Chapter 9: Reunion

(Rhaenys Targaryen POV)

Taking control of Tweety, Rhaenys flew off towards the royal palace.

'Uncle Oberyn looked like the guy version of mom... so what would he be doing...?' She thought, wondering how much the man had in common with her mother.

It had been years since she last saw him, and from what she could recall, her uncle was quite different from her mother, although he was just as kind to her as her mother was.

As she got to the castle, she flew to one of the tallest rooms thinking that would be where royalty would be, but upon landing in one of the windows and taking a quick glance around the room, she took off faster than Tweety's little wings could carry her.

'Why would they put the dungeons up in the towers and not below ground?!!' She questioned internally, wondering what the hell was wrong with her uncle. The view from up there was amazing and to give it to criminals was blasphemous.

'They wouldn't put the royalty below ground, would they?' The thought was just too cruel to think about, so she shook her head and continued onward, this time arriving in the window of what appeared to be the kitchen.

'OOOOHHH!!' She was salivating when she saw the pie covered in fruit, and after taking a few quick glances to make sure no one was around, she flew over to it and started nibbling at it. 'So good!!' She thought, reminding herself to find whoever it was who made this and get a few more of these made.

She had lost track of time, and somehow managed to eat half the pie before she could no longer eat another bite, and then she remembered the note tied to her foot. Getting back to the window, she flapped her wings and dropped from the window like a brick.

She had eaten so much she couldn't gain any altitude, instead coasting down like a little piggy with wings. She glided to one of the lower floor windows, and peering inside she noticed a few people walking about, and some people noticed her, making their way over to try and get the paper which was so obviously tied to her leg.

'Not a chance!! My uncle isn't bald!!' She squawked, flapping her wings to get out of there and to a different window. Oh how she wished she hadn't looked inside this room. There were these adults who didn't have their clothes on, doing something she wasn't quite sure of, but knew she shouldn't be seeing it.

Her mother had talked with her about something similar about how babies were born, but with how the man was sticking his thing in a woman's behind, and for what she knew came out of there it really wasn't possible to conceive a child nor was it sanitary.

The only good thing about seeing that was it was so gross it made her vomit all the pie that had been weighing her down, and now she could fly, although her stomach felt so bad she almost wanted to go back to the ship and sleep.

Flying around to the other side of the palace, Rhaenys checked over a dozen more rooms with no success before she found one with a man who looked exactly the same from when she last saw him.

The only downside was that he too had himself wrapped in the arms of a woman, only this time they didn't appear to have their parts in places they shouldn't be. Still, there was nothing she wanted to see here, so she decided to take a look around the castle for a minute before coming back to see if they were done with whatever it was they were doing.

'I know mother said, "Having a child is a beautiful thing", but conceiving one doesn't look that fun.' She thought with a frown, not liking the view she got of her uncle and whoever that woman was.

She flew around to a few other rooms, and from what she could remember from her past, she found her other uncle Doran. She hadn't spent as much time with him as Oberyn, but she had stayed with him for a while.

The man was currently reading a book, and Rhaenys thought her Uncle Oberyn could learn a thing or two from his older brother. Speaking of Oberyn, Rhaenys flew back to his room, and thankfully he was no longer in his bed, but at the table eating something.

He was still naked, and she had no doubt she would need to council her mother to get over the mental trauma she would no doubt have after this, but for now she flew through the window and almost smacked him right in the face, landing only a foot away on the table as she flapped her wings in his face to get his attention.

'Come on! Look at the pretty bird!!' She shouted internally, hoping her uncle didn't become a simpleton since the last time they had seen each other.


(Oberyn Martell POV)

"Come back to bed, my love!" A light skinned goddess purred from the bed, and Oberyn could only smile wryly as he stuffed the last bit of food on his plate into his mouth. Downing a goblet of wine, Oberyn was about to rush back to his bed when he noticed a falcon of all things flying towards his window.

'What the...' He thought as it flew through the window and landed on the table next to him, then it flapped its wings in his face, almost making him fall on his ass. He was about to reach for his spear and hit the bird, but it was at that moment he noticed the paper tied to it's leg, halting all his actions for now.

'Bird needs to be trained better...' He thought, wondering where the damn thing came from. Seeing the paper tied to the strange bird, it was making him curious enough to forget the woman in his bed, which would usually never happen.

"Hey... It's alright." He said softly so as not to scare away the bird, although once he got it he wouldn't really care one way or the other if the bird fucked off. Carefully untying the paper, Oberyn unrolled it before giving it a glance.


Oberyn Martell, I don't know if you remember me, but my name is William Castian. You once told me to come find you in Dorne, and though it took me longer than I had intended, I am here now. I have something belonging to you on my ship a bit off shore of the coast of Sunspear. Come meet me, and only when I see you on the docks will I sail in. Come at once!!


The letter was not what he expected at all. He did in fact remember William Castian, and it wasn't long ago that he wondered what had become of the boy. The part about him having something belonging to him was a bit strange, as there was nothing of his that had been taken as far as he could recall, but the boy had proved to be unpredictable in the past so Oberyn didn't see a need in waiting any longer.

"Ellaria!! We must go!!" Oberyn shouted as he grabbed his clothes off the floor. "Where to?" Ellaria questioned, not bothering to argue with the man she loved as she too grabbed at her clothes.

If he was choosing to do something instead of having sex, it was probably important if her past experience was anything to go by.

"A boy I once knew arrived in Dorne, and he says I must meet him. He is not the type to make a fuss about nothing, so I will go see what has happened." Oberyn explained, grabbing his spear by the door.

"You think you are going to need that?" Ellaria asked, looking at the spear then back to Oberyn. The man let out a short laugh before answering, "The boy finds trouble better than I do!! I wouldn't put money against not needing this."

Soon the both of them were out of their room and running through the castle. They both got on some horses, then rode towards the docks. When he finally arrived, Oberyn could see a ship just off shore, and so he waved his arms in the air.

He watched as it came in, quite fast for a ship of its size, but other than that there was nothing special about it. There were no sigils on the ship to indicate who it belonged to, but that didn't really matter to him. What did was the fact that Will was on the ship.

Soon it stopped perfectly at the docks, yet what surprised both him and Ellaria was the fact that there didn't seem to be anyone on the ship but a young boy, one who Oberyn almost didn't recognize for how tall he was, but the unique hair and eyes were unmistakably Will's.

"You certainly aged well, almost ripe even!" Oberyn said, shooting a winning smile to Will, who simply dropped his shoulders. "How the hell are you still the same?!! It's been over 5 years!!" Will said, getting a laugh from the Prince.

"You don't change perfection!" Oberyn stated, letting out a laugh at the end. After a moment, Oberyn finally remembered how the letter said something about Will having something that belonged to him, and after a few seconds of neither of them speaking Oberyn asked, "What was so important that you needed me to come here? And what do you have that's mine?"

Will didn't answer right away, and Oberyn could tell he was trying to find the right words for this next part.

"I can't tell you that just yet. I need you to get on the ship and come out about a hundred yards before I show you. I don't trust anyone else with this, and once you see it, you might very well kill anyone who finds out. There can never be too much precaution with this." Will finally answered, leaving Oberyn all the more intrigued.

Taking Ellaria by the hand, Oberyn helped her to get aboard the ship, then climbed on himself. "Do you trust her with your life?" Will asked, tilting his head to the side. "I do." Oberyn answered, giving the woman a deep kiss.

It was only after they broke apart that Oberyn noticed they were already quite a ways away from the docks. "How are you doing this?" He asked, peering over the side of the ship to see if something was pulling it.

"I have many secrets about myself, and that is one of them. You will come to know them in time, but for now let us leave it be." Will answered, although it wasn't much of an answer in Oberyn's opinion.

"Alright. So what is it that you need to be so secretive about?" Oberyn asked when the ship finally came to a stop.

"Come with me." Will said, walking inside the ship, Oberyn and Ellaria in tow.

To his credit, Oberyn never for a single moment thought this might be a trap of some kind by Will, it just didn't seem like the kid's nature. As they walked inside, Ellaria had her guard up, while Oberyn was walking as though he was taking a casual stroll.

Will finally stopped in front of a door, then turned to Oberyn before saying, "What you see on the other side of this door will shock you, and you might think it's a trick at first, but I can explain it all, so please don't do anything stupid."

For how serious Will was being, Oberyn decided to not joke around or make some weird comment, simply just nodding in return. The door opened, and stepping inside, Oberyn turned to the left, and what he saw made him take a few steps back in shock.

His voice was caught in his throat, and for a minute he thought he was looking at a ghost. "Elia..." He whispered, dropping his spear to the ground and slowly walking towards her, thinking if he moved too fast he might scare her away.

Ellaria let out a gasp and covered her mouth with her hands, looking scared and excited at the same time.

"Hello, Oberyn..." Elia said, her voice unmistakable even after all these years.

When he finally touched her face and felt her skin, he knew it was her. Pulling her into his arms, Oberyn's mind was racing a thousand miles a minute, praying to the gods that this wasn't a trick.

For the first time since her death, Oberyn cried, and although it was more out of joy than sadness, it was plain for any idiot to see that he was hurting as he saw her.

"Hello, Uncle! Do you remember me?" A cute little high pitched voice asked, and if it hadn't called him "Uncle" then he would have ignored it at that moment.

Pulling away from Elia, Oberyn looked down to see an older version of the little girl he once played with, and he couldn't contain the smile that broke out across his face as he scooped her into his arms and almost squeezed the life out of her.

"I don't know you, so don't do that to me!" Another little voice rang out, and looking down at the boy he had only glimpsed once at Harrenhal, Oberyn reached down and grabbed him up too.

With both her children in his arms, Oberyn turned to his sister and asked, "How?!!" Elia simply gestured at Will, prompting Oberyn to turn and stare at him.

Seeing the questioning gaze, Will answered, "I arrived in King's Landing a few weeks before the Lannister's sacked the city. I was taking advantage of the chaos to slip into the castle and help myself to some treasures, when I saw a group of people being led by Gregor Clegane moving towards the royal living quarters.

Didn't take a genius to figure out what they were trying to do. I owed you for saving my life, and I'd never have been able to face you if I just let them take Elia. Given the Mountain's reputation I figured he would make a mess of things, so I knocked him unconscious and killed all of the guards with him but one. Helped Elia escape, then went and found corpses that resembled them and made it look like they were dead.

Robert would have never stopped hunting them otherwise. Made it look as though the Mountain did it and got drunk, then made the remaining guard tell the story. It's the only reason I didn't kill the Mountain. Someone needed to take responsibility for the brutal deaths. Anyway, I took them all up North with me after that until it was well known that she was dead. We kind of lost track of time, and well... here we are."

After the explanation, Oberyn put the two children on the ground, then he grabbed Will into a bearhug and squeezed until there were a few popping noises that didn't sound particularly healthy.

"Thank you!" He said, vowing from the depths of his soul that he would do anything for Will. "Don't worry about it. I've grown kind of fond of them as well." Will said, sparing a glance towards Elia.

Oberyn was too caught up in the moment he didn't even take the opportunity to make a comment about him getting close to Rhaenys. Oberyn went back to his sister and held her again, praying to the gods for a second time that this wasn't a dream.

His moment was broken when Will said something that made him snap his gaze towards him, the words like a hammer to the face. "Elia Martell and her children are dead. No one can ever know who these three people are, otherwise there will be war."

It was true. Robert Baratheon was an angry man, and his hatred for Targaryens was second to none. Oberyn had no doubt in his mind that if the identities of Elia's children were brought to light, Robert would either send assassins or call his banners.

"You are correct. Though I would welcome a war, I do not think we could face the other 6 kingdoms." Oberyn agreed, knowing full well how a war right now would go.

The Iron islands wouldn't be a problem because they don't give a shit about Robert Baratheon or anything he cares about. Hell, they might take the opportunity to raid the other kingdoms while their armies were attacking Dorne.

The North was a bit on the unknown side, given the fact that Ned Stark might be against the idea of going to war over children, but he was Robert's bestfriend so it wasn't set in stone.

Highgarden would take any chance they could to attack Dorne, given how Olenna was still angry at Oberyn for crippling her son, Willas in a tournament. She was indeed a spiteful old woman, completely forgetting the fact that he was also the one who saved the boy's life when he really didn't have to.

The Vale would most likely rally to Robert's cause, as would the Stormlands and the Lannister's of Casterly Rock. Trying to fight against four or five of the Seven kingdoms would be almost impossible as they currently were, but they would do it if it meant protecting Elia.

After the news of her death and the manner in which it happened, the people of Dorne had been outraged and would have gone to war with Robert themselves had Doran not calmed them down. Rather than continue the war, his brother had plans on backing the two Targaryen children when they came to claim their throne, hoping to surprise Robert and the other lords serving under him.

As they all stood there wondering what their next move should be, a voice spoke up. "I do have some sort of an idea, but I have no idea how effective it might be, nor am I sure Robert still won't find out the truth." Will said calmly as he took a seat against a wall.

"Let's hear it." Oberyn encouraged, thinking more of Will by the second. Even before this situation the boy had his intrigue, but after what he did, Oberyn couldn't help but want to know more about the boy. Especially how he beat the Mountain, but that could wait until later.

"It will take some time, but I think it should be enough to satisfy Robert. Bring Elia back to the palace alone, then make it known you have found a look-alike of your late sister, and you are even doting on her hand and foot like she really was Elia Martell. Everyone already knows of her death, so thinking it was her wouldn't even be an option, especially if it was just her and no children. People all grieve differently, and I doubt Robert is going to send someone to check up on a woman with no claim to the throne. Aegon and Rhaenys will remain in the Watergardens to be trained as a cupbearer and maid to the new Lady Martell for a few weeks, then get taken to the palace as well. As long as you change their hair color, I don't think anyone would suspect anything, and you could all live right there out in the open without any spies in Dorne believing anything else."

The explanation left everyone without words, and they all wondered how long Will had been planning it.

Oberyn could only smile, thinking if Will was just a bit older... "Stop staring at me like that!! I'm not interested in men!!" Will shouted, breaking Oberyn out of his musings. "How would you know? You haven't even tried it!!" The Prince shot back, not being deterred from the boy.

"I am not having this argument with you!!" Will shouted, standing up from his sitting position against the wall before marching up the stairs. "I'll give you a few more years!" Oberyn shouted at his back, his only response was a slammed door that nearly broke off its hinges.

"Stop messing with the boy!! If he wanted to end you he could do it in a heartbeat, and I don't think being his friend will protect you if you actually push him over the edge!" Elia reprimanded, getting a smile from Oberyn.

"I truly missed your scolding, dear sister!!" The man commented with a smile, then frowned a minute later. "What do you mean he could end me in a heartbeat?! I'm way stronger!!" Oberyn declared, not happy that his sister thought him so weak.

"Trust me, Oberyn! If he truly desired it, he could destroy Dorne in a few hours!" Elia stated, getting wide eyes from both Oberyn and Ellaria.

They both looked doubtful, and seeing their disbelieving gazes, she added, "He has powerful magic... More powerful than any magic I've ever heard of. At seven name days, he fought off 30 wildlings who wanted to kill us, all by himself, and they never even came close to reaching him. On our way here, we were attacked by a small Dothraki raiding party, and like lambs to the slaughter he killed them one and all. Sailing by ship from Myr to Sunspear, we were attacked by three pirate ships at once, and... he killed every man on board without breaking a sweat."

She paused to let that information sink into their heads before adding, "No matter what he says, you take him at his word. He does not make threats, but promises he follows to the letter!! And most importantly of all, he is my precious little boy and I won't stand for you teasing him!!"

All Oberyn could do at that point was let out a nervous laugh. She most likely was over exaggerating Will's power, but he would never tell her that, especially when she went all momma bear mode, making her overprotective meter shoot through the roof. He loved his sister more than anything in the world, but she could be downright terrifying when she wanted to be.

"Alright my beloved sister!! I will do as you say and not pursue the boy until he is of proper age." Oberyn said sweetly, although Elia knew from past experience that it was most likely a lie.

"Fine! But don't come crying to me when you get hurt." She said, getting a laugh in response from the man.

She let him calm down before asking, "Should we follow Will's plan, or do you have something else that might work?"

Oberyn didn't really need to think it over all that much. Will's plan, although it would take time and a little refining, was better than anything he could come up with. Hell, if he had his way they would be rallying the army to go to war within the hour.

"We will follow Will's plan, but we will also run it by Doran before we do anything. He will be able carry out the plan better than I could, and feed the information to the right people. Plus he is our brother, and like me, he misses you terribly." Oberyn said, getting a nod from his sister.


(General POV)

Will was sitting on the railing of the ship as he looked over the capital city of Dorne, wondering what his next plan should be. There were a few things he wanted to achieve before the main story started, and one of those things was to learn how to use his weapons properly.

For his spear, there was no one in the world who could teach him better than Oberyn, but he had a major flaw. He let the spear attached to his body do most of his thinking, and Will wasn't sure if learning from him would be worth all the headaches he would no doubt get from it.

Sure he could still be with Elia if he stayed here to train, but he knew he was just delaying the inevitable there.

'Could spend a year or two learning the basics on how to use the weapons properly, then head to Essos to get some people to come with me....' Will thought, thinking a vacation in the sun might be just what he needed.

It would also give him enough time to teach Aegon about a few things he could do to keep himself occupied and have fun. His thoughts were put on hold when Oberyn came out of the ship and walked over to him.

"We'll do things your way. I'll take Elia back to the palace with me and inform Doran about what is going on, and he will meet you later in the Watergardens to get Rhaenys and Aegon settled in. Tomorrow we'll change their hair color and start their training. We've also agreed to give them all of them different names for the time being."

Oberyn paused for a moment before adding, "Rhaenys took it upon herself to name them all, saying that she would be called Anna, Elia would be called Elsa, and Aegon would be called Olaf. Apparently it was from a story you told about an 'Ice Queen' or something. You'll have to tell me about that one later. Aegon wanted to be called Spike, but Elia turned him down. Poor boy, he almost cried. He's not too fond of his new name. Keeps shouting at Rhaenys that he is not a snowman. Whatever that is."

There was only silence as Oberyn stared at Will waiting for an answer, while he in return stared blankly off into the distance. He had no idea he would have influenced them all to such a degree, but then again, they all were a huge influence on him.

The part about Rhaenys giving them all names from Frozen was a bit much, but it was her favorite story. He had told it using water magic to give them all a visual about the story, and the little snowman had been Rhaenys' favorite.

The fact that Aegon was named after a weird looking little snowman was a bit much, but it was hilarious. "Rhaenys always did have a weird sense of humor." Will finally said, getting a chuckle from Oberyn.

"You think!" He added, before he walked back into the ship to make sure Elia was prepared.

With the names and everything figured out, Will brought the ship back into the harbor where Elia departed with Oberyn and Ellaria.

Once they were gone he pulled the ship back out into the water before setting off to the Watergardens that were only a few miles away from Sunspear near the coast. It was where the palace sent all of it's new trainees, and was a vacation home for the royalty so it was kind of perfect.

"Why did it have to be Olaf?" Aegon asked for what seemed like the ten thousandth time in the last 5 minutes, making Will struggle to not ring his little neck. Sometimes little brothers were just such a pain in the ass.

"Ask your sister, she picked it!! And if you didn't want to be named after a snowman, then you shouldn't have tried to name yourself Spike!! Did you honestly think your mother would have let you do that?!!" Will almost shouted, not being able to take it any longer.

"She let me name Fang!!" The little boy shot back in defense, to which Will responded, "He's a pet!!" Aegon gasped in horror before he shouted, "Well, Trojan's just a pet too!!"

There was nothing but silence for almost a full minute before Will said, "You take that back!!" Aegon turned his back to Will with his arms folded across his chest. "No!" The boy said, and Will wanted nothing more than to hit him upside the head.

"Trojan is family, you ungrateful little turd!! All the years he's pulled you around in the blistering cold without so much as a thankyou, and this is how you treat him?!! Go to your room!!" Will ordered, pointing to the door leading inside the ship.

The whole time they were arguing, Rhaenys was sitting only a few feet away eating a bowl of grapes as she watched the show unfold in front of her. When Will told Aegon to go to his room, Rhaenys burst out laughing, drawing both of their attention to her.

"What's so funny?!" Will asked, narrowing his eyes at the little girl. "You two! You're arguing over the silliest things. Of course Fang and Trojan aren't pets! They're family!" She paused to give Tweety a small piece of meat and to stroke his pretty feathers.

"I picked Olaf because he was created by Elsa, and is Anna's friend and family. And he's a little cutie pie, but more on being a friend thing!" Rhaenys clarified, getting a reluctant nod from Aegon. Will on the other hand didn't seem to care.

"You march your butt inside and apologize to Trojan before I put you over my knee!!" Will demanded, still pointing to the door.

"Are you going to apologize to Fang?" Aegon asked, wanting to know before he said something he might regret. "Not a chance!! Now move your butt!" Will said, glaring at the little boy. Five minutes later and Aegon was rubbing his backside while he stood in front of the stalls on the ship.

"I'm sorry for saying you were a pet, Trojan." The boy said, then turned his head to the side to stare at Will who was tapping his foot on the ground impatiently.

"Good. Now go run around the ship 10 times before you're allowed to get off." Will added, then went back outside to make sure everything was in order. This time Aegon didn't argue or question anything, simply choosing to run his laps while he still could. If he got spanked like that again he might find it a challenge to walk, let alone run.

Some might think Will was being hypocritical, and you would be completely correct. He could say whatever he wanted and most people would just have to suck it up, but to say that shit to him, he most likely wouldn't let it stand.

He was a vengeful person who was full of spite, and there really wasn't a limit to how stubborn he could truly be. So far Elia had been the only one to truly get him to do things he would never really do on his own, and that was because she was more family than anyone in this world could ever hope to be. Even keeping Fang and Tweety was more because Elia had asked him.

Walking across the deck, Will stopped when he noticed Rhaenys' disapproving stare. "That was a bit harsh, don't you think?" Rhaenys asked, clearly worried about her younger brother.

"Nope! Trojan works harder than anyone on this ship and you never see him complaining! Confined to a prison for days at a time before he's allowed to see the light of day, only to be put back to work and not get any thanks for it. Then to be called a pet! That's just cruel!" Will stated, defending the companion that had been with him the longest in this world.

"Okay then...." Rhaenys whispered to herself, choosing not to go anywhere near that topic again. Both Rhaenys and Will waited until Aegon was done running his laps, then disembarked from the ship onto the docks in the Watergardens.

"Once Oberyn and Eli-Elsa discuss things with Doran, they'll send word for you two to start your training. I'll stay here with you until you get moved to the palace, then I think I might take off." Will said, letting them know he might be leaving on his own soon.

""You're leaving?! Where?!! When will you be back?!! Can I go with you?!"" Both Rhaenys and Aegon asked together, making Will wonder if they had rehearsed it.

"First off, yes I am leaving. I might go back to the North or to Myr or Lys, I'm not all that sure. I don't know if I'll be back, but if I am it might not be for a few years. And finally, no you cannot come with me. You just got reunited with your uncles who were literally planning a war to get revenge for your deaths! They would never let your mother leave now, and she would never leave them! Would you really just leave them and your mother as well?" Will said, looking to both of them to see what they were thinking.

Aegon hung his head, but Will could tell the boy still wanted to come with him, which was a surprise given how hard he just got his ass spanked. Rhaenys on the other hand looked like she was angry.

"What about us, huh?!! Do we mean anything to you?" She asked as tears streamed down her face.

The three of them all stayed where they were, no one saying a word. The only sounds were the heavy breathing from Rhaenys as she stared at Will, her eyes almost pleading for an answer.

"If you have to ask that, then you know nothing about me." Will said in almost a whisper, then moved to bring Trojan and Swift from the ship. It was true. If his sole purpose was just to keep them alive and bring them back to Dorne, he wouldn't have gone through the trouble of telling them stories, teaching them magic, giving them their pets, and he wouldn't have let them follow him around all the time.

Rhaenys was still just a child, but she should have known better by now how he felt about all of them, not just Elia, although he got along best with the older woman because she was smart enough to understand everything he talked about.


A few hours later Oberyn, Ellaria, Doran, and Elia came by the Watergardens to make sure they were all situated properly, and they noticed right away the awkward atmosphere.

"What happened?" Oberyn asked Aegon, thinking he would probably be the best bet if he wanted answers.

"Will said he was going to leave as soon as me and Rhaenys were moved to the palace, and Rhaenys asked if he cared about us. Will seemed to get mad when she asked that, and now they're like that!" Aegon answered, surprising Oberyn while at the same time shedding a little light on the situation.

He was surprised because he didn't think Will would be leaving so soon, and he had to admit he didn't want the boy to go. After everything he had done for him, Oberyn couldn't even begin to repay Will, and to have him shove off like that was unsettling.

Walking over to the boy, Oberyn asked, "Will, do you really plan to leave so soon?" Will didn't bat an eye or slow down what he was doing for even a second as he answered, "I have things to do, and like I told you all those years ago, I have people to kill. As much as I want to stay here in Dorne, I have plans which cannot wait. I already gave up five years, and although I don't regret it, I will not give up anymore."

It did make sense. Oberyn did recall Will saying something about killing... someone, but he never made it clear. As for whatever the boy had to do, Oberyn wanted to go with him to make sure he lived through whatever it was.

Oberyn must have let his intention show, because before he could say anything, Will spoke, "You are not coming with me. None of you are." He paused for a few seconds before he added, "But if it will make you all feel better, I'll be back to visit in 3 years."

Everyone looked a little happy at his words, save for Oberyn. "What about us?!! How will I ever get to-" Oberyn was cut off by Will as he shouted, "There will never be an, 'US!!' You will never touch me!! And Oberyn... I'll cut it off if you try."

The look in Will's eyes made Oberyn take a step back as he raised his hands in a placating manor. "Calm down! I promise I won't touch you without your consent, alright?!" Oberyn said, trying to calm the boy down.


After that little drama session, Will took Trojan and Swift for a run around the area, although it was anything but normal. Rather than ride the two horses, Will ran beside them using his magic, spurring the horses on every few seconds when it looked like they were going to stop.

For over an hour they all ran together, and sadly it was Will who gave out first. His stamina wasn't infinite, but it was getting better each day. When he had to stop to catch his breath, he could swear Trojan was taunting him as he pranced around the area in front of him.

The big horse could run for many hours before he tired, and the damn thing looked like it wanted Will to know that. "Go fuck yourself, you lazy bastard!! Like six times all you wanted to do was stop for a break!!" Will shouted at the horse, sure the thing could actually understand him. Obviously it couldn't, but he liked to believe it could.

It took almost three hours to get back to the Watergardens, mostly because they were going at a slower pace, but also because Trojan and Swift would stop every so often and eat some of the local cuisine.

Will brushed down both horses, watered them, and threw them a few flakes of hay, then went back to the room he was assigned next to Rhaenys' and Aegon. Before he even entered his room he could feel a familiar presence inside, and he couldn't help but sigh as he walked through the door.

"I was wondering when you would be coming to talk to me." He said, closing the door behind him. Across the room sitting in a chair, Elia was waiting patiently.

"When were you going to tell me you were leaving?" She asked, ignoring his earlier statement.

Sighing again for what felt like the hundredth time today, Will answered, "I didn't even know I would leave until earlier today. I was going to stay for a while to get some weapons training, but trying to keep Oberyn away from me feels like it would be a chore all on it's own."

Elia didn't say anything for a few seconds, instead she stood from the chair and walked over to take him into her embrace. "You better come visit more than once every three years! A mother worries!"

This wasn't the first time she had called herself his mother, but the other times it didn't seem as real as it was now. He could only hug her tighter, and for the first time he answered, "Okay, mom."

Elia almost burst into tears when he called her that, and she would only have been happier if he agreed to stay, but she knew there was no keeping him here. The amount of times he went off on his own when they were beyond the Wall, she knew this day was coming eventually, but no mother likes to see their child leave.

Elia stayed with him for another hour, making sure he knew to eat right and take proper care of himself. Will actually liked it because it was exactly like how his real mother had done. It was strange though. Whenever he tried to recall what she looked like, all he saw was an image of Elia.

Once she left to go back to the palace, Will decided to do a few things to appease Rhaenys and Aegon. The two of them had yet to speak to him since his decision to leave without them.

It wasn't until late into the night when he finally finished the gifts, and he was actually looking forward to seeing their expressions in the morning. For now though, he was too tired to do anything else. His head barely had the chance to hit the pillow before he was out like a light.