Chapter 50: Finale Part 1

(Year 294 AC)


(Ned Stark POV)

In Winterfell, Ned was beside the fire in the Great Hall, his eyes staring intently at the three parchments in his hands. One was a call to arms from the Capital, from Robert, his brother, his king. The other, was from Aegon Targaryen, the 'True King'. The last one was from Jon.

Ned wanted more than anything to ride to the capital to fight beside Robert, but there were a few things stopping him, one being the message from Aegon Targaryen. When Ned had received the call to arms from Robert to fight against the Lannisters, he didn't feel joy, sadness, or anger. No, when he got the letter, he felt relief more than anything.

Ever since he met William Castian and Jon went to live with his half-brother and sister, Ned feared any letter from the Capital, fearing that one day Robert would call him to fight against the son of his beloved sister, Layanna. So when he learned it was to fight against Jamie Lannister, and the rest of the Westerlands by association, Ned only felt relief, at least until he received the letter from Aegon Targaryen.

Ned knew full well that Jon's half-brother Aegon might one day come to re-claim his throne, but a small part of him held out hope that it would never come to pass. The Warden of the North had been torn on where his allegiance lied, with his best friend, brother, and king, or with the half-brother of his nephew, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and grandson of the mad King, a boy who knew nothing of how to lead.

Thinking of it objectively, the answer was clear, but Ned could never force himself to stand against the boy he had raised from infancy, and he would have to if he sided with Robert.

The frustration of which side to choose came to a grinding halt when Maester Lewin brought him the final letter from Jon. Ned expected that Jon was writing to him about the Targaryens fighting against the crown, and how they would like his help to take it. He was half right.

It came as a shock to learn that the letter from "Aegon Targaryen" was not actually from Jon's half-brother, but a pretender claiming to be him. Then another shock came when Ned learned that the only reason Jon and the others were actually going to claim the throne was because this pretender told the entire world about his arrival.

Apparently it wouldn't do to kill whoever the idiot was, then let the world think Aegon Targaryen was dead for the second time, only to have him rise from the dead years later when he actually did want to claim the throne. If they did that, people would truly believe the Targaryens were mad. Hell, it made Ned mad just to read about it.

Unlike the call for help like he was expecting, all Jon wanted him to do was remain in the North until everything was sorted out, and that he would let him know when it was safe to ride to the Capital. Jon was also kind enough to fill Ned in on what was actually happening in the South, and needless to say, Ned had been shocked more reading this letter than ever before.

Robert was dead, killed by a pig, and that the Stormlands had fallen to the Pretender. Lyssa Arryn had apparently killed her husband, Lord Jon Arryn due to the whispers of Lord Petyr Baelish, and that the Lannisters had not killed anyone, though none of the Queen's children were actually sired by Robert, but rather by the Queen's twin brother Jamie. Not only that, but he would be marching with the Lannisters towards the Capital, and that he would write to him when everything was done.

If Ned didn't know that William Castian was with Jon, he might think the boy had gone insane. The claims and accusations were absurd, and yet, Ned believed every one of them. Even from Robert's own call-to-arms, Ned knew Robert was the aggressor against the Lannisters, but the man was somewhat justified when one ignored the fact the Robert had more bastard children than any other man alive.

The fact that none of the children were Robert's actually made more sense than if they had been. With how much the man slept with whores, it would be a wonder if he somehow managed to sleep with his own wife. Ned wasn't stupid. Being all the way in the North did nothing to stop the rumors from spreading, and spread they did. Robert was a drunken whoremonger, which wasn't that surprising given how he was when they fostered together under Jon Arryn.

"What is it my love?" Catelyn asked from the doorway, breaking Ned from his thoughts. He had been staring off into the distance for some time now, which was a good sign that he was thinking hard about something.

Looking up to his wife, Ned noticed Maester Lewin standing in the hall behind her, the ever faithful servant. It was only when he saw the Maester that Ned made up his mind. Ignoring Catelyn for the moment, Ned got to his feet and began to make his way towards his solar before he spoke, "Maester Lewin! Send ravens to all the Lords of the North!"


(Olenna Tyrell)

Having read the letter from "Aegon Targaryen" Olenna had already called the banners to march towards the capital. It would still take a few days to be prepared, but the Lords of the Reach were already making good time.

Olenna was thinking on the coming conflict, when she received another letter, this one with the seal of House Castian instead of House Targaryen. Quickly reading through it, Olenna was shocked to learn that there was a Pretender out there claiming to be the son of Elia Martell.

She was horrified after she realized she almost marched along side the man, putting her whole family at risk. She was just thankful that William Castian saw fit to clear up the misunderstanding, which actually didn't change anything for her, really. She was still gathering her banners to march on the Capital, only this time it was with House Castian behind her, and the real, very much alive son of Elia Martell.

She wasn't sure what they were going to do about the Pretender in the Storm Lands, but given how William didn't mention anything to her about marching there, she figured he had it all in hand. Her primary focus at the moment was to keep their alliance with House Castian, and in turn with House Targaryen, and hopefully if she played her cards right, they would be bound together by more than just a trade deal.


(General POV)

With Elia now safely by his side and the Pretender to the Iron Throne dealt with, Will decided to make his way back to Rhaenys and the others, only he would keep Elia with him from now on instead of sending her back to Dorne. With how chaotic Westeros was at the moment, the safest place for her was by his side, and he honestly didn't want another scare again.

When he thought something was going to happen to her, he had felt like his world was turning upside down, and he knew that he couldn't bare to lose his mother, not a second time.

Thinking of her, Will let his eyes wander a short distance away where Elia and Oberyn were talking with Ser Barristan Selmy, someone Will was actually happy to meet. The man had been a badass in the show, and was in Will's top 5 favorite characters. Will thought the way he died on screen was stupid, and blamed it on the 2 idiots who had practically ruined the later seasons of the show.

Will couldn't guarantee the man's loyalty to Aegon, but if he was even half as loyal to Aegon as he was to Daenerys in the show, he'd still be more loyal than even Drox, and he was arguably one of the best swordsmen in the world, and Will wasn't about to turn him away.

"William!" A shout pulled his attention away from Elia. Turning his head, he saw one of the North Sword commanders approaching him.

"Bael. How are things going?" Will asked once he realized it had been the mercenary leader that had called out to him from a short distance away.

"The bodies of the dead have all been gathered and doused with oil. We'll be ready for departure in a day, then we'll head to the city north of here like we discussed." Bael told him, making Will nod his head in approval.

Say what you will about the North Swords, but they were quick and efficient. To gather 20,000 corpses for burning was no small task, and they had managed to get it done in half a day.

Granted there were thousands of them, and they hadn't bothered to build funeral pyres for each corpse, rather they had made a little over a hundred piles with about 200 corpses to each of them, then doused them with oil so they would burn quickly. Will knew they had probably looted anything worth a damn from the corpses, but he didn't care about that. Dead men didn't need trinkets.

"Good work. I trust you won't need help finding the place?" Will asked, unsure if they could find the Capital as he doubted any of the Free Folk had ever been to the King's Landing.

"Ha! No, we know where it is. Just follow the smell of shit and you can't miss it!" Bael laughed, having heard all about the capital of Westeros from hundreds of passersby.

The two of them discussed the coming battle and the rewards that were to come before they departed one another, however before he left, Bael said, "We didn't know we were standing against you when we accepted the job. The North Swords might be made up of Free Folk, but we know it was you who made it possible for us to truly be free. We're with you, William." Bael extended his hand to Will, and with a smile on his face, Will shook it.

"As long as you keep faith with me, I'll stand beside you and the Free Folk." Will said, earning a wide toothy smile from Bael. It was no secret that the Free Folk were terrified of Will, so to have him on their side was like knowing they had an indomitable force at their back, an assurance that they always had somewhere to go when things got bad.

Though they didn't really need Will out in the world, none of the Free Folk had forgotten about the undead threat beyond the Wall, nor about the rest of their people who were still there dealing with them.

It might not be in a year, or even 5 years for that matter, but eventually they planned to gather a force large enough, then they would go and claim their home back, and if William Castian was there to help, it actually might be possible.

After dealing with everything in the Stormlands that actually needed his attention, Will and his party departed up the King's Road towards the Capital.

"You know" Elia said from the horse beside him, "It was 14 years ago, right over there where I first met you." She finished, pointing down the road where the caravan had been that had taken him to King's Landing when he first arrived in this world.

Looking to where she was pointing, Will thought back to that day, remembering how he had mistakenly entered the wrong carriage.

"I know I got in the wrong carriage, but you'd think there would have been guards protecting the outside of the royal carriage so no one tried to enter." Will said, thinking back to when he just stepped in the royal carriage as if he owned it.

"We had guards outside, only no one expected a little boy to enter the royal carriage. Besides, Ser Harlan and Oberyn were more than adequate protection, at least they would have been able to hold anyone off until the reinforcements arrived." Elia stated, smiling happily as she remembered Will entering the carriage.

"Does my smile still take your heart?" She asked humorously, her smile widening, and just looking at her, Will could tell she was holding back her laughter.

Knowing she was referring to how he, at 5 years old, had used a pick-up line on her when he got in the carriage, Will could only smile.

"I was very immature at that age, and spouted the first things that really came to mind. But, you are still just as beautiful as they day I first laid eyes on you, and you will always carry a piece of my heart. You are my mother, and I love you more than you could ever know. Don't you ever forget that." Will told her, earning a few tears in response.

"You still have a way with words." Elia told him as she wiped the moisture from her eyes.

She didn't know why, but it always made her happy to hear Will tell her how much she meant to him. When he was younger and went off on his own, she was always worried she'd never see him again, but he always somehow managed to make it back to her, and she hoped he always would.


It took a few days of riding before King's Landing came into view, despite having smelled the shithole a day before. The trip had been quite exciting to say the least.

They had encountered over 5000 mounted knights baring the Baratheon sigil coming from the Capital, and they were determined to go and retake their home from the false king. When they saw the 100 odd Dornish soldiers coming up the King's Road from the Storm Lands, you can be sure that they were determined to get answers.

All of the ones that Will could see were relieved to learn that the threat had been dealt with, and that the Stormlands were no longer under the thumb of foreign mercenaries. Their relief lasted to the point where Will told them that the Baratheons were done for, and that Aegon Targaryen was the king.

It only took a little over 200 knights being skewered while the other ones were surrounded by large golems of fire before they saw they saw reason and threw down their weapons, only to pick them right back up when Will told them to ride south and make sure their homes were in order, and their families were safe.

He had to tell the story about the Golden Company attacking Storm's End, but that it was not in the name of Aegon Targaryen, and that all who had been responsible had been put to the sword. Will wasn't sure if letting them go was the right thing to do, but he didn't want to murder thousands of people for doing nothing but defending their homes. He was a monster, sure, but he wasn't a complete asshole.

Anyway, once they got to the gates of King's Landing, Will debated on whether or not to begin riding westward towards Casterly Rock so they could meet up with Aegon and the others, or simply wait here.

If they did ride west, they would just be riding right back in a day or two, or however long it took for them to get ready. Making the decision for the group, Will decided they would wait in the Capital, or at least near it for the others to get here. All he needed to do was send a raven to Casterly Rock so the others weren't waiting on him before they decided to march.

"I'm going to go inside the walls to see what's going on. I'll only be gone for about an hour or two, but stay on alert." Will told the group.

Elia simply nodded as she went back to reading one of the books Will had given her. Oberyn didn't even bother trying to weasel his way into tagging along, as he knew Will wouldn't let him, and he would rather stay beside Elia for now.

He had already been terrified of losing her back in Storm's End, and he didn't want to go through that here in King's Landing, especially since the last time she was here the city had been sacked and she had fled for her life in the hands of a child. Granted it was a terrifying magical child, but a child nonetheless.

Not bothering to wait until night fell, Will made his way over towards a section of the wall that was unoccupied, then simply walked through the wall and into the city. Walking around, it came as no surprise that the city was suffering, given how the realm was in chaos.

There was no food coming in from the Rose Road at the moment, given how the Tyrells were on his side instead of the Baratheons, so the people of King's Landing were already having their food rationed to them from the granaries in the Red Keep, which would explain the lack of people in the area he was walking around, given how it was the furthest point from the castle.

Deciding to make his way there, Will began to walk slowly in the direction of the Red Keep, making sure to listen in to the conversations going on around him. It was while listening to these conversations that he learned of discontent between the rulers of the city, namely Stannis and Renly Baratheon.

When Robert died, he had not named either one of them his heir, and at the moment it was being disputed about who would take over as the next king. Renly argued that because Robert named him Lord of the Stormlands over Stannis, that Robert clearly chose him as his heir, where Stannis claimed that the crown was his by right, due to being the next in line right of all laws of Westeros.

As for the lords following them, they were also torn, though for different reason. Stannis was a proven battle commander, and survived two wars. With the realm at war and the Targaryen king having landed, the people needed someone who could lead them in battle, and Stannis was the next in line due to being the older of the two of them.

However, of the two, Renly was more loved by the populace. He was more charismatic, and despite the laws of Westeros, Robert did make him lord of the Stormlands, which could be seen as the king choosing his heir, if one looked at it like that. One could also look at it like Robert named Stannis his heir by making him lord of Dragonstone, as the heir to the Iron Throne from the Targaryens always ruled over the island until they took the crown.

Finding the conversations to be amusing, Will couldn't help but want to further sow the discord among the people about their leaders. Stopping at the first stall he came across, Will bought a few pieces of clothing.

Before leaving, Will leaned in close to the man and whispered, "You didn't hear this from me, but I heard the Stormlands, the Reach, the Westerlands, and Dorne have all sworn allegiance to Aegon Targaryen. They say the greatest army the world has ever seen is marching towards the Capital as we speak. Best stock up your home for the coming days."

The merchant seemed shocked, and after asking a few more questions which Will happily answered, he seemed all too eager to close up shop for the day. Will went to a few more stalls and 4 taverns to repeat the rumor, changing his clothes after each place to make sure no one realized it was a single person spreading the story.

By the time he made it to the Red Keep, 2 guys had come up to him to whisper the same rumor he had been spreading, making it sound like they were trying to dissuade him from joining up with the Baratheons, which many in the city had already done.

"What do you want?" A guard near gates of the Red Keep asked, having seen Will lingering about the area for a few minutes now.

"Oh, nothing. Just observing what's going on around here. Although I am curious to know, will it be Stannis or Renly that becomes king for a day?" Will said, confusing the guard who had spoken to him.

"What do ya mean? Stannis is king, and will be for years to come!" The guard spoke, quite fervently one might add.

"From what I hear, Renly claims to be king, and that the Lords of the Capital on divided in two. But it doesn't really matter which of them becomes king anyway, as Aegon Targaryen is moving towards the city with the largest army Westeros has ever seen. There is no point in throwing my life away by joining the losing side." The guard was outraged upon hearing Will's words, and drew his sword.

"It is treason to speak such words, coward!" The guard stated before he charged.

Before the guard could even advance ten feet, Will appeared behind him, delivering a kick to the back of the man's head. When the guard went down, Will loomed over him with the guards sword in hand. A number of people had noticed the confrontation and were gathered around to listen in to what was happening.

"It is no crime to speak the truth. And seeing as how my loyalty has never been to the Baratheons, I am no coward for not serving them. I will do what is best for my family, and neither gods nor man will stop me. Aegon Targaryen marches on the Capital, and when he arrives, the Baratheons will fall. You can refuse to acknowledge my words as truth, but others will not." Will paused here to look up at the people who were gathered around to watch.

"In a few days time, Aegon Targaryen will arrive in King's Landing! But fear not! He does not wish to harm the innocent! All those who stay in their homes will not be harmed! However, if you stand against him, you will suffer Fire and Blood!" Finishing his proclamation, Will seemingly vanished into thin air, shocking those present.

With his fun over and done with for now, Will went back to where Elia and Oberyn were camped out. When asked what he learned inside the city walls, Will simply told them that the people were in a state of unrest, and that news of Aegon Targaryen riding towards the Capital with an army had already spread.

Oberyn laughed at how the Pretender in Storm's End had actually done them a favor, but Elia only stared at Will. She didn't think for a second that he had just listened to conversations throughout the city. Whenever Will went anywhere there was usually something worth mentioning happening.

Still, she didn't bother to ask him about it, as she trusted him to tell her anything that was truly important or dangerous for her and her family. Granted, what Will had done did affect her family, but it wasn't really worth mentioning at the moment. That would come later.

For days Will ventured into the city, spreading rumors each time in different areas to make sure everyone knew of Aegon's approach. It was on the third day after their arrival that Will learned of an attack inside the Red Keep, and it had not at all been surprising when he learned of it.

Stannis had killed his brother, Renly, then claimed the Iron Throne for himself. It had been a fairly one-sided fight from what he had heard, given how Renly wasn't exactly a fighter. The man preferred dressing in fancy clothes and attending social conventions then he did training with the sword, unlike Stannis who was his complete opposite.

Despite having gained the support of many of those who followed Renly, by killing his brother for the throne, Stannis had lost a great deal of support from those who supported him. Kin-slaying was very frowned upon, and many viewed it as one of the greatest sins someone could commit.

Will knew that Stannis didn't have much choice in the matter, unless he wanted to bow down to Renly, which Will knew to be wishful thinking. Renly had flaunted his lordship of the Stormlands over Stannis, and had the ego the size of the Wall. Plus there would always be the threat of Stannis stealing the throne from him down the road, so Renly might just have killed Stannis had the man actually bent the knee to his younger brother.

No, it was stupid that the people were judging Stannis for something that most people probably would have done in his place, but it was just the way people were in this world. Hell, they had judged Jamie for killing the Mad King, despite how badly the man deserved to die. It just went to show that most people in this world were all sheep.

It was on the fifth day after their arrival that Aegon and the others arrived, followed by a host of 60,000 Westerlands soldiers. With just that alone they could have taken the capital, but they chose to wait another two days for the Tyrell army to arrive, which added another 58,000 men to their group, along with enough supplies to last them months should this drag out, which it wouldn't.

If that was the entire force, it would have been nothing to take the capital, but it wasn't. The North Swords had arrived a day before the Tyrell army, and they had completely blocked the sea, leaving no room for Stannis to retreat. The Golden Company already had the Targaryen banners made when they arrived in the Stormlands, so it made it easy for the North Swords to fly the Targaryen banner, showing the whole city who they were fighting for in this battle.

By now the whole city was in a panic, and people were scrambling to not die or get caught up in another situation where the city got sacked, despite Will's proclamations about people not being harmed if they stayed in their homes.

"When do you plan on attacking?" Tywin asked, looking between Will and Aegon, making it clear he was looking to them as being the leaders of the battle.

In the make-shift building that Will had created for them, were Willas, Garlan, and Loras Tyrell, along with Jamie Lannister and his brother Tyrion. Oberyn, Elia, and the rest of the Targaryens were present, as well as Ser Barristan, Drox and Missandei.

Tywin's Brother, Kevan and a few of his cousins were also present, as well as a few Lords from the Reach. Lord Randyll Tarly was the only Lord of the Reach who Will recognized, and it was only because he remembered how the man was burnt alive in the show. He also remembered Olenna mentioning the Lord to him in a conversation they shared the last time they were in Highgarden.

Lord Randyll is a lean and balding man with a short, bristly grey beard. He is a narrow man but iron willed, shrewd and capable, and is considered one of the finest battle commanders in Westeros, and as good a soldier as the Reach or anywhere in the world could boast.

There were a few other Lords that Will didn't know the names of, but he didn't need to learn their names at the moment anyway. Looking at the miniature model of King's Landing that Will had created days before, everyone looked for anything that might pose a serious threat to them attacking.

"If the sections of the walls are removed here, here and here, can we herd the Baratheons into the Red Keep? It would give them a position to hold out in for a time, but it would limit casualties among the common folk and possibly their favour." Aegon asked, pointing to the most defended areas of the city.

His question seemed to surprise a number of people, but that was mostly because they thought it impossible to breech those sections of the walls without suffering massive casualties. However, for the people who knew just how capable William Castian was with magic, they could see the plan take shape.

Of course there were people who didn't care about the loss of life among the common folk, and asked why they couldn't just sweep across the city, killing anyone who might oppose them. They were promptly discarded from the building.

Aegon had made it known that despite the words of his house being, Fire and Blood, he was not like his ancestors, and that he would do what was right by the people. It was also made known that the common folk would only take so much abuse before they rose up to fight back, and given how there were many times more commoners than there were nobility, they might actually win.

Anyway, after refining Aegon's plan, and discussing who would attack where, everyone dispersed to go and organize their men for the attack the following day.

Leaving the building, Will could see there was about an hour or two left before the sun set over the horizon, and decided it would be best to get the first part of the plan completed.

Making his way to one of the decided upon areas, Will used earth magic to completely remove 50 yards of the wall, leaving a massive gap which people could use to easily enter the city if they so chose.

The sudden disappearance of the wall caused a panic as soldiers rushed to reinforce the area, but unlike what they expected, no one was rushing to get into the city. On the contrary, a few thousands soldiers had stationed themselves into a formation that would make it almost impossible for anyone to be able to escape the city through the gap.

Will did the same thing to the next two sections of the wall, at which point groups of the army gathered around to make so no one could escape the city. With the wall now breeched in three different sections, soldiers began retreating towards the Red keep, where they hoped to be able to put up a proper defense.

"Now we just need to wait out the night for all the Baratheons to gather into one place." Will said, smiling at how easy it had all been.

"People like to feel they're safe, and walls make people feel safe. If you breech that wall, they will look for another one. It's how we are." Aegon said, explaining part of his reasoning for the plan.

Hearing that, Will couldn't help but agree. The first thing he had done in Asteria was build the land bridge, which was essentially a wall against the sea. Then when he was building the city itself, the first thing he had done was build the walls to outline the city. He had reasoned the walls would be so he could figure out the layout better, but he knew that people were more likely to go where they would feel safe.

"Not too shabby. We might make a decent ruler of you after all." Will joked, earning a smile from the young man who would be king.

Done with everything he needed to do, Will moved back to one of the stone buildings he had created near the treeline. Approaching the building, Will was glad to see that the Dornish soldiers were surrounding the place in protective formations. There were even a fair number of Lannister knights guarding the area, most likely on Tywin's order.

Entering the building, Will moved into a room off to the side where he found Missandei reading a book to Rhaenys and Elia, while Daenerys read along silently beside her.

"Which book is that one?" Will asked, hoping he wasn't missing out on something good.

"Dragon Hatching: By Aurion of House Belaerys" Missandei answered after flipping to the cover of the book to show him, regardless of the fact that he couldn't read the Valyrian writing on the front. She must have realized that, because she looked a little embarrassed as she turned back to the page she had been reading from.

"Oh. Well, you have fun with that." Will told them, not the least bit interested in the giant scaled lizards.

Leaving them to their book, Will went into one of the bedrooms that he had made, then created a large tub before filling it full of water. Once that was done, he dipped his hand into it before using fire magic to heat it up to a comfortable temperature. He had only been soaking for about 10 minutes before he felt Rhaenys slide in beside him.

"Hello, love." He greeted, his eyes remaining closed. Even without magic sense he knew it was her, just by her smell. Then there was her touch. He didn't know how, but she just felt different from everyone else.

"I'm glad you are resting." She told him before lightly kissing his lips, then leaned against him with her head on his shoulder.

"Once we settle things here in the capital, we should just go back to Asteria for a few months. Just the two of us. Then we can relax all we want." He said lazily.

"*Scoff!* As if. I would give it a fortnight before you wanted to venture beyond the Wall." She stated, sounding quite amused at the idea of him resting for a long period of time.

"Not true. With the baby on the way, I think I'd be quite occupied getting things ready." He said happily. There was still the nursery to create, a crib to build, and so much more that he knew he could stay busy for some time.

He wasn't sure when, but sometime after Rhaenys had gotten into the tub, Will had placed his left hand on her stomach and was using magic to make sure nothing was wrong with her. The two rested like that for awhile, with Will occasionally heating the water with fire magic.

Things eventually escalated when Will's hand somehow managed to slide between her legs and began playing with her pussy, which resulted in the two moving things to their bed. They both knew things would be quite busy in the coming months as they settled things, and they weren't sure how often they could really go at like this, so they made the best of things for the night.


When the sun rose the following morning, the armies were already in place near the breeches. Still, before any advance was made, there was something that would have to be dealt with. The breech near the King's Gate where the main army was gathered, a few thousand Baratheon men stood, their weapons thrown on the ground at their feet.

Seeing the obvious surrender, Aegon gave the signal for the men in the front to approach. Over a dozen Storm Lords along with their men at arms chose to surrender to the Targaryen army. According to them, there were still between 15,000 to 20,000 men inside the city that were still with Stannis.

Over 30,000 men had surrendered, which was a good thing, as no one actually wanted to kill that many men just because Stannis didn't want to give up the throne. The Baratheon men who had surrendered were led to one of the field in which the farmers were growing crops, then Will made a 20 foot high wall rise up around them.

The people were told the walls would be lowered in a few hours and that they would all be able to safely return to their homes, but they would need to remain there for the time being.

It was Jon who suggested it, but Aegon gave the order to have a wagon load of food placed inside the walls confines to allow the men to be able to eat something so they remained calm during the imprisonment.

It didn't take more than an hour to get the prisoners sorted out, then everyone prepared to enter the city. Once the signal was given, everyone advanced together. Lord Randyll Tarly led the Tyrell army, Jamie led the Lannister army, and Will led a small force through the final breech.

The streets of King's landing were practically deserted, but that was simply because most people were holed up in their homes. Will had given the command that no one was to enter the houses unless they were provoked, and anyone caught disobeying would suffer horribly. The threat was enough to keep most everyone in line, and the commanders were enough to keep anyone else who thought about disobeying in check.

There was the strong possibility of there being soldiers waiting inside the houses to ambush them, but Will was making sure that didn't happen. Flying over the city, Will was making passes over the building using magic sense to scout for any potential ambushes, and to his surprise, he found none.

The armies received little to no confrontation until they got to the Red Keep, where Will actually did find most of the remaining soldiers. Everyone else who wasn't in the keep or outside in the make-shift prison were on a few ships near the harbor, though there was nowhere for them to go, as the North Swords had also been given the signal to advance.

All three armies met up near the Red Keep, and after unleashing 3 volleys of arrows over the walls, Will brought the gates crashing to the ground. It took less than an hour for the army to sweep the castle, capturing anyone who surrendered, or killing all those who opposed. Most Surrendered.

The last place was the throne room, where Stannis was seated on the Iron Throne with those most loyal surrounding him. Despite the futility of resisting, Stannis made no move to surrender even as the throne room began to fill with Targaryen soldiers.

Will, Aegon, Jon, Drox, and the other commanders had all filed into the room, everyone silent as they waited for signal to attack.

"So you are Aegon Targaryen… You look like Rhaegar, I'll give you that." Stannis spoke from the Iron Throne, his words echoing around the room.

"And you are Stannis Baratheon. The Stagg who would be king." Aegon said, standing at the front of his army with Will by his side.

"Aye! The Irone Throne is mine, by right!" Stannis proclaimed loudly, as if his words would make it so.

"Robert took the throne from my family, which was his right. Now I'm taking it back, which is my right. If you can hold it, you're welcome to it!" Aegon spoke, not in the mood to listen to the drivel that Lords spoke when they thought something was theirs. Hell, he had better claims than Stannis ever did, but just looking at the man he could see there was no negotiating. Stannis would sooner die than bend the knee to him.

"You carry that sword at your side. Do you know how to use it or is it simply for show?" Stannis asked, gesturing to Aegon's sword.

It was impossible to see with the sword in the scabbard, but the blade was covered in blood from those Aegon had cut down since they entered the city. He had not been standing idly by as men fought for him. He knew how to fight, and he was damn good too. Stannis thought Aegon was a lot like Renly, having the charisma to inspire men to fight for him, but not skilled enough to do the actual fighting.

"Care to find out?" Aegon asked, even as he moved towards Stannis and away from those at his back. A number of men tried to step forward to stop Aegon from doing something reckless, but they were stopped by Will.

He knew how good Aegon was, and if he was a betting man, he'd put every piece of gold he had on him. Seeing the acceptance of his unspoken challenge, Stannis smirked before rising from the throne and drawing his sword.

The two met alone in the middle of the room, the clang of steel being the only sound people could hear. Everyone watched as Aegon moved about the room, matching Stannis strike for strike. Watching the fight, it was clear Stannis had strength and power, and he had great skill with a blade, but Aegon's speed was much greater and his technique was flawless.

It looked like Aegon was just getting lucky with a few little cuts on Stannis' legs and arms, but they were all carefully placed, and Stannis only realized it too late. When he realized that he was bleeding from every limb, and that he had lost what little speed he already had and a bit of the power in his arms, Stannis pushed everything he had left into one final attack.

Charging forward he lunged at Aegon, who stepped to the side, then cut the back of Stannis' right leg, forcing the man to fall to his knee. Quick on the recovery, Stannis pushed off the ground with his knee to spin around with his sword raised to block Aegon's next strike, only it wasn't cutting strike that Aegon delivered.

With Stannis on his knee, Aegon had decided to end things as quickly as he could and pierced his sword through Stannis' chest. The room was silent as Stannis dropped his sword and his arms fell to his side. He would have also fallen to the floor, but Aegon was holding him with his sword still lodged inside of him.

"Is there a man you trust more than anyone in the world?" Aegon asked the dying man, who seemed confused.

"Ser Davos." Stannis said in a whisper, but with how quiet the room was, most people managed to hear him.

"Do you trust him to raise your daughter, Shireen Baratheon as the Lady of the Stormlands?" Aegon asked, his words shocking Stannis and those around him.

"You would spare her and- *Cough* give her the Stormlands?" Stannis asked, coughing a little blood after a few words.

"It is hers by right. Though it might not mean anything to you, but by my word and honor, I will not harm your daughter, and will see that she is taken care of in your homeland. So long as she doesn't break faith with me, she will prosper." Aegon told him, actually getting a half smile from the dying man.

"Ser Davos." Stannis said, and a second later a slight man with brown eyes and an ordinary face weathered by the elements came running from the men serving Stannis.

"Aye, your grace?!" Ser Davos asked kneeling next to Stannis.

"Look *cough* after my daughter. *cough* Protect her as your own, and serve her with as much loyalty as you did me." Stannis said tiredly.

"Aye, your Grace!" Ser Davos exclaimed, vowing to the man he served to do right by his daughter.

"My Lord. *Cough* I'm not the king. *Cough* I'm… a… lord." Stannis finished, the light leaving his eyes a second later. Seeing the man was dead, Aegon pulled his sword from his chest, letting Stannis' body finally fall to the ground.

Looking around the room, Aegon surveyed the men standing before the Iron Throne, then began walking towards them. The group moved to either side of the room, leaving a pathway to the most famous chair in the known world.

In a matter of seconds Aegon reached the top of the stairs where the Iron Throne sat. Taking a deep breath, he turned and sat down, at which point the room erupted into cheers as everyone looked to their new king.


The days following Aegon's ascension as king were hectic to say the least. Ravens flew to every kingdom in Westeros, and a good number across the Narrow Sea as well. Most of the soldiers went back to their homes, as the aftermath of everything didn't really concern them. The Lords however remained, and a great deal more of them arrived.

Someone who didn't get the chance to go home or stay for the royal discussions was Ser Gregor Clegane. The Mountain's corpse had been found near the center of the city, and looking at it made most people vomit.

The giant corpse was filled with holes, like he had been a pincushion for spear-sized needles. On top of that, his skin was a sickly green, and his facial expression was frozen in what looked to be agony. The veins in his body were more distinct, but no one could really say what caused it.

If that was all it would have been bad enough, but whoever killed him hadn't stopped there. His plate armor had been removed, and his cock cut-off before it was shoved up his own ass, and finally he was cut open from his groin to his chin. Given the injuries the Mountain sustained, most people could hazard a guess as to who did it, but no one was about to confront the man, given how his nephew just became king.

When news of Ser Gregor's violent death had been brought to Lord Tywin, Will and most of the nobility had been present, and upon hearing about the gruesome death, Will couldn't help but shoot a glance at Oberyn, who wasn't even trying to hide his smile. Without proof, no one could say for certain if Oberyn had anything to do with it, so the matter had been put off as the Mountain dying during the battle. .

There was a proper coronation ceremony, where Will actually placed the crown atop Aegon's head, following where everyone bent the knee and swore fealty. Even Lord Harlaw of the Iron Isle had come to bend the knee, and in turn, Aegon had named him Lord of the Iron Isle, which he already was.

It was more of a formality so everyone knew the Iron Isle was loyal to the crown. And they were too. They had seen first hand what happened when one went against those allied with William Castian, and none of them wanted to try going against him ever again. Given how Lord Harlaw kept shooting fearful glances at Will, it was safe to say he had instilled the fear of death into them.

It was almost a fortnight after they had taken the capital that news of a northern host was approaching, and a good number of soldiers still present near the city gathered round to defend it, not that they needed to. Lord Eddard Stark had arrived with a good number of Northern Lords and about 3,500 knights at his back.

They hadn't actually rode for a fight, as Ned honestly didn't expect there to be a fight by the time they arrived, but they were still ready to fight if they needed to. Though they didn't have the numbers, the Northmen could hold their own against at numbers 3 times their own, which just went to show how terrifying they truly were.

Ned had actually made two stops on his ride south, one being in Riverrun and the other to the Vale. In Riverrun he gathered Lord Hoster Tully and a few of the man's bannerman, and after informing them all of everything that happened, they too rode south to pledge fealty to the new king.

As for the Vale, Ned had informed the Lords there of Lyssa Arryn's treachery, at which point the Lords of the Vale chained her up along with one Petyr Baelish, who had fled to the Vale after news of Aegon landing in the Stormlands.

Lord Yohn Royce had been outraged upon learning of how the two had conspired and poisoned Lord Arryn, whom he had loved dearly, and thus brought the two with him to the Capital to see what the crown would do, as Lord Hoster was threatening war against the Vale should they harm his daughter.

Ned had to be the go between for the two so they didn't try to kill each other on the way here. He had known from Jon's letter that there was going to be animosity between the two groups after hearing about Lord Arryn's death. If he was being honest, Ned wanted nothing more than to kill the two himself, as Lord Arryn was like a father to him, and they had killed him.

As it turned out, Lord Tywin had placed a bounty on Petyr Baelish, and upon learning of his capture, Tywin had asked Aegon for the opportunity to deal with the man. Aegon and Will had discussed things beforehand, and after setting some terms with Tywin, they agreed.

Tywin would get to do whatever he wanted with Baelish, but only after they had found where the man had hidden away all the gold he had acquired for himself as Master of Coin. Will had known the man was a lying cheat from the show, but it had been Missandei who had made an off-handed comment about pilfering gold on the side that led them to find out about the stolen gold.

It had taken the search of all of Little Finger's brothels to find the gold, and let's just say it was no small amount. They had found more than half a million gold dragons, which Will hoped wasn't all from robbing the crown, otherwise he was robbing them at a rate of 10 to 1, given how the crown was five million gold dragons in debt.

After they had found the stolen gold, Tywin had taken the thing Baelish loved more than anything in the world. His cock. If that was all he did it would have been more than a suitable punishment in most people's eyes, but Tywin wasn't most people. Baelish had orchestrated a scheme that cost him his daughter and grandson, and had almost cost him his own son. No, Tywin did not stop there.

Baelish had been stripped of all lands, wealth, and titles, then tortured for only Tywin knew how long before he was ceremoniously placed on an anthill covered in honey. After a week only bones remained.

As for Lysa, despite her father's petitions to Aegon, she had been beheaded by Lord Royce himself on Aegon's order. As for her son, with his legitimacy in question, and with how sickly and frail he looked, he was given to Lord Hoster, as the Vale would not have him. The fact that he looked just like Baelish really did not help his situation.

Thankfully Aegon had made it known that the boy was not to be harmed by the lords of the Vale, as some of them had wanted to kill him to for something he had no hand in. It didn't matter anyway, as the boy would die in less than three years time of an unknown sickness, but that was for later.

The last real pain in the ass to deal with had been Varys, the Spider. For some reason, Varys seemed to believe that this whole situation was his doing, and had found Aegon in the throne room. It was clear he had thought Aegon was the Pretender from the Stormlands, as he had asked around for Lord Connington. It seemed he had never actually met the Pretender before, as he hadn't so much as blinked upon meeting Aegon.

One can only imagine what was going through his head when Elia stepped into the room with Rhaenys and Daenerys beside her. Varys had been lost in a moment of thought when the ground rose up around him and brought him to his knees.

The sudden show of power had drawn the eyes of all Lords present in the room, eyes of the most powerful men in all of Westeros. Everyone watched as Aegon descended the stairs leading up to the Iron Throne and slowly drawing his Valyrian steel sword.

"Varys… You have been found guilty of conspiring against the realm! You tried to seat a foreign ruler on the Iron Throne under my name. Your actions have caused the death of hundreds of innocent men, women, and children in the Stormlands. For this I sentence you to death!" Aegon proclaimed, then without giving Varys the chance to utter a word, Aegon's sword cut through the air at a blinding speed. A moment later, the head of the Master of Whisperer's fell to the ground.

It was seen in bad taste to not give a man the chance to speak his final words before he was beheaded, but most men in the room knew of the man's crimes, and felt no remorse or anger towards his death. On the contrary, the fact that Aegon himself personally executed the man without fire or using some executioner, really won him some points in the eyes of more than a few Lords, Ned Stark most of all.

One thing worth mentioning, was the fact that Jon's identity had been revealed to the Lords of the North, but only to them. Tywin, Olenna, and the Lords of the Vale did not need to know this secret, but the Lords of the North had clearly recognized him as Ned's bastard son, so he came clean with them.

It wouldn't matter if the rest of the world knew the truth, but Jon didn't see the need for them to know. As far as the world knew, he was Jon Targaryen, and no one was about to question it. Jon's identity had really won the crown favors with the North, as they believed they would have someone with Northern honour helping to lead the people of Westeros. They were partly right, but not in the sense that Jon would do it.

Anyway, after righting a few wrongs, and getting the oaths from all of the Lords of Westeros, Will and Aegon decided to move on to the next course of action, which was of course, the Capital, or more accurately, the smell.

Daenerys had been coming up with designs for the city that she had made based off of Oldtown, Highgarden, Casterly Rock, and Asteria, and with the help of Missandei, Elia, Rhaenys, and Will, they were able to come up with a spectacular design, which admittedly wouldn't have been made possible without Will's magic.

The Red Keep was a magnificent castle, but the fact that it was right on the oceanside was not good. Sure there was a wall one had to get over to get to it, but if a fleet of ships anchored just off shore, they could rain boulders down from trebuchets and the keep would fall in hours if they weren't stopped. It was just so easy to attack from where it was if a proper army was given time to prepare.

So one of the first things they had done was to empty out the Red Keep of everyone, then Will raised a mountain up beneath it. Well, calling it a mountain was exaggerating, but it was high enough that proper walls could be built around it, making it much more defendable.

The castle was lacking heavily in toilets, or privies as they were called, so Will added a number of those throughout the whole castle. It wouldn't do for everyone to be pissing and shitting in chamber pots whenever there was a celebration or dance to go to.

Getting water inside the castle had been a little tricky, but Will had managed to do it after only a day. Granted he had to play Tetris with the castle, but it had worked out better than he thought, mostly because Aegon had changed the castle's design quite a bit, making it less of a art piece and more realistic.

The gaudy towers that served only for show were gone, and proper structures took their place. Will had put in a request from the Iron Bank to supply them with as many of the water pumps as they could supply, and the Iron Bank complied, mostly because they were making gold hand over fist on the deal.

Despite the debt the crown owed to the bank, the bank was making more money through Will's purchases than they were getting by Aegon sending the monthly payments, especially since Aegon had given them permission to expand further into Westeros.

The Capital, and every kingdom would have a branch of the Iron Bank where people could borrow money, or even store their money if need be. It actually cut down on thievery, given how no one in their right mind dared to try and rob them.

Sure Will had to build the bank building in the Capital to their specifications, with the built in water pumps that they were supplying, but they had removed a good portion of the debt the crown owed for it.

With a proper sewer system built in the city, and every house getting at least one privy, the smell throughout the city had went away after the 4th or so rainstorm. It probably also helped that there were over a hundred bath-houses built, and that people were becoming more hygienic after it became known that you were less likely to catch a disease if you stayed clean.

It had taken a few months, but by the time they were done, the Capital was a completely different city than what was there before. There were more streets, and they didn't zigzag every which way, as there was actually reasons for their construction.

Houses were also not randomly placed throughout the city next to smithies or tanneries. No, there were housing districts all over the city so people live in relative peace and quiet. There were also a few new additions to the city.

For one, there was a park in the middle of the city, which was perfectly rectangular, and it was simply huge. Though it made so the walls of the city had to be expanded by quite a bit to still be able to keep it's occupants, the park was a great boon to the city. It had a 4 foot tall stone fence around it, but that was just so animals like horses, cows, pigs and the like didn't try to get inside of it.

The park had a small lake in the center of it, with tree and flowers all around. Some said the park is what reduced the smell of shit in the city, but that was just because it was so extravagant. It was made a law that no one could hunt the little animals inside the park, and that you couldn't cut the trees or plants inside of it either. A few people had to get flogged before the messaged really sunk into their heads, but eventually no one tried to do anything to mess up the park.

The Guild Hall of the Alchemists was moved to a the far corner of the city from the Red Keep, and the space around it was cleared so it could have it's walls protecting it. People thought Aegon was protecting it from intruders and whatnot, but in actuality, he was protecting the people from the alchemists in case something ever went wrong with their concoctions.

On top of that, they still produced wildfire for him, though in much smaller quantities than they did for King Aerys. Rather, he had them creating different items befitting their trade. From stories he had heard from Will, he knew about a strong durable black material that could be placed around wheels called rubber, but sadly neither Will nor Aegon knew how to make it.

Aegon had explained the substance the best he could, as well as a few other things that were obviously beneath them, but well within their capabilities. Aegon said he would fund them, and that for every useful thing they created for the crown, he would give them incentives. Needless to say, but they were highly motivated to help out the city.

It was about 3 months after Aegon had become king that Rhaenys had given birth to a strong and healthy baby boy, whom Will had named, Atlas because it was the name his father wanted to name their next child if it was a boy. It was a good name, and it he felt it honored his parents in a way. The fact that it was a strong name also had something to do with it, but who was really keeping track of the reasons.

Atlas had Will's red eyes but had Rhaenys' dark brown hair, though there was a small patch of white on the right side of his head. Production in the city had slowed greatly when Atlas was born due to Will taking the time to go and be with Rhaenys, but they were back at it not long after.

Whenever he wasn't working, Will was often found wandering around with Atlas in his arms, but it was those times where people usually left him alone. The only one who didn't bother was Elia, and that was because she was usually arguing that she needed to spend time were her grandson.

They were an unusual family to say the least, but they were powerful beyond measure, and not a soul dared to stand against them.