[Bonus chapter] MY WIFE

When Abel reached the eighth prince's palace, the only place in the imperial palace that was at peace and guarded securely, he went straight past the guards. It was their first time seeing him, but the order from the higher up was to let the man with green hair, donning a white suit, to let him get access everywhere. Ismael didn't need to do that, though, since Abel could go anywhere if he so pleased. However, it was better for the safety of his own people. 

There were more knights and guerillas guarding the guest quarters where Aries was recuperating, but he went past them silently. Reaching the hallway where her chambers were, Abel caught Conan with Curtis, Morro, Climaco, and Dexter idling right outside her room.

"No one's entering," Dexter repeated, leaning against the shut doors, arms-crossed. "She needs more rest."

"Hey, that's unfair!" Conan harrumphed. "You've been going in and out of her room, but we can't?!"