Mind Deception

Luis had followed the Lieutenant out of the cafeteria to her office and on their way there, the Lieutenant had instructed Ace and the boy who were both carrying Raymond to take him to the clinic.

Right now Luis was sitting opposite the Lieutenant in her office as she had her gaze on him for quite a while now without saying anything.

"So tell me, Luis, what happened back there?" She asked as she placed her hands on the desk and pulled her face closer to his.

"And you should know that I have the video footage of everything that happened, I just want to hear what happened from your point of view." She added.

"I was heading into the arena when he attacked me," Luis said. "I had to defend myself."

"Do you know why he attacked you?" Lieutenant Iris asked.

"No, I haven't seen him before, I don't know him," Luis said, shaking his head.

"But he called you a demon." The Lieutenant said.

"Which is absurd because I am not a demon," Luis said.

'Yeah, you're the opposite.' Lena said.