[Bonus chapter] foolish hearts

"I had been waiting for you, brother." Joaquin's eyes shone with blood lust, unfazed by the domineering aura the seventh prince was exuding. "Hernan, take everyone out and execute my orders."

"But Your Majesty!" Hernan's face contorted when all he received from the emperor was a glare. His heart thudded, balling his hands into a tight fist. Hernan was aware Joaquin was telling them to go, not because wanted to protect them. Hell. No. 

Joaquin would tell them to draw their swords or be his shields if he didn't feel like fighting. However, Hernan couldn't help but feel slightly demotivated by the emperor's orders. How could it not?

Roman was one of the best swordsmen in Maganti. Although Carlos had won against the seventh prince in the past, that was because the eighth prince had used underhanded means. The main point here was that Roman was a threat to Joaquin.