Smashing heads!

The goblin had a hideous body with a sharp nose , pointed ears , red big sharp eyes which were glaring the surrounding with a murderous glare and a flabby torso which showed how fulfilling life they were spending until now.

'If a newbie like me can kill a goblin so easily then how come these much people died?'

I thought system message popped up but I already activated my stealth and without wasting time I rushed toward the fire lambs as I wanted to make the battleground easy for me to move . The goblins didn't flinched much and with a smirk they gathered at one place like they already won the battle.

'Huh ? What happened?'.

[Host , goblin are specialised in surprise attacks and with their glowing eyes you can tell that night vision is nothing special for them].

I gulped at her information and though I just dug my own grave.

My eyes were enhanced but I didn't had complete night vision .

In the darkness the whole cave was silent and only a dozen pairs of red eyes were sparkling dangerously.

'Now or never'.

I selected a song on my phone and immediately threw it toward a rock which was just opposite of me.

The sound of the phone speaker was enough to reach their perky ears and two goblin started moving toward my phone cautiously while the others were still standing near the corner as like they were protecting something.

'This is my chance. Darbi use my 40 attributes in strength and 30 in speed now.'.

[Ding !]

I didn't saw the upgrade message as they already reached to my phone, picked it up with a strange look, wondering what it was.

I dashed toward them with my full speed crossing the 20 metres within a second and immediately stabbed both of the goblins with my knives in their stomach and before they can yell I groped their filthy mouth with my whole palm and pushed them with my whole strength toward the cave wall behind their head.


I squeezed their mouth hard but never in my dream thought that their heads will blow so easily.


All the other goblins heard the noise of the blown heads and rushed toward me while roaring . I thought they saw me crossing the corridor when I was dashing toward the two goblins but I guess their eyes were not that fast to catch my speed.

I wasn't lightning fast but my presence will not be caught by normal eyes so easily if I were to run with full pace.

Blood was dripping from both of my hands and two headless bodies collapsed on the ground.

I felt like throwing up again but in a way it was thrilling to see my strength.

I pulled my Knives and before all the ten remaining goblins could reach me I came out of my cover and threw my knife in vertical slash but instead of blade the handle hit the goblin 's forehead.

'Shitttttt this is fucking lame'.


'Shut up , I am dying of embarrassment right now'.

And more to it, the stupid goblin paused and picked my knife before continuing their slow race toward me with furious looks.

My speed was definitely super fast after levelling up but still they were running literally like an old uncle . I was about to yawn while waiting when system reminded me.

[Their physical stats are high, host so they can also smash you if you are planning on hand to hand combat]

' could have told me before'.

I rushed again while using my stealth , holding my knife in horizontal grip .

When I was about to reach the goblin, for the first time I thought

'I am dead'.

I don't know how but the first goblin whome I was about to attack, saw through me clearly and raised its club high in the air . I slightly changed my trajectory at the last moment and the club brutally hit the ground passing by an inch apart from my face.

The ground literally cracked and a medium sized crater was designed there.

My face was pale but my body didn't froze as I knew a single mistake here could take my life easily.

'I have to maintain distance'.

The goblin again swung it's club but I already dashed facing my front toward them, toward the rock where I was hiding before

The other goblins also spotted my position .

One of the goblin threw it's spears with accurate proficiency which I didn't expected from a low class monster will be able to.

The speed of the spear was literally very fast for me to completely dodge it.

I just couldn't moved my body at that time which resulted the tip of the spike pausing about 5 cm apart from my eyeball when I caught it with its shaft.

'Shit...I am being careless'.I cursed myself internally while gritting teeth.

Cold sweat started dripping on my forehead and the goblins started giggling , amused that they scared their opponent.

I was irritated with those laughs and something started boiling inside me.

"Dont fuck with me, I am not dying before going on a DATE WITH MIYUKI".

I yelled and threw the gripped spear with full force tearing some ligament of my shoulder toward the smirking goblin' s forehead .

The whole spear penetrated and passed through its forehead leaving a deep whole in the middle .

The goblin smile froze at the place and the other goblins also started to give me scared look for the first time.

[Now that's like my Host]

I again focused on my speed and before the other goblin who was beside the speared mess could realise , I closed the distance to none and stabbed it's belly . The goblin were scattered and started running toward the other end of the cave where they were standing before.

The stabbed goblin tripped and fell on its back while struggling to pull the knife out of its fat stomach.

I stomped furiously on my knife , pushing it completely inside its body.


The goblin screamed in pain but I didn't stopped there. The other eight goblins were on the way to their old previous playing spot, exposing their back completely to me.

"Don't be too careless you assholes".

I picked the club of a smashed goblin and hit the goblin who was running on the last spot using my both hand.

I jumped slightly in the air and smashed the goblin' s head like a tomato.

'Their body resistance is weak'.

[Your strength is inhumanly high Host]

'Should I take it as a compliment?'.

The other goblin heard the bashing sound on their back and stopped as they realised that running away is going to take their lives.

A goblin threw its club while roaring but I dodged it and closed our distance instantly and smashed the bat in upper hook shot, blowing the goblin toward the other goblin who was completely dazed for no reason.

'Strength with no brain is what it is called huh'.

My mind didn't stopped even for a second and with quick steps I picked a bloodied spear and when the flying goblin crashed with the dazed idiot, I threw the spear again with my full might . The spear penetrated through both of them .

I don't how but my mental perception was too godly after I faced death from so close, that I threw the spear at the exact time when they were at the perfect position to be stabbed and my high speed was also helping to show me the scene in a little slow motion.

The other goblins started smashing their weapons here and there as they didn't knew when I will attack however their distance between themselves was quite apart and that was helping me a lot.

Dodging the aimlessly smashing club I did a number '7' round house kick and with my momentum its force was maximised to another level.

The receiver of the kick was buried inside the walls with its head smashed.

'I am getting used to this , Now five more'.

My movements were fast for them to realise my presence around them until I don't get too close so I used it and using spear ,I killed four of the goblins .

My hands were aching like hell and and strength also dropped so much that it was becoming hard for me to even lift the heavy club which seemed light as feather until some minutes ago. However my assault didn't stopped as the opponents could take over anytime if they knew my strength collapsing.

Now the only goblin who almost hit me before was standing alone with a death fear look on its face .

I stopped my feet in front of him and his fighting spirit collapsed completely after seeing my bloodied figure in front of its eyes It's weapon dropped on the ground and it started backing on its chubby feets hoping to get away but...

"Like hell I would let you go".

I jumped and after grabbing its back of the head , I smashed my bent knee on his bare face.

I used my last bit of strength in the final assault and like all the others its face also smashed like boiled potato. And my quest was done .

[Ding! ]

[Dungeon Quest]

[Slay the goblins]

[Status : Complete]

My clothes were smelling like sewer , with purple paint all over my body.


[ Well done host. You will be happy to see the rewards.]

'Hmmm let's see then'.