First meeting!

"Please no! please no! please don't be there!"

I prayed all the way to the shrine , that I don't face 'her' right now . Its not like I don't want to see her but still I was not ready yet.

How I can be prepared to meet my all time anime crush all of sudden and I didn't saw my face before coming here. What will happen if she dislike me? But I think she is not a person to judge someone from face value.

"But still I should have wore something more cool".

I wasn't sure that I will face her today but I had a strong feeling that something going to happen today.

I walked in fast pace toward the shrine which was in complete opposite side of the main town.

Since it was nearing the evening time , the sun was getting down and it wasn't so much hot.

I entered the Shensei Shrine for the first time but since I was recovering memory little by little, this place doesn't seemed new . The old Miyamura rarely visited any shrine but still on special occasions like new year he visited one of these shrine with family or sometime alone.

The first thing I noticed after stepping inside was a man following a slim and beautiful girl and pestering about something . Her back was facing me but I can tell only with the long black midnight hair and the damn figure that ,she is the 'her' I asked as the only wish from the god.

"Shiba Miyuki".

Before I can get nervous or think something else, I stepped forward and grew closer to Shiba san and the man with glasses and a black jacket around him.

When I grew closer I noticed a camera in his hand and a wide grin on his face which made me quite annoyed for obvious reason.

"Just for couple of shots mam. You will have great fortune in this profession believe me." The man said without noticing my presence growing closer.

It was clear as day that he was inviting her to be a model for something and use her photo for something else.

'Guhh...just watching that fucking grin , I want to kill him right now'.

My senses were somewhat enhanced after coming in this world so I heard them clearly even a metre afar from them.

"I am sorry but I am not interested at all" Shiba san said with a disgusted tone but still had a calm aura around her , not showing that she was slightly nervous.

"Oh hey..Miyuki you were here let's go, all the others were waiting at the cafe." I said in full confidence making both the man as well as Shiba san dumbfounded but I guess Shiba san took notice that I knew her and helping her out so she smiled at me and walked toward my direction.

"Yeah let's go. I just wanted to pay a visit here ."

Miyuki san came near me but the man didn't backed off and wanted to follow her more but before he can move one more step toward Shiba san, I stopped his movements by standing between them , blocking his view and told him with a grim look

"Do you want something from my friend, uncle ? If not then stop following her or I won't guarantee you for the consequences".

As I said I grabbed his camera lens and squeezed it hard .

Glass cracking sound came just after my squeeze and the man gulped very hard before leaving both of us in obvious fear.

'My strength is genuinely increased otherwise I would have made a fool out of me right now'.

"Thank you very much . He was really irritating me from some time. I was about to call police but you just came at the right time".

Miyuki san said with a smile which made me realise something.

'Shit ....In all the heat of the moment I forgot that ..that..'

"Are you okay?"

She stepped toward me as I didn't replied her and stood at the place like a statue.

'Ah... her goddess like face is totally the same and her sweet what am I thinking'.


[+5 exp for the host who have a sniffing fetish]

"Damn !!". I cursed the system which made Shiba san confused and shocked .

"Oh I am sorry I wasn't paying attention. And it's not a problem to help my classmate when she is in trouble. Okay then , I have something to do so meet you tomorrow Shiba san".

I walked before she could react .

I left the scene like a hero walking away after doing his job and leaving the heroine in an awe but only god knows how much fucking nervous I was to see my love right in front of me with such a close distance.

I ran toward the bakery in a fanatic manner as I don't wanted to be alone right now and my memories are still vague so I don't know of I had friends or not. So if I wanted to keep myself busy , then there is only one hope..'Bakery'.

'Well Shindo must be in my friend list '.

I remembered that Shindo is my friend since junior high and he was a close friend of Miyamura in the anime also.

After I arrived at the bakery in 20 minutes I didn't realised that unintentionally I completed my second daily quest.


[Daily Quest]

[Run for 3 km in one attempt]

[Status: Complete]

[Remaining : 1]

[Remaining time: 14 hours 30 minutes]



I ran 3 km without stopping in a straight path as the distance from my house to shrine is equal to the distance from my house to bakery in a straight path.

'But I don't feel fatigue at all. Am I improving in just one day'.


[Lovers Quest]

[Visit the nearby shrine]

[Status: Complete]

[Reward : Witch's perfume]


[One item added to the inventory]

[Witch' s perfume X 1]

[Grade: B ]

I didn't checked my inventory as I was already infront of the bakery and my mom saw me panting outside of the store so it will be awkward if I grab something out from the blank air. But still this reward was my first ranked reward so I was excited to see it's effect.

'I wish it helps me with my nervousness around Shiba san'.