Uproot The Tree

Michael's challenge was a fair one but most of them weren't confident they could beat him after seeing how easily and silently he had dealt with a demon the other day.

But Luis had also done the same thing and he did say the demons were the weakest.

While the students were thinking of accepting the challenge two people weren't exactly bothered.

The first was Luis, who just wanted to see how things would play out for now.

And then Silvia who believed their teachers weren't that strong if not they wouldn't be working here as teachers.

Without thinking twice about it she walked up to Michael and accepted his challenge.

"Just so you know, abilities aren't allowed either, this is to see how skilled and strong you are not to see how gifted you are." Michael made another thing clear but Silvia didn't seem to look bothered.

With everything set, the fight between Silvia and Michael was about to begin.