang Guang Explained.

uh, That Makes Sense.

"Zhang Guang, I know, You are really surprised to hear That, you and I are twins...But, I am also in the same state as you. So, Can we get along as Brothers??" I asked Him.

"Haha!! I knew that You are somehow related to me, But, I never thought, You were my twin!! That was really a surprise though. Well, We will be good brothers, brother Zhang Ling!!" He said.

well, If that's Solved, I need to meet my mother Now.

"uhh, Grandma, Can I meet My Mother??" I asked.

"Hahaha!! You Both go one ahead, Meet The Empress. Hahaha!!" She told.

"well, Brother, Can we Go??" I asked Zhang Guang.

"Yes, come on, I will lead the way.