Chapter 15: Momma Drox!!

Two days came and went in the blink of an eye. Throughout that time, Will and his bunch patrolled around the Fist of the First Men, fighting undead and Free Folk alike, though they killed more undead than they did Free Folk.

The Cave people around that area were unlike any of the Free Folk Will had met thus far. They were painted in various colors, and they chose to attack rather than talk anything out.

The Free Folk with Will were more inclined to kill them as well, and Will could guess that most people probably thought that way considering how they thought of the situation.

His assumptions were confirmed that night around the fire when they told him how every Free Folk clan beyond the Wall hated the Cave-Dwellers.

They spent a total of three nights at the Fist in their little fortress, and Will was actually glad that he had spent the time exploring the place.

After he had thrown all of the snow off the cliffs, a few of his men had uncovered a few caches of Dragonglass weapons, and it was at that point that Will remembered Sam Tarly finding something like that in the show.

He knew there was a reason he remembered this place, and the trip was well worth it. There were symbols all around that held Dragonglass weapons, arrowheads, and candles in them.

There were even a few horns, but the Free Folk told Will that they were used by members of the Night's Watch to signal each other. Will stored the horns away in his inventory, but wasn't sure if he would ever use them.

The morning after the third night, Will and his band decided to head Northeast until they came to the Antler River before riding a ship back to Hardhome.

It would be a lot faster than trekking back through the forest, and they most likely wouldn't have to deal with attacks from the various clans of Free Folk around the forest.

A few of the Free Folk with Will wanted to spend the extra time moving through the forest in the hopes of prolonging their trip, solely for the purpose of having more of Will's food, but they weren't really given a say in the matter.

Once Will decided on a route, everyone else could either follow him or go out on their own, but no one chose to do that. After all, it was a lot safer with Will, and he would feed you, and if you were injured he would keep you from dying.

Everyone had actually grown to respect him more on this trip, having judged his character to be better than they had originally thought. He wasn't some monster with powers who didn't care if they died, nor did he treat them as if he was their better and force them to do his bidding.

If there was work to be done, Will's contribution was more than everyone put together. If someone was hurt, he would stop everything he was doing and use his magic to heal them.

Rather than force everyone to hunt for their own food, Will provided them all delicious and healthy food in abundance, gave them the weapons to survive, and despite what many had thought, had taught them about surviving in the North, despite already knowing a fair bit themselves.

There were many people or things out in the wilderness that would kill a man without a second thought, and Will had shown many of them how to counter most things. The undead were the main thing, but there were others as well.

Moving through the forest, Will halted the group when he saw the two scouts he had sent on ahead moving quickly back towards them.

"What is it?" Will asked once the men got back. "There is a shadowcat stalking an eagle's nest about three hundred yards up ahead! We thought the young Warg might be interested in getting an eagle!" One of the scouts answered, looking from Will to Drox.

Everyone had already been told of Drox being a Warg, and how he had no idea how to use it properly. A few of the people had friends who were Wargs, and they told Drox many of the things they had come to know about the magic.

First and most importantly, never try to take over another person. That was apparently a big taboo everywhere. Not that there had been any known successful attempts before, but it was still a rule.

When Drox heard about the eagle and shadowcat, his eyes lit up, and he looked to Will almost pleadingly. "Can I?! I'll take care of them, I swear!!" Drox asked, and Will had to stop for a second.

"What do you mean, 'Them?'" Will asked, wondering what Drox was getting at. "If I can, I want the eagle too!" Drox stated excitedly, already thinking about having the giant cat that could kill a full grown man with a swipe of it's claws.

"Greedy little...!" Will mumbled before he sighed. "Fine. Let me go try and capture the damn thing before it kills the bird." Will grumbled as he dismounted Trojan.

"You all stay here until I give the signal." Will said before he took off down the trail the scouts had come from. He wouldn't have to explain what the signal was. Everyone would just know it when it came.

Using wind and water magic, Will made so he was downwind of the shadowcat, while also making his steps as light as a feather. He moved slower than usual so as not to alert the cat of his approach, but it was worth it once he arrived at the scene and the shadowcat was still there and unaware of his presence.

Unfortunately the eagle was already dead and being ripped open next to it's nest, but Will could faintly make out the top of some great big egg shells.

'Maybe he can hatch them and be their mommy!' Will thought, mentally laughing at the thought of Drox trying to raise the baby birds.

Will approached until he was close enough that the giant cat couldn't outrun him, then let his presence be known when he blasted the giant cat off the tree with wind magic.

The shadowcat had been so surprised, it hadn't moved from where it fell for a good 5 seconds before it's eyes finally landed on Will.

"Here kitty kitty kitty!! Be a good cat, and don't make this harder than it needs to be." Will said softly, hoping to not anger the stunned cat. No such luck.

The large cat lunged towards him, but Will was completely on point when he sidestepped it, then kicked it mid-air. Amplified with wind magic, his kick sent the large cat crashing into the tree with the eagle's nest.

It must have hurt something fierce, because it took it's time getting back to its feet. However rather than trying to continue the fight, it tried to make a break for it.

Will didn't give it the chance, making a wall of earth rise in front of it's path and on the sides, essentially blocking it in. A cornered beast with it's back against the wall is one you don't want to be anywhere near, and yet Will found himself walking right towards the damn thing with his arm outstretched with a large bloody steak in his hand.

"Now don't do anything stupid..." Will mumbled as he tossed the steak at the cat's feet. Not taking its eyes off of Will, it lowered it's head to the red meat before giving it a smell.

While the cat was distracted with the steak, Will made the earth around the cat shoot upwards at an angle, trapping the cat in a teepee looking jail of stone bars. The large beast growled and slashed at it's new prison, but Will simply tossed another steak inside the make-shift cage with the thing.

'I could just chase it away... save me the trouble of going through this crap!' Will thought, thinking this was going to be more trouble than it was worth. Looking up to the large nest, he thought something similar, though he did have a little bit of a laugh thinking about Drox acting like a mother hen.

A sharp hiss in front of him pulled his attention back to the cat, and Will grumbled as he took a step forward and tossed another chunk of meat into the cage. Barely out of the thing's reach, Will decided to see if the damn thing was even tamable before he called for the others.

Putting on a steel gauntlet, Will extended his hand towards the cat, and it reacted predictably by trying to rip his hand off. There were now large scratch marks in the gauntlets, but Will's hand was still there, so it was worth ruining the thing.

"Have I mentioned I don't like cats?!!" Will grumbled to the cat in question who was licking its chops as it eyed him dangerously.

Done with the thing, Will let out a loud high pitched whistle, then looked back at the cat. 'Let's see how it handles other people.' He thought, wondering if it would freak out and try to break the stone cage.

Less than a minute after he had whistled, Trojan came galloping through the trees, only stopping when he noticed the giant cat in the cage next to Will. Defensively, the large horse struck the ground, ready to defend himself if the situation called for it.

The cat, seeing the large horse began to lick its chops, almost like it was looking at it's meal course for the next week. "You try it, and I'll have a new cat skin rug!!" Will stated, glaring at the cat as he moved to the large black horse.

Trojan let out a loud whinny of agreement before he moved again towards Will, almost like he understood what was just said and was now challenging the large cat.

Will knew a cat like this could easily take down a horse, but Trojan wasn't an ordinary horse, and if he had to put money on which one of these things would win, his money would be on Trojan.

Not long after Trojan's arrival, Drox and the others showed up, their eyes immediately going to the large cat in the cage.

"The bird died, but there are some eggs up there. If you want a proper bird so bad, you're going to have to hatch them!" Will stated, getting an idea of what the response would be.

"A KITTY!!" Drox exclaimed, making Will shake his head. 'Nope... Didn't think it was going to be that.' Will thought, wondering how old Drox was mentally. The boy was smart in certain fields, but there were little things that would make him seem like he had the intelligence of a toddler.

Will watched Drox run over to the cage and grab ahold of the bars, and if not for his quick reflexes, Drox might have been ripped apart. The fur hood Drox was wearing now had a tear in it, but the boy himself was untouched.

"IDIOT!! That's not a little street cat that you can just hold and be friends with!! It's a full grown Shadowcat that would be more than happy to eat you at the first chance it gets!!" Will shouted, reprimanding Drox, whose face was a bright crimson from embarrassment.

He had been so excited, common sense had left him for a moment. The boy was about to say something when one of the men around him stepped forward and with the clear intent to speak.

"That actually ain't full grown... It's a yearling, and only about half the size of a full growed one. Hunted a few of em over the years, so I know the difference!" The man stated, and Will actually was a bit interested in it.

"So you're saying this thing is gonna get twice as big as it is now?" He asked, getting a nod from the man, making him turn his attention back to the beast in question. Everyone watched as Will hummed and mumbled to himself before he finally shook his head with a frown on his face.

"Nope! I don't think it'll get big enough to ride!" He stated, making everyone almost face plant onto the ground. The fact that he had already caught one of these things alive was an accomplishment all on it's own, but to try and ride the damned thing was akin to suicide, even for a Warg.

Speaking of Wargs, Will turned to look at Drox. "Try and make a bond with it. If you can't, we're letting it go. The Eagle eggs are already a win, so don't bitch if you don't get it." Will said, sounding a bit uncaring, but everyone knew that to be wrong.

He wouldn't have bothered to catch the cat in the first place if he didn't care at least a little bit about Drox. Said Warg scooted himself forward while he was still on his ass until he was facing the cat from just out of it's reach.

His eyes turned white, and his body fell limp, and everyone knew he was trying to take over the body of the cat. If he had just been trying to control the cat, things would have gone a lot easier. However he was trying to form a bond, and in doing so he would have to open his mind to the beast, at least from what Will could gather from listening to Aegon and Rhaenys.

The other people had their own insights, but Will didn't really care too much about it, he wasn't a Warg so that part wouldn't help him. The parts about hurting Wargs was useful information though, and Will learned more than he needed to on that front.

Will was practically an expert in hurting people, and only a fool would try to test him on the subject, or worse, push him to get first hand experience on what he knew.

While Drox did whatever he was doing with the cat, one of the Free Folk climbed the tree to grab the eggs. There were 4 eggs, but one of them had a crack in it, and Will could guess it was most likely the cat's doing.

"Can I eat it?" One of the men asked, and in response, Will touched the egg, making steam rise from the cracked shell. "Go nuts!" Will said as he tossed the now cooked egg to the man. There was no point in wasting a good egg, and the man had been the one to climb up and retrieve them in the first place.

Drox was taking his dear sweet time, and after an hour had passed, Will lit a fire and began to dish out lunch. It hadn't been near this long with Aegon or Rhaenys, and Will wondered if something had gone wrong.

It also could have been the fact that Drox didn't have any sort of bond with the animal beforehand, but Will couldn't really be sure about that. While everyone ate, Will paced around Drox's unconscious form, drawing the attention of the others around him.

"Don't worry about him! I heard about this one guy who was like that for a week before he finally woke up!" One guy chimed in, oh so helpfully. He was so helpful in fact, Will couldn't help but want to strangle him.

"AND YOU WAITED UNTIL NOW TO TELL ME?!! WE COULD HAVE DONE THIS SHIT BACK IN HARDHOME!! NOW WE'RE STUCK HERE!!" Will roared angrily, almost losing it and strangling both the man who spoke and Drox.

"You little bastard!!" Will grumbled as he made strangling gestures towards Drox's unconscious form. He couldn't just drape the boy over his horse either, as moving a Warg from his position while he was in an animal wasn't the best idea, and in some situations could hurt the Warg in question.

Not bothering to hide his anger on the matter, Will began to use earth magic to build a small defensible fortress around Drox, large enough to encamp the whole group.

"Going this way was supposed to be faster, but nooooo!! You just had to be a nice guy!!" Will grumbled aloud, getting a few awkward stares from the others, but they wisely chose to keep their mouths shut on the subject.

"I want everyone to get into groups of five to go scout around the area. Be within shouting distance of each group, and don't go further than a mile. Take your time, don't be seen, don't be heard, and get back here to regroup." Will said, getting nods as people divided into groups before they set out.

None of them really wanted to be around Will at the moment anyway, so going out scouting was for the better. After all the men left the camp, a thought struck Will.

'Did these bastards not tell me about this so we would be stuck out here longer?' It was a real possibility, as they were very obsessed with the food he provided, and the sooner they got back, the sooner the free meals would end.

'Those dirty bastards!!' Will thought, more impressed than he was angry. He would have done something similar if he was in their situation, so he couldn't help but be proud of them.

Whether he would let them off without punishment was still yet to be determined, but his annoyance was dwindling by the minute, so their odds weren't too bad.

Time ticked by slowly, but it wasn't long before each group began to slowly arrive back at camp only minutes after each other. When the last group arrived, Will got the reports back, and aside from a few animal tracks, there wasn't anything of much interest.

The only thing even remotely noteworthy was a small band of Free Folk, maybe 15-20 people, mostly women and children. Will thought it over for a while, then spoke, "If the past is anything to go by, the group might be attacked by undead. We'll keep 2 groups of five watching them at all times for a while, and if the undead do attack we'll take them out. If Drox wakes up before any undead arrive... they've survived this long on their own."

It might not have been kind, but Free Folk have survived beyond the wall for millennia, and it wasn't even certain that the undead would even attack the group. If Will tried to save every person in a bad situation, he would never get to live his life, and he wasn't about to give that up for some random people.

That night after dinner, Will sent the first two groups of scouts out to watch the small band of Free Folk, while everyone else in his group set up their night defense formation. They hadn't let their guard down since they set out, and they wouldn't start now.

Sleep came quick that night, and thankfully it was a peaceful one. Neither Will's group, nor the Free Folk group were attacked by undead or anyone else for that matter.

Drox was still in his same sitting position, his eyes white as he sat in front of the caged shadowcat, whose eyes were also white. Brushing the boy off, Will decided to take Trojan out for a run.

He went a bit further than what was scouted by a good 5 miles, coming across a few animals here and there, but nothing worth mentioning besides a polar bear. Thankfully it ran off to who knows where, and Will returned a few hours after he had left, the group still just as he left them.

The scouts were sent out again, and just as before they came back with anything new to report. This was the routine for the next 3 days, at which point Drox finally woke up. The young Warg gasped for breath, almost as if he hadn't been breathing in the days he had been unconscious.

"Take it easy, Lad!" One of the Free Folk in the camp said, trying to calm Drox down. It took a little over a minute, but eventually Drox calmed down enough to look at his surroundings.

"How long was I out?" He asked quietly as he looked around at the men staring at him. "A few days. I Wish you could've been out a bit longer, but I suppose it's fer the best. Will might have killed us if you'd taken any longer." Another man answered, letting out a small laugh at something he said.

Looking around, Drox finally noticed that Will wasn't in the camp. "Where is Will?" He asked, turning to the others. "Out scouting. Been going out by himself at least once a day." Another man chimed in, then tossed another log on the fire.

"It's too late to travel today, but I imagine we'll be leavin bright and early." The man who had been the one to first see him awake said, walking over to a cauldron on the fire. He dished up a large bowl of stew, grabbed a loaf of bread, then brought it over to Drox.

"You're probably hungry, ain't ya?" The man asked, holding the food out for Drox to take, which he did with a smile. While he dug into his food, his eyes went to the shadowcat in the cage, which was now staring at him in an appraising sort of way.

Seeing the cat, something else sparked in Drox's head and he began to frantically look around. "Where are the eagle eggs?!" He shouted in panic, pulling all eyes to himself.

Everyone shared a look, then one of them spoke, "Calm down, boy... Will ate them!" A few different expressions went across the boy's face, and it wasn't until he looked like he was going to cry did everyone let out a fit of laughter.

Not sure what was going on, Drox let his confusion show, prompting one man to say, "You idiot!! Look in your fur!" Drox paused for a moment, then did as he was told. It was then he found the three eggs, wrapped in fur and feathers and snuggled against his body.

"Will said they were your problem, and if you break them, he's going to shove them down your throat!" Someone said, causing another eruption of laughter. Drox didn't mind all that much, the eggs were fine. He would just need to be extra careful with them until they hatched.

"Can I-" Drox said, but was interrupted when the all too familiar sound of a running horse echoed through the forest. A minute later Will could be seen riding into the camp, his eyes going straight to Drox.

"About time!! Wasn't sure if we were going to have to leave you!!" Will shouted as he slid down from the massive form that was Trojan.

Unlike the others, Will went straight to the cat, rather than Drox. "So... Do we keep it or let it go?" Will asked, drawing all the attention in the camp to him, including that of the cat in question.

"Keeping her!" Drox answered, moving carefully over to the stone cage. "If it attacks anyone without provocation, it's on your head!" Will stated, shooting a Drox a serious look.

The boy only nodded in understanding, then said, "She is not an it." Apparently whatever he had done with the cat had really sealed the bond between them, and calling her an "it" was just plain rude.

"Then what's HER name?!" Will asked, enunciating the 'her'. That actually caught Drox a little off guard, as the name of the cat never came up in his thoughts.

"Umm... I don't know." The boy answered as he stared at the cat, hoping for some form of inspiration. Will hummed to himself, then said, "Lets see... Sylvester, Shade, Tom, Butch, Tabby, Spot... That last one is more of a dog name, but it could still work!"

Drox stared at Will with a blank stare before saying, "None of those names are for a female, other than maybe Shade!" The cat let out a low hissing sound, drawing Drox's attention. "I guess she likes Shade." Drox stated plainly, and a few people wondered if he could actually understand what the cat was saying, or if he just got an idea of how it felt based on sounds or movements from the thing.

Will on the other hand didn't really care about the cat any longer. Now that Drox was awake, they could finally leave this place and continue on their way back to Hardhome.

"Get some sleep! We leave at first light!!" Will shouted, causing everyone to obey his words. Will would just as soon leave them if they weren't ready, or worse... He might not give them breakfast!

Come sunrise, Will made sure everyone was ready to leave before they were given breakfast. Shade was even given a large pile of guts from one of Will's kills from a few years prior, but even now they were warm from when the animal was gutted.

'Oh the joys of an inventory!' Will thought as he put everyone's gear away inside his own personal dimension. "What about the camp we've been watching?" Someone asked, making Will shake his head.

"They're not our problem! They've lasted this long without our help, and we haven't seen any undead around here for days so they should be fine!" Will stated, not wanting to deal with this crap.

"Couldn't we bring them with us?" Drox asked, getting a whack to the head in response to his question.

"Oh what a splendid idea!! Let's gather all the Free Folk in the north and take them to Hardhome!! There's not enough food there to support them all, and soon they might actually resort to cannibalism!! Let's let all the different clans get together and kill each other off, then let the undead claim their bodies so we can keep going on more competitions!!" Will said in mock delight, letting everyone know how he felt about that idea.

"They're called Free Folk for a reason, dumbass! If you bundle them up together, it will only lead to chaos. The Elders can't keep thousands of people in check, nor can they keep that many people fed." Will added as he led Trojan out of the small camp.

Pausing near the exit, Will let out a deep sigh before saying, "We can stop and give them some Dragonglass weapons and some better gear, but that's the best we can do for them." He didn't seem happy about it, but he wasn't going to hold everyone's hand in this world.

The Free Folk with Will were more than a little surprised at his speech, and many found themselves nodding along to what he said. "He's right, boy! We're not like the southerners beyond the Wall. We need our freedom to roam around as we please. That's what makes us Free Folk!"

Everyone else nodded along at that as they moved to follow Will. Drox could only shake his head as he scratched Shade behind the ears. 'Stubborn bastards!' He thought, thinking there was a reason people gathered together in cities and built walls around each other.

He could also get where Will was coming from, and how one couldn't change an entire civilization overnight, but that didn't mean he had to like it.

Will and the others met up with the small band of Free Folk, and Will gave everyone new weapons, furs, tools, and each a Dragonglass weapon. He explained how the weapons could kill the undead, and if they were ever unfortunate enough to run into them, stabbing them in the heart with one of those weapons would keep them dead until they could burn the bodies.

Everyone gave their thanks to him, then Will took his leave. The Antler River was only a day away, and they could get there by noon tomorrow at the latest, if they didn't run into any more problems.


Just as Will hoped, they arrived at the river that night with minimal trouble. A small band of Free Folk had tried to attack them, but it ended in a brutal one sided massacre. The bodies were burned, and anything of value was taken from the dead. Other than that, nothing of importance happened.

They camped the night along the side of the river, then in the morning they boarded a ship Will had made appear, then set a course for Hardhome. In only a few hours they arrived at their destination, and Will couldn't help the smile that formed on his face.

The competition to hunt the undead had gone better than he thought, and at least everyone had got a minimum of 10 kills each. There were a few who had gotten in the low 40's. None of them came close to getting Will's kill count, but he wasn't your average person so no one really cared about that.

The two undead commanders they killed were apparently worth a kill each to everyone involved in the kill, and Will figured that was okay as well. Trying to fight one of those guys up close was risky, but there wasn't much of a risk with Wildfire.

Speaking of the volatile substance, Will built a few makeshift grenades out of the stuff, giving each man who came back with him a small box of ten each. All you had to do was light the fuse and throw it, and it caused a decent bit of damage.

Will also added onto his new structure in Hardhome, building enough apartment sized homes for each of the group members. Most of them were so thankful, Will could swear he saw tears in their eyes.

True to his word, the ten men who got the most kills were asked what they wanted, and that might have something to do with the blank stare Will was giving them all.

"So you're telling me, you each want a supply of my food?" Will asked, unsure if he had heard right. Each of the ten men gave a firm nod, prompting Will to shake his head.

"I could give you each a ship, and you could use them to sail to Braavos and get that food whenever you want. You could form your own mercenary band that is based out of Hardhome, and you could sail around and be Free Folk all over the world! You could eat more delicious food than you could ever dream of!!" Will almost shouted at them, drawing the attention of quite a few people around them.

"Well... we don't know how to sail." One man said, then another chimed in, "We also don't know how to get to Braavos and the other cities!" A third man also added, "None of us have anything of value to trade for stuff!"

They all made good points, but that still wasn't good enough for Will. "That's why you LEARN!! Do you think I was born with the knowledge to sail?!!" He asked loudly, and he could actually see a few people nodding at his question.

"I LEARNED DAMN IT!! As for trading, you could be mercenaries!! Braavos hires strong groups to fight for them all the time! They pay in coins, but you can use those coins to buy weapons, food, tools, animals, anything!!" Will tried to explain, and it actually looked like he was getting through to most of them.

After hours of explaining things, Will finally managed to convince 4 of the men to take ships, while the others stuck with food, tools, and an abundance of fire wood as their prize. The 4 men who got the ships asked Will to teach them to sail, and after a few days of going with them out to sea, they were all proficient enough to sail a ship.

Will even gave them all a map, and some different clothes that were more appropriate for Essos. Each of the 4 people who had chosen the ships gathered about 30-50 men, and they formed a mercenary band together. There were about 180 of them altogether, and Will decided to give them some pointers on how best to go about what they were doing.

Kill slavers and pirates and claim their ships and weapons as their own, hire themselves only to the Iron Bank or allies with the bank itself, and even give them some tips on sea battles.

Will told them to hold some mock battles with each other while they were out at sea so they could get the hang of it, as most people have been doing this their whole lives. By the time Will was done in the North, he was sure he had left them all far more monstrous than before.

Everyone else who hadn't chosen the ships, Will made sure they, and their families would be happy there in the North. He even gave out all of the Dragonglass weapons he found at the Fist of the First men.

Not everyone in the North was armed with one of the undead killing weapons, but enough of them were that they could turn the tide against them if they were ever attacked.

Meanwhile, after all the time spent in the North, Will and Drox were finally departing to Braavos. Will had an itch he needed to scratch, and for some reason it just had to be Braavos, not that he could explain why.

"So what are we going to do after you rob this bank?" Drox asked, taking his eyes away from the book in his hands. "We'll make our way southward by land to Norvos, then Qohor. We'll visit a few cities the further south we get, while also taking in a few of the local specialties. I imagine there are a few things worth bringing to Westeros, and I'm kind of interested to see places that aren't discussed as much because no one dares travel to them." Will answered, already tying the ship's wheel in place so he wouldn't have to keep it steady the whole time.

According to the map, they should be directly on course to Braavos, but if he was wrong it wouldn't be by much. "After that are we finally going to go to where your family is in Dorne?" Drox asked, curious if Will was trying to avoid them.

He was doing his best to not go back there, and he really didn't like to talk about it. "Sure!" Will answered quickly, already grumbling under his breath about some sexually frustrated person with boundary issues.

Like that, the two of them sailed for a few days, Will not using magic to propel them nearly as fast as he had done before. Instead he chose to spend his time going through exercises and combat routines he remembered from his previous life.

Keeping his body agile and fast always complimented his fighting style in his past, and he didn't see a reason to change it up now. Drox was even allowed to partake in the drills, learning the proper way to hold and swing a weapon, then was forced to swing a heavier than needed weapon over and over until his arms were numb.

This would supposedly help in the future, but he just couldn't see it. Still though, he wasn't about to argue with Will over something like this. That was akin to asking for a beating, of which he was already very intimate with.

Eventually a giant statue off in the distance came into view, signifying that they were finally reaching their destination, much to Trojan's delight. The horse was getting sick of not being able to run around as much as he liked, and Will was sure that he would be coughing up a few bushels of apple as compensation.

As for Shade, the stupid cat was just as thrilled as Trojan was, having acquired such a hate for the sea that Will didn't think they would be able to get it back into the boat anymore after this. Though that was entirely it's own fault considering it fell into the water more than once, almost drowning itself each time.

On a more positive note, the stupid cat had learned a very valuable lesson. Never go near Trojan. The cat had been kicked through the stall, boot-stomped, and damn near killed every time it even went into Trojan's area of the ship, so it decided it was better off just avoiding that area.

Plus it might have also learned that Will wouldn't heal it anymore after that, and without the special healing, it would most certainly be dead.

"I wonder how rich this place actually is?!" Will said to himself as he rubbed his hands together.

"Rich enough that they don't need slaves. They also worship-" Drox said, but was interrupted when a boot came out of nowhere and hit him in the face.

"Just shut the fuck up, Drox!" Will said, walking away from the boy who was rubbing his very fragile nose.

'That was my fault. Forgot the God's are a touchy subject.' Drox thought as he left to go find Shade. He would need to make sure the cat didn't run off and get itself killed as soon as they got to shore.

Meanwhile, Will was at the wheel of the ship, keeping the speed just above normal so as not to be more suspicious than they already were. I mean really, two kids sailing a ship on their own into one of the most secured ports in the world was out of place no matter how you looked at it.

It probably didn't help that the ship had a very unique giant flaming bird on the sails, but that little bit of information had escaped Will's thoughts at the moment.

'Let's see what this place has to offer!' Will thought, his greed being so high that it almost took physical form.

Oh how he couldn't wait to rob this place. 'And it all starts with the bank!'