Chapter 12: Drox

(Year 287 AC)

(MC- age 13)

The first thing Will did upon arriving in Pentos was find an Inn with a proper stable. The place was more on the pricey side of things, but it looked quite fancy. The innkeeper looked like a little creeper who tried to intimidate Will, but he simply brushed him off.

He seemed harmless enough, and Will could always just kill him if things escalated far enough. It wasn't until after Trojan was properly taken care of that Will decided to explore a bit of the city. The last time he was here he didn't get much of a chance due to Aegon's condition, but now he could do whatever he wanted.

Deciding to explore a bit of the city before he did anything too extreme, Will took a stroll down a random street, browsing through the stalls along the way. He sampled a few delicious looking foods, even buying large quantities of certain things he found delicious.

He really didn't need to buy any sort of food anywhere for longer than he cared to admit, but when the wars started, and they would start without question, food was going to be hard to find or the prices would skyrocket.

Will was just buying everything in advance, knowing people he might be traveling with would probably rely on his food just to live.

If it was Elia, Rhaenys or Aegon he would make sure they ate healthy for as long as it was within his power, and Will had no doubt there might be more people he would come to see in a positive light in the future, so he would need to add their mouths to the list, as well as their families, clear up to the point where he would be the main supply for armies and the like.

Needless to say, buying wherever he could wasn't a bad thing, and it's not like he was running out of gold anytime soon.

As he walked down the street, Will saw a few rich looking people get their money pouches stolen from them without ever realizing it. There were of course a few muggers who were caught, but those weren't nearly as fun to watch.

Will didn't say anything about the robberies, even getting a few nods of thanks from the muggers for keeping his mouth shut, making him smile at that. He didn't care one way or the other about the fat bastards who got their money stolen, thinking they deserved it if they carried it so openly a kid could easily come and steal it from them.

"GET BACK HERE!!" A loud deep voice shouted, pulling Will from his thoughts. Looking over, he saw a boy, maybe 16 or 17 years old running through the crowd with a bag clutched under his arm. There were of course people chasing the older boy, but with how fast he was going, Will had no doubt he would make a clean getaway.

Will brushed the whole situation off as not his problem, then continued on his way. Nothing of interest happened for the next hour, at which point something bizarre happened. Will was standing in the middle of the street, and all around him were thugs with weapons drawn.

"Please tell me this is what I think it is!!" Will shouted, looking rather giddy at the situation instead of scared like everyone expected him to be.

"What do you think this is, boy?!!" One of them asked, a wicked smile on his face as he licked his blade.

"I know you think that makes you come across as scary, but that's just gross! You have no idea the germs and bacteria that are on that thing. As for what I think is happening, well... a situation where I get to kill you in the middle of the street and be completely justified!!" Will said, his happy expression in his eyes turning manic.

"The Lad's lost his mind!" Another man shouted, raising an axe into the air. "Before we get started, do you guys have some secret hideout? Cause the one who tells me gets to live!!" Will said sweetly, then before any of the people around him could react, he shot towards one of them.

All Will did was swipe his arm in front of the guy's neck and the next second the man's head fell from his body. Everyone still standing froze in their tracks, wondering what the fuck just happened.

They all soon got an up close and personal answer to that question as all of their heads fell to the ground, except for one person who was left untouched.

"Any hideout you want to tell me about?" Will asked, standing only a foot away from the man who had fallen on his ass in pure terror at Will's approach. The man shook his head slowly, wondering what Will was going to do with him.

"You were planning to sell me into slavery, weren't you?" Will asked, getting a nod from the man. 'He might be stupid, but at least he's honest.' Will thought, shaking his head at the still downed man.

"Slavery is outlawed in Pentos, isn't it?" Will asked, already knowing the answer. The man nodded yes once again, and Will wondered what was going through his mind.

"You weren't in charge, were you?" Will asked, knowing the answer to this question as well. The man couldn't even lie, let alone talk, so putting him in charge of anything was a horrible idea.

"Do you have any other slaves somewhere else?" Will asked after he got a nod to the previous question. The man shook his head in the negative.

"Well... this wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be." Will said, swiping his arm in front of the guy's neck, decapitating him with wind magic.

Looking at the bloody mess around him, Will shook his head in disappointment. None of the headless corpses had anything of value on them, Will could see that without having to use Magic sense, but the ability proved what he thought anyway.

The good thing about the whole situation, the would-be slaver's picked a spot where there was no one around to witness the deed, so Will didn't need to explain himself to anyone.

Leaving the scene as if nothing happened, Will made his way towards the large palaces owned by the Magisters, who were wealthy and powerful individuals with their own forces at their beck and call.

If he wanted to rob someone, these were the people. The amount they spent on wine alone each year could probably feed all the common folk in the city, yet it was none of their business. It was none of Will's either, but that didn't mean he wouldn't help himself to their stuff.

With that thought in mind, Will soon arrived at a beautiful looking palace, though it didn't have the high walls one would expect. There was a large stone fence of course, but it wouldn't be enough to deter any would-be assassins or trespassers.

"I wonder who this little paradise belongs to..." Will mumbled as he rubbed his hands together in a typical villain like fashion, then jumped over the fence.

Moving quickly, Will made it to cover in some bushes near one wing of the massive building, but rather than climbing through a window or doorway, he built a tunnel going into the side of the building with the entrance covered by some bushy plant.

Inside, Will appeared to be on the lowest floor of the building, which just so happened to be where tools, weapons, and wines were stored.

'It's like they knew I was coming!!' Will thought happily, not missing the opportunity to take everything not nailed down to the building. Sadly the vaults, if the place even had any, were not on the lowest floor, but Will wasn't all that dejected. He had already gotten loads of goodies, and this was just the lowest floor.

Climbing the stairs, Will had to hide himself a few times to not be spotted, but everything was quite easy with Earth magic. Sensing people approaching and hiding was nothing at all, and with no alarms being set off, Will was in the clear.

That of course didn't mean he wouldn't be letting them know who took it though. Will didn't want the servants to be accused of plundering the place dry, so he was going to leave a little gift before he left.

As he climbed to the higher floors, Will stole paintings, furniture, statues, drapes, and even a marble wall. Just broke the stone around it with Earth magic then stored it away into his inventory.

Though he had yet to explore even half of the massive place, Will felt like now was as good a time as any to move onto somewhere else, knowing someone had probably already noticed the bare rooms and floors, and if they didn't it wouldn't be for much longer.

Going back down a floor, Will scanned the area with magic, and upon finding no one else around, he used Fire magic to engrave a message into the floor that would literally be impossible to miss.


"The Lord of Light thanks you for your patronage!"


Pinning the blame for the thefts on these sadistic fuckers who enjoyed burning people alive wasn't the ideal way to cover up for himself, but it would work in a pinch. The obvious scorch marks and how the message had clearly been burned into the floor would go a long way in proving that the fire deity was involved.

The fiery divine bastard could go fuck himself for all Will cared, same for those who worshiped him. Anyone who didn't serve him was burned alive as a sacrifice in his name, but there were multiple gods out there.

The other gods just didn't give a damn about the pissing contest the Lord of light was having, choosing to keep out of his little plan to gain followers. Will figured the asshole was the one who changed the Night King from how the children of the forest designed him to be so everyone would come to rely on him.

I mean really, an enemy that can only be killed by a magic weapon or fire.... warning label right there! Will hated all the divine cunts though, thinking they could all go and fuck themselves rather than try and have him worship them.

Done with giving the metaphorical finger to the Lord of Light, Will moved on to the next palace, though because the sun was already beginning to settle, it was much easier to move along his way.

This next building had far less wine in it, but it did have enough weapons to equip a small army. There were about 80 swords, 100 shields, 110 spears, 20 axes, 10 hammers, and 60 bows, which Will gladly took.

It wasn't until he was done stealing everything that he realized how weird this all was considering Pentos was forbidden to have it's own army when Braavos kicked its ass in the last war, but then figured whoever owned this place was either selling to mercenary bands or stockpiling to equip his own army if the need ever arose. Wouldn't matter now considering it all belonged to Will.

Like the first place, Will roamed the halls stealing anything that wasn't nailed down, only unlike last time he got a little careless and people noticed far earlier than he had planned. There were shouts of panic on the lower floors, and Will could hear people clad in armor running down the halls.

Quickly writing the message on the stone floor with magic, Will ran towards the nearest window before jumping through it. The window was one overlooking the sea, which worked out well for Will as he made a pillar of water rise up into the air and catch him.

Thankfully no one noticed his little escape, and he moved along down the coast a bit, far enough away from this place that he wouldn't be a suspect. Then again, who would think a young kid not even in his teens could break in and steal that many things without being noticed.

For almost 4 miles, Will swam down the coast before he finally pulled himself out of the water, going the extra mile to make sure no one would notice him. Looking around the area he now found himself in, Will wasn't too surprised when he saw that it was another palace/estate of some rich fucker.

'One last score before I turn in for the night wouldn't hurt!' Will thought, already making his way towards the large castle structure. From what he could tell, there was a large underground cellar or dungeon sort of thing.

The only thing that mattered though was that it was filled up with boxes and chests, which was all the motivation Will needed to go through with it. Like the other two, Will tunneled into the basement, only this one was much larger.

There were hundreds of boxes lying around, sadly many of them appeared to be empty. A few of them also held many different ores, which Will greedily took, hell even the empty boxes weren't spared from his plundering.

Eventually he found a chest that was different compared to all the other containers he had found so far, this one reinforced with steel bands, made of a dark smooth wood. There were even a few gemstones on it, which just so happened to be what drew Will's attention to it in the first place.

Kneeling in front of the lid, Will used a little bit of metal magic to remove the lock, then slowly opened it. What he saw shocked and excited him, having not expected to find this so soon.

Inside the chest were three large scaled eggs, no doubt the dragon eggs Daenerys got from Magister Illyrio Mopatis when she married Drogo in the series. "

Haha...HA!... HAHAHA!! What fucking luck!!" Will almost shouted, laughing like he had just won the jackpot.

"No more dragons!!" He proclaimed, storing them and the chest inside his Inventory.

'Would I be able to make an omelet out of these things?' Will thought, freezing in his tracks. He had no intention to ever hatch the damn things, but if they were petrified right now, would there even be a yolk of sorts inside of them....

'Then again they aren't chickens, they're dragons! Magical beings!! I doubt there will be a yolk inside of them.' Will thought sadly, his dreams of making the largest omelet dashed before it could come to fruition.

(A.N. I know I'm gonna get some bitching about this, but just hear me out here. By this point in most stories, the MC would already be fucking Daenerys and have full control of the dragons, but as I've already pointed out, I dislike the glorified lizards! It's also my fan fic, and if you think it should be different, go write your own! ENJOY!)

After taking the eggs, Will continued looting the place with wild abandon, his greed having increased upon realizing who owned this place. Illyrio Mopatis was one of the richest fuckers in Essos, having palaces in almost everyone of the free cities.

If it wasn't for the dragon eggs, Will would have forgotten this guy even existed, so his memory of him wasn't all that great, but the part about him being loaded was basically all he really needed to know.

Will cleaned out the entirety of the basement and most of the main floor above it, but then decided it would be best to call it a night. Unlike the previous place, there were no alarms forcing Will to leave, and he went completely unnoticed back out onto the streets.

The sun was already gone from the sky, so Will would have to trek back to the Inn where Trojan was at in the dark, but it wasn't too bad.

With magic he could see better than he could with his eyes, just not as far, which wasn't really a concern as it was still further than everyone else could see.

As he walked about the street, he noticed someone following him, and rather than move around quick enough to lose whoever it was, Will decided to go see who it was.

Rounding a corner, Will pulled out an empty crate and hid behind it as he waited for whoever it was to round the corner as well.

He only had to wait half a minute before a child, younger than he was by maybe a year or two, to peek around the corner, then fully expose himself when he couldn't see Will on the street anymore.

"SURPRISE BITCH!!" Will shouted as he jumped out and whacked the kid right in the face with a board. The kid was out like a candle in a hurricane, making Will wonder if he had gone too far.

'I'm sure he'll be fine!' He thought, getting a better look at the unconscious child whose nose was bleeding like a fountain.

It was a boy, maybe 10 years old or so, could be older, but with how scrawny he was it was kind of hard to tell.

'Either works for Illyrio, Varys, or he saw me when I left Illyrio's....' Will thought, realizing he should have waited until after he questioned whoever the kid was before he smashed a board in his face.

'A lesson for another time.' Will thought as he grabbed the boy and strung him over his shoulder, though not until after his nose stopped bleeding.

There were no incidents getting back to the Inn, but when he got there was another story altogether.

The innkeeper himself was more of an asshole than Will thought, griping about how he had to be back at a certain hour or there was a fee to let him into the inn, and how he would have to pay double if he wanted to have another person sleep in the room with him.

The little rat faced dickwad started blabbering, but there was only so much a man could take, and eventually Will lost it.

"Are you fucking stupid?!! What kind of idiot do you think I am?!! The only additional payment you'll get is my boot up your ass if you don't shut the fuck up! And if you try any of that other shit I'm going to stab you in the eyes before I cut your head off!!" Will shouted, having to hold himself back from outright killing the fucker right there.

The man tried to say something else, but thankfully someone else intervened, pulling the innkeeper away. Seeing the stupid cunt back off, Will went inside with the kid still slung over his shoulder, then walked up some stairs and into his room.

Closing the door behind him, Will dropped the boy like a pile of shit into the corner, then flopped onto the bed as he rubbed his temples.

'That fat bastard downstairs is going to try something either tonight or in the morning...' He thought, already tired of this shit. Most people of this world were just that fucking stupid, and although Will loved it, he also hated it at the same time.

Loved it because it validated a reason to kill them, but hated it because it was almost impossible to trust someone. Granted he would have never trusted the guy in the first place, especially if he seemed like a saint, but it was the principal of the matter.

There was no one you could really trust in this world. Just ask Robb Stark after the Red Wedding! Will could have listed over a dozen other betrayals from the show, but it was just too time consuming to do. (A.N. And I just really didn't want to write them all out!!)

Knowing he would now have to keep an eye out for whatever the innkeeper would do, Will pulled out a heap of food and piled it on one of the fancy new plates he had stolen today.

There were even genuine silver forks and knives he had stolen, and he didn't pass up the opportunity to use them. He had only been eating for around 5 minutes before he heard some groans of pain coming from the corner, letting him know the boy was awake.

"Rise and shine!!" Will said a little too cheerfully, giving off a creepy sort of vibe. The boy looked up to where the voice came from, but the candle light only illuminated so much of the room.

The only thing that the boy could see were a pair of glowing red eyes, making him think he was staring at some sort of demon.

"Oh Gods!! Please don't kill me!!" The boy pleaded, moving so he was bowing with his head to the floor.

"The Gods have no say on whether I kill you or not!! Frankly their opinion's don't mean very much to me either, and I'd prefer it if they went and fucked themselves into oblivion!" Will stated, rolling his eyes at the mention of the gods!

Getting up off of the bed, Will placed his food down and walked over so he was towering over the boy kneeling on the ground.

"Don't fucking bow to me!! Stand up, you look ridiculous!!" Will said, holding his hand out for the boy to take. Hesitantly, the boy looked up at him, then slowly took his hand.

Pulling him to his feet, Will asked, "Alright then!! Why were you following me? And if you lie to me, I will kill you!!" His little statement at the end might have been overdoing it, but it seemed to have the desired effect.

The boy looked like he was going to piss himself, tears already forming in the corners of his eyes, but Will stopped him by slapping him across the face, although not as hard as he could have.

"You start crying for no reason, and I'll give you one!" Will said, raising his hand into the air.

The boy took a few deep breaths to calm himself, biting the tears down as well. Finally he spoke, "I-I seen you get into that palace from the water, even how ya went into the ground. I waited until you got out, then I followed you."

Will was a bit surprised the boy had managed to spy on him that long, especially the part about him coming out of the water. Before he had gotten out, there had been no one in the vicinity, making him want to know more.

"How did you see me come out of the water, and what was your purpose in following me?" Will asked, staring at the boy with a little bit of a softer gaze now. At his question, Will saw the boy's face turn scared, as his eyes scanned the room, then a serious look came across his face.

"I saw ya through a little bird up in the sky. Can only do it for a few seconds, and it's weird, but I can do it. No one believes me though, but that was why I was following you! You have magic too, so I thought maybe you could teach me!" The boy said, making Will's mind go blank.

The room was deathly quiet, and it looked as though Will stopped breathing entirely.

"Ummm...You okay?" The boy asked, waving a hand in front of Will's face. Coming back to reality, Will shook his head, thinking he might have heard that wrong.

"Hold it, hold it, hold it!! What do you mean you saw me through a bird up in the sky?" Will asked, wondering what the fuck was going on here.

"You know, where ya become the bird.... You do know of it, right?" The boy asked, wondering if he had been wrong about Will and magic. Will instead shocked him with what he said next.

"How the fuck is that possible?! You fuckers are supposed to be rare, yet I've run into like 5 of you in just as many years!!" Will stated, thinking about Aegon and Rhaenys, two wars he had met among the free folk, and now this kid.

Plus there were still Ned Stark's sons as well, adding three more to that list. Will didn't know if Arya or Sansa had the magic, but it never mentioned anything about it in the show, and as for Jon... Well, Will just didn't know that either.

Point was, Warg's were supposed to be a one in a thousand sort of thing, yet Will came across them like a fat man comes across a McDonalds!

At Will's statement about having met others like him, the boy's cautious demeanor changed to excitement, almost running over to grab Will by the shoulders, but he thought better about doing that in the next breath.

"So there are others like me! I knew it!!" The boy shouted in excitement, breaking Will out of his own thoughts.

"Shut up! And don't go around spreading that you have magic! Many would kill you just for saying it, mostly because they're scared of it, but also because they don't understand it." Will said, making the boy's smile drop from his face.

"People around here just think my head's not on right, then laugh. Got beat a few times for saying it, now I kinda keep to myself." The boy said, his cautious demeanor coming back to him. Will rubbed his temples as he paced around the room, then finally let himself collapse onto his bed.

"You are what is known as a Skinchanger or as the Free Folk call it, a Warg. It's the ability to enter the mind of an animal and control its actions. It is a rare ability with only one man in a thousand being born a Skinchanger. Having the blood of the First Men may make it more likely for someone to be a Skinchanger, but people without their blood can be born with it as well." Will explained, making the boy's eyes widen at the thought.

"Can you teach me?" The boy asked hopefully, looking like he was about to get on his knees and grovel before Will.

"I can't. I don't have that kind of magic, but I do know of a few people that do. The only thing I can tell you are some do's and don'ts about it." Will answered, getting an understanding look from the boy as he nodded his head.

Will then went on to explain a few things he was told by some of the Free Folk. Like how trying to seize the body of another man is considered the worst abomination a Warg can do, not that there have been any records of people ever succeeding, and to never try to mate with anything while in the body of the animal.

It would sow great distrust and could lead to them fighting the connection between them and the Warg. He also said if the animal died while the Warg was in control of it, the person would lose a portion of their soul, but Will wasn't too sure if that was true or not.

When Will told the boy it would be much easier to take over an animal he was bonded with, the boy looked like he had a revelation.

"So that's why I can't stay connected for very long!!" The boy almost shouted, realizing that was also why it didn't work on some of the larger animals he had tried to take over as well.

"Of course it is!! How would you like to have someone take over your body without your consent?! Fucking idiot!" Will stated, confirming what the boy thought, while at the same time making him hang his head in shame.

Will shared a few other things he had learned watching Aegon and Rhaenys with their animals, then finally asked something he had forgotten to ask. "What's your name?"

The boy blinked several times, finally realizing that he had in fact forgotten to give his name. It was understandable though, he had just woken up from being smashed in the face by a board.

"My name is Drox." The boy answered, giving no last name as he had no family to speak of. Will didn't really expect to hear one anyway, thinking the boy was born to indentured servants who were slaves in everything but name.

Braavos might have outlawed slavery in Pentos, but when it cost more to eat then you got paid, people sold themselves into the magister's service, being indebted for the remainder of their lives.

What actually surprised Will was the fact that Drox wasn't in the service of some Magister already. "Well, Drox... What do you think I should do with you...?" Will asked, staring at the boy who was maybe only a year or two younger than himself.

Silence reigned supreme in the room for a good 5 minutes or so, both boys staring into the other's eyes, clear up to the point where Will pulled a boot out of nowhere and threw it at Drox's head.

"Well?!! Stop staring at me with that idiotic look on your face and answer the question!!" Will shouted in annoyance as Drox rubbed the top of his head.

"I can't help it!! I've always looked this way!!" Drox said, trying to defend himself as he slowly got to his feet.

"About what you are gonna do to me, how bout you let me come with you!! We could be friends!!" Drox said, sounding like it was a brilliant idea.

It was Will's turn to look at Drox with an idiotic blank stare, at which point Drox picked up the boot and threw it right back at Will, only he saw it coming from a mile away and caught it without having to use magic.

"See?!! We can play games with each other!!" Drox said, thinking this could be a thing between the both of them. His smile dropped when the boot came flying through the air again, smashing him in the face and knocking him on his ass.

"That sounds like the dumbest idea I've ever heard!" Will shouted, then walked over and picked the boot back up before making it disappear back inside his inventory.

"I don't need some dead weight slowing me down." Will said to Drox, then turned and went back to his bed. To his credit, Drox never shred a single tear or looked even the slightest bit angry at how Will was treating him, which was what Will had been counting on.

He figured the kid would suggest this the moment he confirmed he knew about his magic, and rather than bringing Drox with him, Will wanted to make him angry enough to leave him be.

Once again they both sat there staring at the other, only this time Drox had his hands to the side of his face, while Will was munching on a chicken sandwich he had thrown together from the remaining heap of food on his plate.

No one did or said anything for over a minute before Will sighed, then stood up and placed half of the sandwich on the floor next to the boy along with a glass of water.

"Consider that payment for the boot." Will said tiredly, then walked back to the bed to finish his own piece of the sandwich.

Drox didn't wait to be told a second time, digging into the food with a passion. Will was barely even halfway done with his piece of the sandwich when he noticed Drox had already finished his own piece of food, and was now staring at him expectantly.

"Oh no you don't!!" Will shouted, moving the sandwich so it wasn't anywhere near Drox's side of the room. Will ate all of his food, occasionally making slow exaggerated movements to taunt the boy, until finally he finished the last bite.

"You can stay here for one night, then you gotta leave." Will said reluctantly, then tossed the blankets from the bed onto Drox. He didn't use them to keep warm anyway, so it didn't matter to him.

With that said, Will turned over so his back was to Drox, but his magic sense was still active, that way if the boy tried anything even remotely fishy, Will would either cripple him or kill him without a second thought.

Through a magic sense, Will was able to see the look of disbelief Drox was showing as he held the blanket, rubbing it between his hands, then on his face. It must have been warm and comforting compared to what he had probably had to deal with for the last few years of his life.


Will was awoken from his sleep when he felt movement in the room. Now that he was awake, he could clearly tell that Drox was moving about the room, only what was weird about it was the fact that the boy was now leaning with his ear to the door, like he was listening for something.

Extending his magic sense a bit further, Will was surprised to see two people outside the door trying to work the lock to get into the room.

He was about to ask what the fuck was going on, but then he realized one of the men outside was the innkeeper, and remembering what a cunt he was, Will could take a guess at what was going on.

Climbing out of bed and tiptoeing over to the door, Will got Drox's attention so he wouldn't make any sounds, then he gestured for the boy to move away from the door.

Taking Drox's place, Will rolled his shoulders to loosen them up, then put his left hand on the door's latch, while he pulled out one of his daggers with the other.

'3... 2... 1!' Will thought as he snapped the door open as fast as he could, then drove the dagger home into the closest of the now startled men.

The dagger came up from the jaw and out of the top of the man's skull, killing him instantly. The second man, the innkeeper, was frozen with terror at the sight and couldn't react fast enough to what had just happened.

Seeing his stunned state, Will grabbed the innkeeper by the hair and dragged him inside the room before closing the door behind him.

"Why do people keep trying to fuck with me?!! Do I have a fucking sign painted on my back inviting this sort shit?!!" Will asked as he kicked the scared man to the floor.

"Pleas-!!" The innkeeper tried to beg, but Will was having none of it and swung his free arm in a downward cutting motion, sending out a wind blade that cut the man in two, covering most of the room in blood that spurted from the body.

"Well... fuck." Will said smartly as he walked over to the two pieces of the innkeeper's corpse. With his still bloody dagger, Will stabbed both eyes, then severed the two pieces of the head.

With that done he walked over and took a seat on the bloody bed. Without looking at Drox, Will said, "I told him I would do that, and I always try to keep my word to the best of my ability."

Only silence answered him for a good minute or two before something unexpected happened. "That... was so amazing!!" Drox proclaimed, looking from the severed corpse and then back to Will.

Terror or disgust and many other disturbed things was what Will had been expecting, but reverence was not one of them.

"No it wasn't! Now I need to leave, and I didn't even get a full night's rest!" Will stated, getting back to his feet and walking towards the door, deciding to leave the inn sooner rather than later.

Getting out to the stables, Will realized Drox was trailing close behind him, making him stop in his tracks.

"And where the fuck are you going?!" Will asked, turning to look at the little boy. "W-With you?" Drox said, looking unsure of himself now.

"No you're not!" Will stated as he grabbed Trojan from the stall, then tossed his saddle on the massive stallion. Drox tried to protest, but Will simply ignored the boy and rode off down the street with the boy running after him.

Not stopping until he was a good 30 minutes away from the inn and out of sight from Drox, Will walked Trojan until he came to another inn, just not nearly as fancy as the first one.

Troubling the new innkeeper, Will gave him almost triple what was required for coming at the late hour. The man woke up a boy who came and tried to take Trojan back to another stable, but the big horse almost killed the kid. Will had to take the horse there himself, leaving the kid to feed and water the horse while the innkeeper escorted Will to another room.

Thankfully this guy seemed like a far nicer guy than the old one, though that might be because Will paid an absurd amount of money.

Will would have just left the city and moved on further northward to Braavos, but he still wanted to have some fun in the city, mainly steal from the rich fuckers.

As soon as he was in his room, Will stripped off his clothing, pulled a barrel of water from his inventory to wash the blood away from himself, then was asleep the second his head touched the pillow.

There wasn't another incident for the rest of the night, which Will was quite thankful for. Too much excitement when he hadn't slept right just wasn't good for his health, and for the poor souls who just so happened to be the cause for the drop in his sleeping hours.

The next day, Will traveled about the city doing the same thing as before, stealing from whoever the fuck was unfortunate enough to catch his eye. Of course he did actually buy a few things here and there, although it was mostly either some fancy food, hay, grain, or some item that caught his fancy.

A few books here and there, but mostly about history or songs and the like. Although one of them was on the construction of buildings, which was kind of cool to Will because he finally got to see how they built some of the buildings in this world.

It didn't show how they built the really massive buildings, but from the buildings in the book Will had a general idea how they might have done it.

Like this, Will spent the next few days doing that, exploring a few places he shouldn't have, while taking thousands of things that were worth a fortune. It wasn't until the ninth day since his arrival that he decided he was done here.

He hadn't gotten to rob all of the rich places in the city, but those ones were crawling with unsullied guards after word got out that the 'church' was robbing the rich. Oh how he enjoyed watching that aftermath of that little plan play out.

There was a gathering near the temple to the Lord of Light, and it had almost come to blows, but sadly a group of people from Braavos came to calm everyone down.

He checked out of the inn, then took Trojan down to the docks where he made his ship reappear before he loaded the reluctant horse on board.

Everything about his departure was going smoothly, clear until he felt something move on his ship, and it wasn't Trojan. Spreading out his magic sense, Will almost facepalmed when he saw Drox skulking about behind some boxes.

He was debating whether or not to throw the kid off the ship after he got out at sea a bit, but decided against it. He didn't want the kid to drown after all, despite the amount of problems he could foresee it saving him.

"Come on out, Drox!!" Will shouted plainly, thinking he better get this shit sorted out sooner rather than later.

It took a few moments, but eventually Drox made his way out onto the open deck, showing a nervous smile to Will.

"H-Hey..." The boy said sheepishly as he rubbed his left arm in embarrassment. He hadn't expected to be caught so soon, and now here he was, standing in front of Will.

Staring at him, Will shook his head as said, "You can't come with me, Drox. I don't need another person to watch over."

His words stung the boy, but he didn't look as though he would give up just yet. Seeing that, Will knew what was coming, and rather than hear the begging, Will made a tendril of water rise up and pull Drox from the ship and place him onto the shore.

With that done, Will quickly began to move the boat out in the water, knowing the boy might try to climb back on if he waited any longer.

He was about 50 yards off the coast when he saw something splashing in the water a ways away from him, heading further out in the water towards him but not near fast enough to catch him.

It didn't take a genius to know what that splashing, floundering thing was. Will grumbled to himself, kicked the side of the ship, and even pulled a few things from his inventory just so he could break them.

"FUCK!!" He shouted, stopping the ship as he used water magic to grab Drox and pull him back onto the ship.

When the boy dropped onto the wooden deck, he sputtered and gasped for air for a good minute before he looked up to the glaring Will.

"I won't cause you any problems! I'll even work for you if that's what it takes!!" Drox exclaimed, rolling to his knees and groveling at Will's feet.

"Stand up, stupid!" Will said a little louder than he intended as he pulled Drox up by the wet rags he wore for a shirt.

"You can come with me, but you get one chance! You fuck this up in any way, and that's the end of it!!" Will growled, more annoyed than angry at the stubborn kid.

Hearing Will's acceptance, Drox threw his arms into the air as he shouted, "YES!! You won't regret this!!"

Will didn't say anything to him, but he grumbled, "I already am!" under his breath, not loud enough for Drox to hear.

"Your first job is to clean up this mess!" Will said, pointing to a mess of broken glass bottles, boxes, plates, and a few other fragile objects. Drox didn't need to be told twice, getting to his feet and walking over to the mess.

Will meanwhile walked over and began lowering the sails. The distance to Braavos would take awhile, and the sooner he got there the better.

If he was by himself he could take this time to read a few of the books he got or try and use magic to experiment on a few items, but now with Drox here, he had a wild suspicion that he would be spending a lot of this time answering questions he didn't give two shits about.

"Hey! I forgot to ask, but what's your name?!" Drox asked, causing Will to shake his head, thinking, 'This is going to be a long trip!'