Soul And Throne

"All this while I thought I was fighting him while you were the one I was really fighting," Ciara said with her gaze down.

Luis was sitting beside her on the couch now as Nicole, Nova and the two third-year girls had moved away from the sitting room to talk more about the current case.

"It wasn't your fault," Luis said.

"I know but I still feel awful." She said with her gaze still on the floor.

"You're not supposed to, the person who attacked me before you didn't feel this way," Luis said.

"Someone attacked you before me?" Ciara said, raising her gaze to look at him. "Because of the same reason?"

"Yeah, he thought I was the demon that murdered his parents and was really keen on killing me," Luis said.

"Who could be pulling these stunts on you and why?" Ciara asked with a baffled look on her face.

"That's what we're trying to figure out and with time we'll surely figure it out," Luis said.