City of Ber (5)

January 1731 City of Ber, Province of Ciresia, Osterian Empire.

The room was silent. Three men stood facing forward as Klein glared at them in abject horror as he read through the reports and complaints sent to him by Ber's official government.

"Can anyone tell me why the three of you fought inside a civilian building!? Killing and injuring tens of men and along with a couple of civilians!"

Meyer and Schneider look to Forst for help. Who could only sigh before he spoke, "There have been some extenuating circumstances that would explain the situation we found ourself in."

"What exactly is it?"

"They tried to kill us." Forst deadpans.

Klein watches his expression, suspicious of his answer, before shaking his head in exasperation. "It doesn't matter. The three of you are quite lucky, the man you seemed to have crossed has been thrown under the bus, so to say."

The three sags in relief, before Klein's glare silences them.

He crosses his hands. "That may be so, but as things stand, I insist the three of you avoid any situation like this again."

He exhales deeply. "If any situation like this ever comes up, it would reflect badly on your records and hurt any prospect of future promotions. Is that clear?"

The three men salute in understanding. "Yes, sir!"

Klein nods before returning to the papers on hand, asking them a passing question. "Where's General Renzellern?"

Damien Renzellern was stuck in deep thought as he stood before the office's ruins, the red crysm in his hand, inspecting it for the silent buzzing stuck in his ears every time he touches it.

He then closes his eyes in thought, the close battle leaving him filled with questions. All regarding the mana Gorgi had, mana his body shouldn't have had access to, especially with such meager veins.

A man entering with a knock then interrupted his thoughts.

He looked up from his thoughts and nods, noticing the man before him, wearing a uniform, a typical uniform for a server as he spoke with a tone filled with elegance.

"Sir? I brought all the files you asked for."

He looked back with an icy expression. "How much does this establishment cost? And tell me the price and have it bought."

He gives a smile, "Sir, the deed remains in sir Gorgi's hands. Unfortunately, I cannot access him as of the moment."

Damien nods as he turns, "I see. I'll get him for you and you handle everything from here on, under a single condition."

He levels his eyes against him, choking the man with his presence. "You shall do everything in my name. Is that clear?"

He bows quickly. "I am at your mercy, sir."

"Good, that you know."

Within the confines of the Drissian camp, a man was held down, tied by his hand as he struggled helplessly, his shoulder and legs patched up as he glared at the surrounding men, each one looking to the other in confusion on what to do.

A powerful knock then bursts through the door. Damien walks in with a glare, his irritated expression leaving his men terrified.

"What happened?"

A captain salutes, "Sir, he just woke up!"

"Is that so?" He swivels his eyes to the man himself, struggling against his restraints.

"Will you talk? Just to make this easy for the both of us."

Gorgi spits on the ground, his facade of charm and confidence gone, "Fuck you!"

Damien grimaces. "I see. Then I'll make sure you wish you did instead."

With those words, a man confidently spoke up, "Sir! I highly advise against this! Committing acts of physical violence against a civilian would dishonor the code of honor our military has strived for."

Damien then levels him with a glare, his boisterous demeanour leaving as he curls in fear.

He tries to speak up but was interrupted by Damien, "You are right, any acts of physical violence would be unthinkable."

He gives Gorgi a menacing grin. "But I have my ways."

With a raise of hand, he spoke, "Bring me a doctor and a towel." He looks to the men, "Take note of all his injuries and have five doctors from the city brought here to have him examined."

He looks to Gorgi, his golden eyes eerily illuminated, a fact that leaves Gorgi terrified.

"Sir, sir. The examination is over." A man shook him awake.

Damien opens his eyes to look back at the captain before him. "Have all five doctors examined his condition?"

The captain nods. "They have, sir. The results show the fact that he is fairly healthy, his injuries healing at a normal rate and his situation has turned stable."

Damien stood up. "That's good." He glances at him. "Have all your men leave and where is that towel that I asked for?"

The captain hands it to him, before looking back at the terrified man, "Sir, please avoid doing anything reckless. The fourth army can't afford to suffer such scandals."

Damien smirks. "I understand. Don't worry, Captain Solecki."

The captain nods in acknowledgement, his eyes never leaving his as the door between them closes. The bloodthirsty grin leaving the man shuddering in fear.

With the door closed, Damien clears his expression. He turns his head to Gorgi, who only looked back, terrified, yet unusually stubborn.

"Gorgi. I'll be honest with you. I'll be torturing you for information."

Gorgi chokes in his spit, "You can't do that! Those doctors already have everything! They'll know what you did. You'll kill your career before it even starts!"

"I don't need to leave scars. I just need you to suffer." Damien shakes his head as he takes the towel in his hand and spread it all over his face, his sadistic smile the last thing Gorgi saw before the start of a terrifying experience.


His eyes are wide, breath heavy, and his mouth drooling in spit as he gasps for air, drenched in water.

Damien looks at this with mild satisfaction. His mouth curved with an insidious smile as he taps the saber at his side, "So, let's start that again, shall we?"

The quick and affirmative nods were enough of an indication that it was successful.