Last Day

Kelvin and General Gary were having a conversation as they walked to the small building inside the barracks in the academy, the building was the place where Kelvin was going to be staying until the tournament was over.

The two had stopped in front of the building and while they stood there, General Gary seemed to be telling him about something.

It didn't take up to five minutes before Nicole had walked out of the building with a dustpan in her hand.

"Oh, I was just about to come tell you that I was done," Nicole said as she wasn't expecting to see them there.

"Well, him being here makes it easier for you doesn't it?" General Gary said.

"Yeah, I guess," Nicole said, dropping the dustpan by the corner in front of the building.

"Thank you, Nicole," Kelvin said.

"It's not a problem sir," Nicole said.

"Hey, Nicole," Kelvin called before she could leave.

"Yes," Nicole answered, stopping in front of him.

"Your skirt is a little dusty." He said pointing down at her skirt.