Chapter 19: Little Monster

"Do I have to?" Will asked, looking to Elia in an almost pleading manner. "Yes. Now please untie him." Elia said, pointing with one hand to the very bound and scared Viserys, while her other hand held Daenerys close to her.

When Will showed them all Viserys, everyone had given him an almost disappointed look, like they thought he had overreacted or something, but he figured they would be hitting themselves over the head when they experienced this little shit's personality first hand.

Letting out a deep long drawn out sigh, Will walked over to Viserys, who was trussed up like a pig ready for slaughter, then cut the rope binding his feet to the back of his neck, then the rope around his waist that held him in place to the wall of the stable, then finally removed the ropes holding both the legs and hands in place.

Will didn't bother to remove the gag, hoping to limit the nagging as much as possible while he could. As soon as he could move his limbs, Viserys struggled to remove the gag from his mouth, and no matter how he tried, he simply wasn't able to remove the damn thing.

It wasn't until Oberyn took pity on the kid and untied the gag himself, that it was finally removed.

"I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS!!" Viserys screamed, glaring daggers at Will, who could only sigh once again.

"He's talking again..." Will said solemnly, completely ignoring whatever Viserys had to say.

"I DEMAND YOU TO TAKE HIS HEAD!!" Viserys said, looking at Oberyn with a serious gaze while pointing at Will with his right hand.

"Now I understand why he had you gagged." Was all Oberyn said in response to the would-be king's command.

Viserys looked as though he was going to burst a blood vessel, when Elia finally stepped in. "Viserys! It's me, Elia. Rhaegar's wife." Elia said, trying to get the little cunt's attention.

Viserys looked Elia up and down for a few minutes, and after a few seconds he gained a look of recognition. "He told me you were alive, but I didn't believe it. You're really here." Viserys said, his voice much more calm than before.

Although it had been some time, he still remembered her well. She had been kind to him, and was more subservient than others would think her to be. Whether that was due to her being fearful of his father or out of loyalty didn't really matter to him, the point was that he now had someone competent that he could rely on.

"Who is this barbarian, and why are these people not doing as their king commands?!" Viserys asked, more calmly than he had spoken to Will, though still aggressive enough to show his displeasure about not having his orders carried out.

"His name is William Castian, and no one will try to touch him because no one is capable of touching him." Oberyn chimed in, explaining just who Will was, and one of the more simple reasons as to why no one would even budge an inch towards Will if they could help it.

Viserys might have been a complete power hungry moron, but he was at least smart enough to see that there was no point in trying to go against Will right now. He didn't have the support or the leverage to move against him, so for now he would keep his mouth shut.

With the situation calmed down a bit, everyone gave their introductions, save for Will and Drox who had disappeared without anyone having seen them leave. Will had no intention to be around the diseased little cunt, opting to head back to the main dining area.

"What are your plans now?" Drox asked calmly, taking a seat back in his original chair and going straight back to his book.

"I'll stay here for a few months to work on a project I've thought about for awhile, then I'll head north. I need to create a place of power for myself, and the North is the best option." Will answered, pulling out a map and spreading it out on the table in front of him.

Seeing this, Drox put the book down to see what Will was doing. "Wherever I build, it's going to need to be along the coast. I want to be able to trade and have my own naval force." Will said, already showing a few places that were marked out on the map.

"I'll go and check each of these places, finding which of them is the best option. So far though, North of the Stoney Shore in the bay of Sea Dragon Point seems like the better option. It's protected from the sea by a large mountain range, and it's close enough to the Frostfangs beyond the Wall that we could go and fight the undead whenever we felt like it. House Mormont and Glover are both passable allies, and it's close enough to Winterfell to travel frequently if need be." Will explained, giving a few reasons why he was choosing this location.

There was also further southward along the Stoney Shore, but to go anywhere one would need to travel through the mountains, and there were no allies close enough to be of any use.

There were no resources to take advantage of, but Will could bring the fishing villages near there to populate any settlement he built. It was the same situation with the Rills, only more grassy than rock, but still just as bare.

On the Eastern side of the continent of Westeros, there were a few places which were also up for debate that were still in the North. The Karstarks held one of the places Will was thinking of building, and the Bolton's held the other.

Will had every intention of killing the Bolton's anyway, but he wasn't so sure if the Karstarks needed to die. He would if they provoked him, but he wasn't about to go on a murder spree just for some land that might work out for a potential base.

As for the Bolton's, they were murdering, torturous, rapists who should have been erased a long time ago, but for some reason they had held out this long. Their House sigil was a literal man who had been flayed, and yet that was deemed completely normal.

The information Will had gotten from the Iron Bank about them was worse than anything it showed from the movie, and he was curious why Ned Stark never ended the psychotic bastard in the past.

The bay south of the Dreadfort could be a good spot to build a settlement, it being close enough to Braavos to continue trade, and it was still close enough to the Wall that he could sail to Hardhome in a matter of a days if need be.

If he did build there, he would pull almost all of the trade from the White Harbor, and being the one of the 5 largest cities in all of Westeros, Will figured there would be more than one confrontation with him and the northern lords.

If he did build near Sea Dragon Point, anyone who didn't want to sail for forever and a day around the continent, would have to travel through the the other northern settlements, boosting trade, and probably inspire an increase in people settling in the north. That is if his city turned out the way he planned anyway.

After Will went over everywhere he thought might work out as a base, he made the map disappear back into his inventory before he pulled out a notebook and began to scribble down some words.

It was only a few minutes later when he could once again hear people approaching the room that he stored the book away back into his inventory.

Oberyn and the others came in with a sneering Viserys in tow. They all noticed it, but no one bothered to say anything about it. Elia was still carrying Daenerys, though it looked like the little girl had cried herself to sleep, though she was still clinging tightly to Elia, which might have been why the woman hadn't put her down.

"So, Will! You must tell us what you've been up to since you've been gone!" Doran said, deciding to take charge and disrupt the tension in the air.

"I'm afraid that It will have to wait until supper. We need to make sure those two are properly taken care of. The hair color of at least one of them will need to be changed, and they will need to be trained just like every other servant. Robert can't know of their return to Westeros, otherwise he will call his banners, and Dorne simply isn't ready to face all of the other kingdoms by itself." Will said, ruining Doran's mood for the moment.

Will wasn't counting on himself in any fight, despite the fact that he could probably tank all the other kingdoms combined. He couldn't prepare for everything, assassins, Stannis and his fleet coming by sea, and the multiple armies coming by land. He was just one person, and couldn't be everywhere all at once.

Everyone knew Will was right, and it would be best to get everyone settled in sooner rather than later.

Elia left to go find a room for Daenerys, though not before telling Will that she would be back later to get the stories out of him.

Doran went to make sure word of the exiled Targaryen's arrival would remain unknown to anyone else, and to put only the most loyal guards on watch at the Watergardens for now.

Oberyn and Ellaria didn't have anything pressing to do, so they both sat down beside Will and Drox. Aegon didn't care what anyone else was doing, choosing to look at the wicked looking behemoth for a cat sitting not to far away.

"You've gotten taller. I wonder if anywhere else has grown as well!" Oberyn said rather cheerfully, not bothering to hide his desire for Will. The part about him growing was not just some line though, Will had actually grown quite a bit over the the time he had been away.

He was about 14 years old or so, and was around 5 feet 10 inches tall, almost that of a full grown man. Drox was 5 feet 11 inches tall, and he was younger than Will. Though both boys were already tall, they were still growing and would get taller in time.

Will had a lean figure, his body almost pure muscle, though he didn't look overly big compared to some people out there. He was more of an agility based fighter, so speed was more important than anything to him.

That wasn't to say he couldn't pack a punch. He fought differently than any man in this world, having been trained by multiple different trainers in his previous life. He still had all that knowledge, now he just needed to rebuild the muscle memory. Like a weed, Drox was tall, but he wasn't nearly as muscled as Will was, and it clearly showed.

Not feeling the need to acknowledge Oberyn's words, Will turned his gaze to Ellaria.

"Hello, Ellaria! I hope you have been doing well while I was away!" Will said pleasantly, getting a smile from the beautiful woman, while getting an almost pout from Oberyn.

"I have been doing well. I actually had a baby a few months after your departure, and am once again with child!" Ellaria said proudly as she rubbed her stomach.

"By the gods, he works fast!" Drox chimed in with a low grumble, but everyone heard him and he drew all eyes to himself.

"Your name is Drox, yes?" Ellaria asked, her focus now on Drox. "Umm... yeah." Drox answered, not quite sure if what he said was offensive or not.

Both Ellaria and Oberyn studied Drox, their eyes moving up and down his body, sending a chill up Drox's back.

"He's very handsome... we could use a toy." Ellaria said, sending a sly smirk to Oberyn, who in turn answered back in kind.

"I really don't need to be here for this. I'll see you tonight at supper!" Will said, excusing himself. As he stood from his chair, Drox was looking to him, almost pleading for him to bring him along.

"Drox!" Will said, causing the young boy's eyes to light up for a moment. "Oberyn is going to be your spear instructor! We'll discuss the finer points later tonight, but for now, get to know him." Will said with an almost sadistic glint in his eyes.

The betrayal on Drox's face was apparent, and it looked as though he was going to cry. Will left the room after that, cackling like a villain all the while.


(Elia Martell POV)

After leaving Will and Oberyn behind, Elia escorted Viserys through the Watergardens until they arrived at a number of furnished rooms.

"This one here should be satisfactory until we can get you into the palace. I'll have some servants come to attend to your needs shortly, so for now just rest yourself." Elia said in her typical angelic voice.

Viserys only nodded to her, not showing any sort of friendly expression, but that could be attributed to Will's treatment of him. Viserys had much more that he wanted to say, but he didn't think now was the right time to talk with these people.

For some reason they didn't obey his commands, and though he figured Elia would be different, it was best to let her get used to him being around before he started allowing them all to bask in his greatness.

After all, he was a dragon! If only Elia had known the thoughts racing through Viserys' mind, she would have tried to do something to help the boy, but all she could see was an older version of the boy she had once known, and the brother of her late husband.

Moving to a room down the hall near where most of the women stayed, Elia opened the door, only to be a bit surprised when she saw Rhaenys laying face down on the bed.

"Rhaenys? What are you doing in here? Are you not feeling well?" Elia asked, concern for her child evident in her voice. Rhaenys stirred, but made no move to sit up. She did say something, but it was muffled by the bed.

"What was that dear?" Elia asked, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, while still trying to keep Daenerys comfortable. "He saw me naked..." Rhaenys answered in a whisper, and Elia could clearly see her face flushed.

"Who did?" She asked, and after a little prodding, Rhaenys answered, "Will did. He saw me bathing." Elia let out a soft laugh as she reached over to comfort Rhaenys. "That's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's not like this is the first time either, so what's the problem?" Elia asked, trying to sound comforting, but it was obvious she was trying to stifle her laughter.

"It was different this time! My chest felt weird, and-- and--- it was just embarrassing!" Rhaenys explained, and Elia couldn't help but just want to hold her little girl tight.

"That means you have feelings for Will!" Elia said, not bothering to try and hide the joy she felt. There was a pause for a few seconds as Rhaenys thought over those words, and though she wanted to refute them, there really wasn't a point.

Her mother could easily see through her lies, and it wouldn't accomplish anything if she tried to hide things from one of the only people in the world she could go to for advice.

Finally she said, "But he doesn't like me... When I got embarrassed, he said there was nothing worth looking at anyway..." She almost expected her mother to start laughing again, but instead she was pulled up into a sitting position and Elia wrapped her free arm around her.

"My sweet little princess! You are still very much a child! There are still a few years yet, before you're an adult, but it won't be long before you start blossoming into the woman you were always meant to be!" Elia said sweetly, going into detail about how her childhood was as well.

They talked for a good hour about Rhaenys' feelings, and how she would just need to put in the work to gain Will's attention, if that's what she truly wanted.

It was only after Rhaenys moved her arm to embrace her mother that she felt the additional person in the room. "Mother, who is this?" Rhaenys asked, moving back a bit to get a look at who her mother was holding.

"This is your father's little sister, Daenerys Targaryen. She hasn't had it very easy, but we'll do our best to fix that. She's family, and we'll do whatever it takes to make her feel welcome." Elia answered, adding a bit of information about Viserys and the other boy, Drox, who was apparently a Warg as well.

She mentioned something about seeing a giant cat outside as well, and that was all it took to get the little girl back on her feet and running to the door.

Once Rhaenys had gone, Elia rubbed the back of Daenerys' head as she whispered, "How are you feeling?" She had obviously felt the little girl move around slightly a few minutes ago, but because she hadn't made it known she was awake, Elia saw no point in drawing too much attention to her.

"I'm okay." Daenerys said softly, pulling her head back enough to look Elia in the eyes, but still refused to let her go. Elia coaxed a few stories about what has been happening to the little girl recently, and she almost broke down and cried at some of the things she heard.

Of the many horrible things done to her, Viserys was solely responsible for, and somehow made Daenerys think that it was her fault. She would need to talk to the boy and set him straight.

For now though, Elia explained the importance of changing the color of her hair and her name for the time being, but also told her that it wouldn't be for forever, and it was only while they were out in public or around people who they weren't sure were completely loyal to Dorne.

Daenerys was hesitant at first, but agreed after Elia explained she had went through the same thing, and that she also had a fake name.

The two of them got along perfectly, and Elia couldn't help but smile as she stared at the little girl. 'My little family grows bigger, and it's all thanks to you.' She thought, thinking of the boy who she had met some years ago on a caravan ride.

She couldn't bare to imagine what would have happened to her and the rest of her family had she not had that encounter with Will, and she thanked the Gods every night for having brought Will into her life. She knew Will would rather curse the Gods, but she believed to give thanks where it was due, despite his opinions on the matter.


(Will POV)

A few hours later, and Will was seated around a large dining table with Elia sitting to the seat to his right, while Drox sat to his left.

Oberyn was on the opposite side of the table as Drox, and Will could only wonder what had transpired after he left. Not that he cared though. Oberyn would never force himself on anyone, especially someone who was technically still a child.

The man didn't need to. He was rich, smart, charming, and very good looking. Although he might tease Drox, unless he was given express permission, Will didn't think Drox had anything to worry about. Probably.

Doran, Ellaria, Rhaenys and Aegon all sat around the table as well, and everyone was listening in as Will told them about what he went through. Viserys wasn't here because he couldn't be bothered to eat with someone who was so brutish, choosing to stay in his room, much to Will's delight.

As for Daenerys, she had been so exhausted after being with Elia, she was still sleeping after their little talk, and she didn't show any signs of waking up any time soon.

As everyone listened, they heard stories about Will in the Stepstones, and even confirmed a few of the stories they had heard from a few groups who had came to Dorne, however hearing the stories from Will's point of view was another thing entirely.

He briefly told about his meeting with Drox, though he did fail to mention what he was doing when Drox first caught sight of him. The story of the slavers came up, and rather then go into detail about how he used his magic to deal with the slavers, Will simply described the situation as 'A small chore to get rid of the slavers'.

Drox had almost done a spit take, but a not so subtle glare from Will made him bite his tongue on the matter. Will did go into much greater detail about the undead competition, and at first everyone was doubtful that such things even existed, but then Will pointed out that there was really no point in him lying to them.

Plus they had witnessed his magic, and both of Elia's children possessed magic that let them take over another being, and they were immune to fire. Denying the possibility of the undead at that point was just plain stupid.

When Will told them all about how he was the one that founded and created the mercenary band, Northswords, that halted the situation somewhat.

"Do you think they would come fight for us if you asked?! In case Dorne needs to fight against the other kingdoms that is!" Doran asked, hoping to have a bit more power in his corner should the worst happen and a war did break out.

Drox was actually the one to answer the question, though he scoffed to get their attention. "*Scoff!* Every member of the Northswords plus a few thousand others would race to get here if Will whistled!" Drox said with a laugh, though his laugh was cut short when he noticed Will glaring at him.

"Although the Northswords would come if I asked, there help shouldn't be required. After we left the North, we made our way to Braavos and I acquired a partnership with the Iron Bank and the Faceless men." Will said, bringing the room to a deathly silence.

"What...?" Oberyn asked, unsure if he heard that right. After all, he was known world wide and was feared in many circles, but even he wouldn't want to mess with the Faceless men.

"Well... first I robbed the Iron Bank, then they sent the Faceless men to try and assassinate me, but after I almost killed them all, they formed an alliance. After that, the Iron Bank was so scared they joined me in a partnership, and all I had to do was kill like one key member." Will said, explaining how the story went, but instead of answering their questions, he just left them staring at him with mouths agape.

"I knew you were powerful, but isn't that a bit much?" Elia asked, wondering just how powerful Will actually was.

For almost an hour Will went into detail on his alliance with the Iron Bank and the Faceless men, then explained how he and Drox raided the Dothraki, gathered a few thousand horses, while at the same time killing like thirty thousand Dothraki raiders.

Elia didn't like the talk about him killing people, but when he explained how many people he had freed, she seemed to calm right down. She instructed him that just because he had powerful magic, he still needed to be cautious and not do unnecessary things that could put his life in danger.

Once Will told them about 'Finding' the two Targaryen children, their wasn't much left of the story to tell. He did briefly talk about the freed slaves that were on their way to join up with the Dornish army, which made Doran's smile only grow wider, which Will didn't think was possible.

Ever since the Targaryen children had been brought to Dorne, Doran had been worried about earning Robert's ire, but now he could safely say there really wasn't all that much to worry about.

Robert was already heavily in debt to the Iron Bank, and without their support there was no way he could fund a war on Dorne. On top of that, with Will's help he could gather a powerful rising mercenary company of people who really didn't give a fuck about Robert or anyone else in Westeros for that matter.

Plus there was Will himself, and with just him alone Doran figured they could just go assassinate Robert should the need ever arise.

Will heard a bit of the stories that had been going on in Dorne while he was away, but compared to the things he had done, they just weren't all that exciting. They were still pleasant to here, but everyone was more reluctant to follow up with their own 'exciting' stories after hearing Will's.

When the evening was coming to a close, Will asked, "Hey, Doran. Tomorrow I was hoping we could discuss a project I'm trying to figure out, say over breakfast?" Doran didn't have to think to hard, agreeing to the discussion, although he tried to probe what the project might be about, but Will said it would wait until tomorrow.

As everyone departed for their own residents, Elia pulled Will and Drox along into another room, telling them it was high time they got haircuts.

She had gotten pretty good with a pair of scissors from her time in the North, cutting both Will's and Aegon's hair whenever it got too long, though for some reason she wouldn't let Will cut his hair below a certain point, telling him it ruined the beauty of it.

Will had complained, but Elia eventually got her way. Right now though, his hair was so long it went down a bit past his shoulders, it having been shorter than it should have been because he simply cut it with a knife when it bothered him too much.

Drox's hair was rather long, and Will wondered if it had been years since the kid had gotten a hair cut, but didn't wonder too long. Either way they were both getting a haircut now, and he didn't think they had much say on the matter.

Not that he was complaining. He preferred his hair short, and Elia did make him look quite a bit more presentable than he already was.

Once they both had their hair chopped off, they bathed before going back to the common room. Will's hair was cut the same way Elia had always done it, while Drox's was a touch longer, though it might have only looked that way due to him being a bit taller himself.

Elia, Rhaenys, Aegon, and a very tired looking Daenerys were all waiting for them, and Will knew what was coming. He had done this a lot with them back in the North, telling them bedtime stories from his past life, though he did try to change up a few things to make them more interesting, though for who was another matter all together.

Rhaenys and Aegon both loved to hear stories of the princes and princesses defeating evil, but Will would change a story every once in awhile to either prove some sort of point or just to make it funnier.

"Alright then! What kind of story do you want this time?" Will asked as he took a seat in the chair opposite everyone else. "A princess one!" Rhaenys said, obviously preferring stories with a female lead in them.

"No! He told a princess one the last three times in a row! Do one about animals!!" Aegon cried, having his preference on books. Rhaenys wanted to argue about why it should be about princesses, but Elia agreed on the animal story, so she wisely kept her mouth shut.

Meanwhile, Will was thinking over what story he knew about animals. There was the lion king, but people might mistake that for the Lannister's, and he'd rather not think of them right now. A number of old Disney movies came to mind, but eventually he settled on one. TARZAN!

For over 40 minutes he told the story of a young Warg who loved animals and lived among a kind resembling that of humans, but there were many who sought to use these creatures for their own entertainment.

He kept adding in little things that weren't from the movie, hoping to make up for any little thing he might have missed, while also trying to add a little bit of magic to it to make it a little bit more believable.

He got full into the story telling, he even did different voices for each character. Around the 40 minute mark, he was maybe only half way through the story, but there was just one problem.

His audience was having the opposite of the desired effect of putting everyone to sleep. Instead they were all hanging off the edge of their seats, their eyes wide with anticipation, their complete focus on the story.

"And we'll pick up here tomorrow night!" Will said, making an executive decision to end early. He was tired, and he had been speaking more in these last 40 minutes than he had spoken the whole time he'd been gone.


Drox, Aegon, Rhaenys, and Daenerys shouted in unison, staring with pleading round eyes at him. Even Elia didn't want the story to be over, but she could tell Will was done for the night, so she told everyone to get some sleep.

Very reluctantly, everyone went off to sleep, though they did look at Will like he had just killed their dog.

"Goodnight mother." Will said, embracing Elia before she carried Daenerys off to her room. "Goodnight my little Bard!" Elia said, giving him a kiss on the forehead as she passed him by to leave the room.

"So what happens next?!" Drox asked excitedly as soon as everyone else had left the room, obviously still hooked on the story.

"Now you go to sleep, or I drop kick your teeth in!" Will growled out, prompting Drox to run out of the common room and to the bedroom he had been given earlier.

With everyone finally gone, Will made his way back to his own room to get some long needed sleep. Having to deal with Viserys on more than one occasion today had left him spent.

He missed it when he could just kill those who were little cunts like that, but Elia would probably be heartbroken over it. 'Sadly!' Will thought, making his way down the hall to his own bed. Scarcely had his head hit the pillow before he was out like a candle in a thunderstorm!


The next morning Will was seated at the same table from the night before with a large helping of bacon and eggs on his plate with warmed bread with melted cheese on top of it.

Everyone else, save for Viserys, was in attendance as well, and it was only after they were all dished up that Will decided speak.

"So, Doran. I was wondering if you could get me in touch with whoever it is that makes the Dornish wine?" Will asked, drawing all eyes to himself.

(A.N. I don't know if this is Hypocritical MC or author, but don't start complaining just yet. Read the full chapter before you get all bitchy! Will does it a bit differently than I've read in other Fan-Fics, so cut me some slack!)

It was a peculiar question, and one no one really expected Will to ask considering the fact that he didn't drink.

"I can, but might I ask what you need them for?" Doran said, asking the question that everyone else was thinking.

"There is an alcoholic beverage from my homeland, and though I don't know how to make it, I know the main ingredient. I'm hoping that they will be able to help me recreate the drink, and if so it would be a great boon for myself." Will explained, piquing the adults interests in what the strange drink could be.

"What's so special about this drink? Is it some rare wine?" Oberyn asked, his interest piqued most of all. If there was one thing in the world he loved, it was sex, but a good drink wasn't too far behind on the list.

Thinking about Vodka, Will answered, "It's alcohol potency is many times that of wine, to an almost insane degree. It can never freeze, extremely flammable, and can either be drank by itself or mixed with about any juice to create a different flavor of drink, while still being very potent in and of itself."

The explanation seemed to only make everyone more curious, but no matter what they asked, Will refused to answer, simply stating they would get to know more once he started the project.


Doran was all too happy to put Will in contact with the makers of Dornish Red wine, and Will had to admit they seemed like a capable lot. All he could tell them was about fermenting potatoes and the partial distilling process, but anything else and he was at a complete loss.

With so little information it was hard to know the exact process, but the famous wine makers still agreed to do their best in creating the elusive drink, though it was more because of the massive quantity of gold Will was paying them then out of curiosity for new drinks itself.

For months they worked on different combinations, heat settings, fermenting times, additives, and around the 8th month there was somewhat of a success.

They had managed to make a drink that was almost poisonous from the alcohol content, but it was clear, tasteless, colorless, odorless, and burned your throat going down.

Will made sure to write down the exact process and the materials needed for the successful batch of what he deemed as, 'VODKA', then told the wine makers they had succeeded in their task.

Will payed every person involved a few hundred Gold Dragons, explaining how they could make both the wine and the Vodka if they so wished. He couldn't exactly force them to give him a share of their sales, as it was them who had discovered the recipe, though they had used his gold to do it.

"Though we will try to make this stuff when we can, Dorne doesn't have the quantity of potatoes to make it in bulk, especially after the amount we've gone through on this project." One of the distillers said, making Will pause.

"Couldn't you just buy the potatoes in bulk from Highgarden? They're known for growing the most crops in all of Westeros, and they're not that far from Dorne." Will asked, making a few of the men around him look uncomfortable.

"Highgarden isn't exactly a big fan of Dorne." A familiar voice said, causing Will to turn his attention to the man who just arrived.

"What are you talking about, Doran?" Will asked, then as a thought struck him he added, "And why are you here? You haven't visited in weeks."

Of course Will suspected the reason, his eyes going to the workers closest to the door. 'One of them blabbed!' Will thought, knowing he couldn't really keep it a secret, but was hoping it would last more than an hour.

"Many years ago, Oberyn crippled Mace Tyrell's eldest son in a tournament. Though the young man only survived due to Oberyn's quick thinking, he was still nonetheless the cause of the accident. Mace Tyrell didn't hold too much of a grudge, but his mother, Olenna sure did. Willas is Olenna's favorite grandchild, even now after his accident. Regardless of how things turned out, she blames Oberyn for what happened, and her anger included all of Dorne as well." Doran explain, making Will's mind go blank.

'What? Willas? Who the fuck is Willas? And what's he mean by him being Olenna's favorite? Margery was always the old hags favorite in the show!' Will thought, wondering what the fuck Doran was on about.

"Who's Willas?" Will asked, not being able to keep his curiosity at bay any longer. Blinking at Will for a moment, Doran answered, "He's the eldest son of Mace Tyrell." Doran answered, unsure of how ignorant Will was of the Tyrell family.

"Doesn't he just have two children, Margaery and Loras?" Will asked, wondering how much different this world was compared to the one he had watched from the series.

"No. He has four children. Willas, Garlan, Loras and Margaery. Willas is the eldest and heir to Highgarden, and it's public knowledge that he is favored by his grandmother among his siblings." Doran explained calmly, making Will frown.

He already knew there were some things that were a slight bit different compared to what he remembered from the show, but he figured it was so insignificant that it didn't matter. However this situation was completely different, and it made him wonder what else has changed and what was the same.

Obviously there were many similarities, just based off of the things he had done so far, but this was the first major change he had seen that didn't involve his influence.

With these new thoughts in mind, Will finished up with the distillery, telling them to make as much of the Vodka as they could and he would buy it all, but he would also let each person involved take a few bottles for themselves.

With that done, Will went back to the Watergardens, his mind elsewhere.

'I think I need to pay a visit to Highgarden!'