Chapter 43: Accidents Happen

(Year is 294 A.C)


(General POV)

Once the city of Oldtown was covered in the darkness of night, Will left the Inn and made his way to the Citadel. Currently he only had the names of the Archmaesters he wanted to kill, but he knew that with a bit of digging, he could get their locations as well.

Without any difficulty, Will found his way past the gates and into the main building of the Citadel, despite the number of guards still on watch just outside. One would think that the Archmaesters would have calmed down after he had left the city, but it seemed they were still wary of some sort of attack.

They were right to be, but with how little they knew of his abilities, it was impossible to come up with a proper means of defense. If there could even be such a thing in this world.

Now that he was in the Citadel, Will made sure to constantly monitor his surroundings with Magic Sense. With it, he could see everyone in the Citadel, and even outside of it too for a good distance. It would guarantee that no one would be able to find him and would allow him to move about where there would be no one around.

Pulsing out a wave of magic, Will made sure there was no one in his immediate vicinity before he stepped through the stone walls that seemingly opened up for him. He always found it funny how suited his magic was for stealing when its purpose was to keep the world in balance. At least that was what the avatars did.

Anyway, now that he was inside the Citadel, Will began to make his way down a hallway towards the library section. Aside from killing a few people, Will decided that he would 'borrow' a few books for himself. Well, calling it a few was putting it mildly, as he planned to clean out any book that he thought might be useful to him.

When he got to the main room, he looked out over a balcony that was about 6 floors up from the bottom floor, and there were still 4 more floors above him. The big empty space in front of him went all of the way to the ceiling to allow for some natural lighting.

Just by looking he could see that each floor was covered in shelves of books, and he couldn't help but wonder how many different books were in the Citadel. He knew that there had to be more than a few copies of each book, so there actually weren't as many different books as it looked, but he still guessed there were more than a few.

'What the-?' He couldn't help but think as he stared at a weird spherical object that hung from the ceiling. It was made up of reflective materials and was positioned in such a way that the natural light from the window above it was sent about to all corners of the big room. At least, that was Will's guess, given how it was nighttime. Still, the light from the moon was reflected off of the thing, and Will could only imagine what it would be like when the sun's rays hit it.

Pulling a small jug of water from his inventory, Will made the water float into the air and take the shape of the thing he was seeing, then turned it to ice to make it solid before he put it back into his inventory. It would take too long to draw it out, but he could always do that later when he had the time.

It wouldn't be hard to just sketch a print of the thing using the sculpture he had created. And if in the worst case he couldn't figure it out, he'd just come back and steal this one.

After getting a good look around the room, Will began to look towards the shelves of books. Rather than go over every title to see if the book itself was worth a damn, Will looked towards the top of the shelves.

'Ravenry.' He read the placard, then looked to the shelf beside it, reading out the word, 'Poetry'. Clearly the Maesters had some sort of system to keep the books organized, which would hopefully make it easier for Will to get books on things he was actually interested in.

Walking down a few rows, Will took a few books here, and a few books there, just ones that really jumped out at him. He made sure to take books that he could see that had multiple copies next to it, thinking that it wouldn't be a big deal and that no one would miss them. The subjects were all random too.







Fairy Tales

Those were just to name a few. He had no idea how many topics people wrote about, but just based on what he was seeing, they wrote about everything.

Jumping to the floor below, Will was a little disappointed in most of the books. They were clearly smaller than the books on the floor he had just been on, and there seemed to be fewer subjects as well.

Having a thought, Will jumped to the floor above the one he had been on previously, finding the books were marginally bigger in size than the other two floors, and there were more subjects.

It seemed the books got more in depth the higher the floor, which was a little weird. He guessed it was because if a novice or an acolyte had to read one of the bigger books on a subject they had never heard of before, it would be mind-numbingly boring.

Imagine trying to get a kindergartener to read the History of Westeros when they were just learning to read. It would probably make them swear off reading just so they wouldn't have to suffer through something like that.

For well over 2 hours, all Will did was pilfer books, while occasionally he would stop and flip through a book that caught his eye. When he got to the LANGUAGE section, Will took a moment to see just how many different languages there were on Planetos. Turns out, there was a lot, and none of them but the common tongue even remotely looked legible to Will.

When he grabbed a book on High Valyrian, he flipped it open and looked at the page for 10 seconds before he began to shake his head.

'Yup... can't understand any of it!' He ground out, only seeing scribbles.

In his old life he had tried learning a second language, but aside from a few curse words and greetings, he had failed miserably.

Pocketing a number of those books, Will moved on. The night was still young, and he had so many things to do.

Jumping down to the bottom floor, Will was about to move on to trying to find out where the Archmaesters were hiding, when he noticed a barred off area behind some shelves, with a sign that read, RESTRICTED, above the door.

'Clearly there are things that they want hidden from the rest of their order!' Will thought as he moved towards the barred off area.

With a smile on his face, Will swept over the big room like a man possessed. It was so bad; he could have made the Grinch look like an amateur.

The reason Will was so intent on getting whatever he could was because most of the content in the room pertained to magic and events about magic. There was bound to be something cool in these books, and he wasn't about to let it rot away in this place.

When he finally finished raiding the room for cool stuff, Will carried on with his search. Moving from room to room, Will stole objects here and gizmos there, but he was no closer to finding out where the old farts were. It wasn't until he combed through the building, that a thought occurred to him that made him want to hit himself.

'The living quarters would be in a different building from the library and the main building!'

Even the Healing section had been in a different building, and Will was annoyed it had taken him this long to figure out. Still, he had gained a mountain of books and random items, so it wasn't a complete waste of time, but it still irked him.

Using Magic Sense, Will looked into the buildings around him. The main building that he had just come from had quite the number of people inside of it, but now that he was focusing on them, he seemed more like they were cleaning or doing some menial tasks. It was clear that none of them were Archmaesters, given how those cunts had an ego the size of the world.

Checking the other buildings, Will could see where everyone was, and even knowing where everyone was, he was no closer in finding out where the Archmaesters were. For all he could tell, the people he was seeing were regular maesters.

It didn't help that he had no idea what they looked like, but he was hoping he would recognize them by their rods and masks and other unique attire. Didn't matter if he only saw them when they weren't wearing the damn things, but still...


The following morning found Will holed up in the Citadel atop the highest floor of the library. He had searched most of the night for the old farts, and though he did manage to find 5 of them, only one was on his kill list.

3 of them had been ones who had voted in his favor, so Will, being the kind man that he was, decided to do them a kindness in return. While they slept, he used healing magic to fix any aches or pains they might have had and strengthened their bones and muscles. They had also been given a powerful sedative that allowed them to have the best sleep of their lives, so there was that.

The one who had been neutral in his vote, he had received nothing from Will, though he did get a few of his belongings stolen from him, but it was trivial compared to letting the man continue living.

As for the man on the kill list, Will had practically killed the man a dozen times before he finally let him die. The man had been told exactly who was the one torturing him, and why he was being tortured, just so he could live his last moments of life in despair and regret.

Will had brought the Archmaester to the brink of death, then healed him back to perfection before repeating the act. Poisoning, stabbing, mutilating, burning, and any other horrific thing Will could come up with was inflicted upon the man, and it was only when he looked as though he had lost his mind that Will had finally decided to be done with it.

He didn't particularly like torturing people but had already lost those who were precious to him once, and he wasn't about to go through something like that again. Anyone who even mentioned taking them from him, he would become the monster they feared him to be. Just the very idea of losing Rhaenys, Elia, and Aegon made him angrier than he would care to admit, which was why he usually got all psychotic on those who threatened them.

Of course, Will didn't just leave a mutilated corpse to be found, he healed the man up to how he had found him, cleaned up any evidence of foul play, then left the room. To any observer, it would look as though the man had died of a heart-attack or old age, but none would suspect him. Especially with how the man died.

If it was gruesome and there was destruction around, then maybe it could point to him, but no one would believe that he had anything to do with it with how peaceful the man looked.

Well, maybe Mace would, having suffered something similar to lesser degrees, but he was probably so scared of Will at this point that there wasn't a concern of him doing anything. Not that he could even if he wanted to.

Anyway, it was now the second day, and though he had only gotten a scant 3 hours of sleep, Will was ready to take out his next target, only this one had been marginally easier to find than the other ones.

Will had been camped out on the top floor for the last hour now, and when he had seen the Archmaester come to the same floor as him, he took it like the gift it was.

He couldn't torture every one of the Archmaesters the way he wanted to, otherwise it would look a little fishy, so he figured he could make things quick for one or two of them.

Watching the old geezer walk with a book in hand, Will waited until he was in the right spot, then raised part of the marble floor up just enough to trip him. The Archmaester stumbled forward into the railing, which should have been the end of it, only it wasn't.

Will made the stone holding the anchor points for the metal railing give way, causing the railing to fall with the Archmaester along with it. There was a scream followed shortly by a loud *BOOM!*.

When everything settled down, everyone from every floor ran over to see what had happened. The sight was not pretty.

The Archmaester had been impaled right through the underside of his jaw and out the top of his head by one on the metal bars that was once a part of the railing. His body was in 2 pieces, while the mid-section that kept the two pieces together was a mangled mess. Needless to say, but he was as dead as someone could get.

"2 down, 7 to go." Will mumbled from his seat on high as he looked over the mess he had caused. He was actually surprised that no one else had been injured in the destruction, but sometimes shit just worked out. It's not like he was going to complain about the outcome.

Remaining where he was, Will waited until the scene brought in more of his targets, and he was pleasantly surprised when more than a few of them showed up.

Based on the masks alone, Will was able to recognize 13 Archmaesters entering the room, 2 of which were ones he had healed last night. He listened intently to what was happening down below, and it was only when he heard someone address Archmaester Pereston that he really perked up.

According to Drox, this fool had been one of the main voices for trying to kill Rhaenys and his unborn child. Though he wasn't the one to suggest it, he was heavily in favor of killing his child, which earned him a special place in Will's heart.

Unable to wait, Will quickly grabbed one of the stone bricks that the railing had been anchored into, then flung it hard at Pereston's head. There was a sickening crunch, followed by a spray of blood and flesh as Pereston was crushed to death.

"Stand clear! Stand clear!" Someone shouted, causing everyone to move away from where the railing and stone had come from.

'3 down!' Will thought, then vanished into the wall. He knew there would be an investigation, or inspection of the area at the very least, so it was best to not be anywhere near it. Besides, he was still keeping a sharp eye on the Archmaesters still in the building, and he would rather try and deal with some of them than sit here hoping that the other ones show up.

Making his way quickly to the bottom floor, Will followed one of the Archmaesters that fit the description for one of the names on the hit list. Will had to manipulate the ground so that a maester bumped into the man, at which point the maester bowed his head before saying, "Apologies, Archmaester Ryam!"

The maester confirmed the name, and Will couldn't help the evil smirk that graced his lips. It wasn't until they were in a completely different building that Ryam entered what was most likely his workstation. Will would have entered and killed him right then and there, but there were two acolytes in the room.

"One of you, open the window!" Ryam ordered as he took a seat in his big chair. He was more than a little shaken up from what had just happened and felt as though it was warmer than usual in the room.

'He wants some fresh air huh... I'll give him some fresh air!' Will thought.

Ryam was sitting with his back to a massive bookshelf filled with books and tools, which worked out well for what Will was going to do. As soon as the window was opened, a sudden breeze came out of nowhere and filled the room.

Before anyone could do anything to stop it, the bookshelf behind Ryam tipped forward, its heavy weight slamming down onto the back of the chair, causing it to break apart, crushing the man sitting in it as well.

The two acolytes tried their best to pull the shelf away to help the Archmaester, all the while calling out for help. By the time help arrived, it was too late. Archmaester Ryam was dead.

'He makes 4!' Will thought, moving to keep a better eye on the other Archmaesters moving about in the Citadel.

3 more Archmaesters had unfortunate "accidents" before nightfall, at which point the Citadel was mad with rumors and accusations. There were people claiming that the Gods were angry, while others swore up and down the Citadel was cursed.

By midnight the Conclave had called a gathering. Well, what was left of the Conclave anyway.

"IT'S HIM! HE'S ATTACKING US FOR GOING AGAINST HIM!!" Archmaester Vaellyn exclaimed worriedly. Based on how jittery he looked, and how scared he seemed, it was clear he was close to having a mental breakdown.

"That's preposterous, Vaellyn! Even you can't think a man like Castain could be capable of such events!" One man stated, finding it annoying that Vaellyn was accusing a man of something that was perfectly explainable, and had nothing to do with Castian. The man wasn't even in Oldtown.

"It's the will of the Gods! They are striking those down who are going against their Chosen!" Another Archmaester stated. More than one of them believed that the reason Castian could use the great magic was due to the gods themselves, and that by going against him, they were going against the divine themselves.

"Nonsense! It is no secret we are no longer as agile as we once were. We're too old to react the way we used to, and time has made us lax. We need to strengthen the Citadel, and give it a complete overhaul! We need to get the acolytes to better monitor the feeble among us!" Archmaester Mollos said, being a bit more cynical than the others.

"Easy for you to say! You didn't vote!" Archmaester Castos exclaimed, a look of dread on his face.

Like Vaellyn, he too had been in favor of getting rid of Castian and anyone related to him, but it was only because Ryam had asked him too. Now Ryam was dead, and he felt as though death was looming over him.

'I wish I'd never even heard of the damn magician!' He thought, cursing his past self for ever even attending that last meeting.

In the span of a few hours he had aged a decade, and given how he was already late in his years, it did not bode well for him. He kept seeing shadows in every corner, causing him to noticeably flinch, which would earn him looks from his associates.

There was also the fact that he was hearing voices ever since he entered the room, which scared the shit out of him. At first, he had shouted out for the voice, but when everyone looked at him in confusion, he had decided to bite his tongue.

Still, the voices called out to him, driving him mad. They were incessant, and he hoped it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

"It's Vaellyn's fault..."

"He started it..."

"It's all his fault..."

"This would all go away if he was gone..."

"He needs to go..."

"Just do it..."

The whispers assaulted his mind repeatedly, and he felt as though the Stranger was commanding him to act. Clutching his Archmaester rod tightly, Castos closed his eyes and prayed for the voices to stop.

Off to the side of the room, Archmaester Marwyn had remained quiet throughout the meeting as he listened to everyone speak.

'One minute they're condemning a man, the next they claim he is the Gods chosen. So much for men if science.' He thought, almost ashamed of how low the Citadel had fallen in so little a time.

He for one didn't think the Gods had anything to do with the deaths, nor did he believe that Castian was the Gods chosen. There were fire mages, warlocks, shadow binders, Wargs, and many other such magicians throughout the world that Marwyn had seen personally, and though some of them worshiped the gods, many of them didn't.

The ones who did were usually a priest or priestess that wouldn't stop spouting crap about their god, and the fact that Castian hadn't so much as uttered the name of a god led Marwyn to believe he didn't worship anyone.

Thinking about the deaths that had all occurred on the last day, Marwyn couldn't help but question a few of them. It was more than a little odd that they all happened on the same day, something that definitely seemed planned.

It was also odd that it was only those who had voted against Castian in the last meeting that were dying, but that could have just been coincidental.

'The wrong place at the wrong time.' He thought.

There had been so many witnesses during the first two deaths of the morning, that calling it a murder would just be grasping at straws. Even Archmaester Ryam's death was explainable. The shelves in his study were old and the anchors had rotted away. All it took was the sharp breeze to give it a little nudge, perfectly explaining his death.

When Archmaester Ocley had been found dead in his chamber's hours later, it was a surprise to be sure, but not out of the realm of possibility. The man was as old as dirt, which was explanation enough for how he died. No one lives forever.

'I too would like to pass in my sleep.' Marwyn thought, remembering how they had found Ocley, lying comfortably in his bed. If only he knew how brutal the man's death actually was.

"IT WAS HIM! IT HAS TO BE!!" Vaellyn exclaimed, sounding like a true madman.

"Caleotte and Myles, the maesters serving House Martell have reported seeing Castian less than 3 days ago. He is preparing for his wedding in 2 days." Archmaester Theobald said as he read from a small parchment he received only yesterday.

The maesters had been sending invitations to a few Lords of Dorne, so it was only natural that they would know about it. The news was also noteworthy enough to inform the Citadel about it, which they had promptly done.

Over the last 3 months, the Citadel had informed the maesters serving at castles all over Westeros to keep them informed of anything involving Castian, and his wedding was definitely something they would want to know.

"You, see?! It cannot be William Castian!" Another Archmaester shouted, clearly fed up with hearing all the ridiculous unexplainable accusations that clearly made no sense to men of science.

Above in the dark corners of the room's ceiling, Will listened in to what was happening down below with a big smile on his face.

'This is going better than I could have ever hoped for!' He thought joyfully.

Looking down below him, Will's smile grew wider as used wind magic to carry his voice to the man below him. "It's his fault... He started it..." His voice whispered to the man, repeating things he had been saying ever since the man sat down in his chair.

The man had been scared, which had been obvious to Will, and when he noticed how the man's gaze searched the dark room for any looming threat, Will decided to have a bit of fun with him.

It had been hilarious watching the man cry out for someone to reveal themselves, and then have everyone look at him like he had lost his mind.

The meeting carried on for another hour before they decided to re-convene at a later time to discuss things further. Of course, they would be inspecting each and every building in the Citadel to make sure nothing was rotted away, and that everything was as safe as could be, but that didn't mean this would be the end of the discussion.

Just as the meeting was about to be called to a close, Archmaester Vaellyn got to his feet and began shouting one more time about the Mummer Magician, and how it was all his fault. He hoped that he could get everyone to think about the mage while they were waiting for the next meeting, and hopefully they would be able to see the connections to him and the deaths.

Vaellyn was about to return to his seat when footsteps behind him drew his attention. He turned just in time to see the metal rod before it slammed into his throat, causing him to start choking as he fell to the ground. He couldn't breathe as more blows rained down upon him, the pain almost unbearable.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOU STARTED IT!" Castos' voice cried out around him, sounding frantic and mad as he struck him.

"Hold him!" Theobald shouted, at which point 4 Archmaester ran to pull Castos away from Vaellyn. Ebrose and Edgerren immediately went to Vaellyn's aid, but things didn't look too good for their colleague.

Castos was forcefully dragged out of the room even as he kicked and struggled, but the damage had been done. As Archmaester Vaellyn lay on his back and took his last struggling breath in the world, he couldn't help but notice the shadow of the figure on the ceiling above him.

He couldn't be sure, but he could swear the thing was smiling at him. It was a shame he would never get to tell anyone before his life left his body.

When the sun rose the following day, Will woke up feeling as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He would still be keeping an eye on the Citadel and any maester he happened to come across in the future, but it was nice knowing a thorn was removed from his side.

Though he did leave Castos alive, people believed the man was more of a raving lunatic than a wise master of the Citadel. Anything he spouted in the future would probably be discarded, and he would most likely be put to death or whatever punishment they did for the people in the man's position.

Either way, Will had accomplished his goals in coming here, and now it was time to set off back to Dorne. The trip back was uneventful, and slower than when Will had come to Oldtown. Still, it wasn't because he was slow or slacking off, it was because he was trying to come up with something to explain his absence.

He had told everyone that he would be preparing something for their future, but that was a little vague, which he had done intentionally because he hadn't actually thought of a good excuse at the time.

Now though, with nothing but his thoughts, Will was actually thinking hard about what he could do for Rhaenys. He knew he didn't have to do anything, but she was carrying his child inside of her, and he felt that she was due for something special.

He had given up flying for walking through the forest as he thought of what he could do for her when he came upon something he honestly hadn't expected to find.

A massive white tree with blood red leaves stood tall only a few yards away from him. He recognized it right away as a weirwood tree, only with how rare they were in the south, he didn't think he'd find one of them here.

The tree had clearly been found by others, given how parts of its branches were cleanly sliced off, though it hadn't been done willy-nilly. Whoever found the tree obviously intended to keep using the tree for materials or something, because there were a few smaller weirwood trees planted around the area in neat little rows.

Clearly whoever did this wanted to keep using the weirwood, and didn't want his stock to run out. It must have been quite a while since the keeper of this place had been around, because there were branches on the ground around the tree, and the area looked to be free of human intervention, aside from the trees of course. Looking at the branches on the ground, then to the big tree, Will starred in thought for a few minutes before an idea came to mind.

It wasn't until early the next morning that Will arrived back in the Watergardens, returning early enough that everyone was still sleeping.

Without alerting anyone of his arrival, Will entered the room where Rhaenys was sleeping, then crept over until he was standing in front of the bed before he removed his clothes before he climbed into bed next to her.

Sliding closer to her, Will leaned in and whispered, "I'm home."

It took a few seconds, with Will caressing her stomach softly before Rhaenys registered the words, and who said them. Rolling over, her eyes were open as her arms quickly snaked around his neck and her lips joined his. They shared a moment together before they broke apart and looked into each other's eyes.

"I missed you." She told him as her right leg slid up his own leg before it stopped behind him. Rather than take it away, she used her leg to pull herself closer to him, so she was basically straddling him.

"I thought about you the entire time I was gone." He told her before his lips found hers once again.

"Where did you go?" She asked once they broke apart. Will didn't answer right away, choosing instead to just stare into her eyes.

After almost a minute, Will finally spoke, "There are things I've done in my life that I can't tell you, and there are going to be more things in the future that I can't tell you either. Just know whatever I do, it's to keep you and our family safe, and to trust in me."

In response to this, Rhaenys kissed him deeply. Her hands combed through his hair as she grinded on his stiffening cock.

"I trust you." She said as she looked down at him. Somehow, she had maneuvered Will on his back and was straddling him, still grinding back and forth.

"I also want you to trust in me. I'm not the scared, ignorant little girl I was all those years ago. I understand you have your secrets, and I respect that, but please don't keep me in the dark about everything. I want you to be able to confide in me, as your wife." She told him.

She wanted to be more than his baby maker and wanted to be with him when he went off to adventure. She didn't want to be left alone in some castle while he was off doing his own thing. The life of a subservient quiet wife was not appealing in the slightest, and she hoped he could see that.

"I trust you, Rhaenys, I really do. I know I keep to myself more often than not, but I'll do better to keep you more involved in my life. I love you." He told her, and to his surprise, he meant every word of it.

It had been so much easier to just do things his own way, but that was before, and this was now. He knew he had to grow up some time, he just didn't think it would happen like this.

The two of them shared an intimate 2 hours of kissing, fucking, cuddling, and a bit of foreplay for good measure before they moved to the bath that Will had created out of nowhere. The steaming hot water was exactly what Will needed to relax himself after all the shit he had done lately.

It helped that Rhaenys was there with him, as the two of them would take turns scrubbing each other clean or just massaging each other in general. At least that's what he told her he was doing as he fondled her tits while she rested against him. It didn't take long before he was ready to go again.

Will would have liked to stay there in that tub for the rest of his life, but eventually all good things must come to an end. When the door abruptly opened and Elia stepped in, Will had Rhaenys bent over the side of the tub with a fist full of her hair in his left hand while his right hand had a firm grip on her ass with his cock buried balls deep inside of her.

The room was very silent as the 3 of them just stared at one another, but after a few seconds, Elia smiled at them before she stepped out of the room. However, just before the door closed, she said, "Welcome home."

Will remained where he was, his eyes still staring at the door when he felt Rhaenys begin moving against him.

"Seriously?" He asked incredulously.

"I'm so close!" She cried, too close to her orgasm to bother with the fact that her mother had seen them.

Eventually they both finished, though Rhaenys had to put in a bit of effort to help Will after the interruption. Anyway, they had killed most of the morning before the two of them went off to lunch.

Will avoided Elia's gaze for most of the lunch, but eventually he did have to look at her. The smirk on her face made him sigh, realizing she thought the whole thing was hilarious. He didn't.

Once the awkward moment passed, the topic went to the wedding. Will told them that it would happen tomorrow afternoon just outside the walls of Sunspear between the city itself and the Watergardens.

"Of course, I'll need the ring back before the ceremony." Will said, bringing the conversation up short.

"Why do you need it back?!" Rhaenys asked, holding the ring to her chest as though she feared she wouldn't be getting it back.

"We can't be wearing them when we walk down the aisle. I'll give you mine, and you give me yours, then when we're at the altar, we exchange them just as before." Will told her, his words visibly calming her down.

"I took the liberty of getting a High Septon for the wedding." Oberyn informed them, and upon seeing the frown on Will's face, he added, "Elia said to."

That stopped any complaints Will might have been ready to voice. Though he didn't like it, he would need to follow these stupid customs to make it all legal and the like. It still seemed like a power grab by some rich fucks, but he couldn't voice that when most of the continent believed in them.

Anyway, after a bit more discussion, Will and Rhaenys went to where Will wanted to do the wedding, then Will began to customize the land to how he wanted.

The sandy ground turned to stone, and rows upon rows of bench-chairs appeared around an altar that was facing the sea. Tables were placed all around with tents over them to keep the sun from hitting whatever was going to be placed on them. Behind the altar, a massive white tree appeared, making Rhaenys gasp in surprise.

"I figure if we're going to follow tradition, we may as well follow northern traditions as well." Will told her, getting a smile in return.

Rhaenys made a few suggestions here and there, and Will happily complied. By evening, almost everything was set up for the ceremony, at least the bigger things were.

Oberyn took it upon himself to hire some entertainment for the event, Elia and Ellaria decided to add a bit of decorations as well. Come noon the following day, the area was like a carnival.

Thousands of people showed up, and there were singers and dancers everywhere. Everyone from nobility to the common folk showed up, and everyone was helping themselves to the food and drinks placed on the tables.

People were also marveling at the ice sculptures placed about the area. There were sculptures of beasts and some scenery, while others were of different people in general.

People couldn't believe that the sculptures weren't melting in the Dornish heat, but that was only because they didn't know Will was using magic to keep them all frozen.

When it was finally time for the wedding to start, most everyone was seated, while a few chose to stand. It wasn't because there weren't enough seats, as Will had slightly over done it with the chairs, but people wanted to be able to see the event that would be talked about for years to come.

When the music finally started, the crowd of people hushed themselves as they watched the 'new lady Martell' walk down the aisle with William Castian, and then they saw his bride-to-be walk down the aisle with Prince Oberyn Martell.

The vows were done in the usual fashion of the faith of the Seven, but when people thought it was over, William Castian surprised them by giving another speech. Not many in the back rows heard it, but the ones up front did, and they were all surprised. It was so unnatural they didn't know what to think of it, and it would most likely be talked about for quite a while.

Everyone watched as the two placed rings on each other, which was odd to everyone present. None of them knew the significance of the rings, but it definitely looked cool.

When the bride and groom finally kissed, people cheered as loudly as they could. The cheering only got louder when the ocean erupted into the sky, creating a rainbow of colors as it fell back to the sea.

When all was said and done, there was a dance that, funny enough, Daenerys had set up with the help of Aegon and Jon. She apparently wanted to go and meet new people, and Will was inclined to let her.

Both he and Rhaenys shared the first dance of course, then the second, and third as well. He would have just danced with her for the remainder of their time there, but Elia, Ellaria, and Daenerys all wished to dance with him, while Oberyn, Aegon, Jon, and Drox all danced with Rhaenys.

It was strange to say the least for the people that didn't know anything about Will, but they all enjoyed themselves, nonetheless.

Towards the end of the evening, Oberyn suggested they get the bedding ceremony underway. That had ended with him thrown into the sea with a black eye. No one else suggested a bedding ceremony after.

When they finally retired for the evening, Will and Rhaenys were now officially husband and wife. The newlyweds decided to pick up where they left off this morning, consummating their marriage. Not that they hadn't already done that a few hundred times. Still, it was always fun to have an excuse to have sex.