Beach ~ 1

The three days in my ancestral house wasn't that boring as much I thought, in fact it was quite fun to be there . I had great time knowing my family and enjoying time with my parents . Dad was also happy to be able to have a normal conversation with me again.

He asked me whether I was still loner or I got some friends on which my mom interrupted..

"He got more than friends and surprisingly not only one ". She said with a chuckle to make my dad more curious.

He pestered my mom about this and gave me thumbs up after he got the news about Miyuki and Nino from her.

'Your previous serious figure is crumbling dad'. I thought as I was expecting some scolding or moral session period from him.

In the three days , my uncle who was searching for a teacher, Uncle Nozimi, took several types of tests of maths which consisted upto college level and in the end with satisfaction ,he assigned me . He called the vice principal and took the permission , and told me to bluff about my age in front of students, that's it , when I will start teaching.

'He was really desperate'. I chuckled as I entered my room, after the tiring slow journey.

"Shit I have to visit my in- laws ..." I dashed in the bathroom as I remembered that I had promised Miyuki to meet her parents at 5 in the evening, and it was already 4 p.m .

I changed my clothes after a quick wash and wore a blue turtle shirt with formal trousers and walked out after texting Miyuki. I really dressed like I am going to ask her hand in marriage.

'I should act like my age more.' I contemplated in the way to her house , as my mind was still like a working adult .

I reached there at 4.49 with a bouquet of a flower .Since I really didn't had that much time to buy something for her father I decided to settle down with my mother in law only.

"You are l-looking ha-handsome Izumi". Miyuki muttered slowly as she saw me. She was wearing blue one piece dress with light make-up, which was going perfect with her shy and cute personality. Her face generally seems red , whenever she see me so I was getting used to this.

I smiled at her and entered the arena with a bouquet and a gorgeous girl on my side .

'I guess it was good that I wore something formal '. I sighed as I saw the serious looking gentleman sitting in a three piece suit beside a beautiful woman who had a calming smile on her face.

The last time I saw Mr. Nashima ,was quite unexpected , and since he was indebted to me his expression was more softer at that time but now , he is in typical father like mode.

'Activate Silent Mind'.

"Good evening , Mr and Mrs Shiba. We have already met , but I would like to introduce myself again. I am Miyamura Izumi and also boyfriend of your daughter."I said with a calm expression and a smile on my face .

"Ara~ Izumi kun, how generous of you to bring flowers for such an old woman like me". She said when I proposed flowers to her.

"You really don't look old, mam. I genuinely thought you as Miyuki's older sister when I first saw you". I said but the regret of my words tailed immediately.


Mr Shiba coughed with a dark aura around him and I felt a chill feeling coming from Miyuki who had the coldest smile I have ever saw on her face.

I couldn't helped it and blabbered as clear mind make me say what's in my mind without thinking much of consequences.

"It's nice to meet you I am Shiba Nashima . " He said and shook my hand and applied pressure in his grip to show how much he was liking me.

'Sorry father in law, that much is not something to put me in pressure'. I smiled , maintaining my demeanour.

We seated and several kind of drinks and snacks were served. The mood in the guest hall , got quite normal after sometime.

Mr Shiba asked me about what is my ambition for the future and all the stuff , a father is mostly concerned of .

After chit chat , Nurimi san , Miyuki's mother asked me to stay for dinner.

"I am sorry but my mom is little sick after the journey , so I told her that I will prepare dinner today." I humbly rejected to get a delightful look from both of my in laws.

"It's good that you are responsible ". His father said in a serious tone but the glad look in his eyes was clear as day .


"So all preparation done for tomorrow?" I asked Miyuki as she came to see me off at the main entrance.

"Yes , I have packed my bag and will prepare some snacks for journey, so you don't have to worry about that". She said while following my back.

I stopped after just stepping out of the main gate and pulled her in an embrace. I shifted toward the boundary wall to not get seen from inside.

After pulling her in my arms, I felt the comfort that , I was searching since very long , although it was only three days.

"Do you missed me?" I asked in a low tone .

"Mm". She just hummed while hiding her face .

"I also missed you so much. " I said and closed my eyes and started to feel her hot breathes on my neck. The moments with Miyuki is quite different when I am with Nino . Nino express her feeling boldly while Miyuki supress then until I don't figure it out myself.

"Okay then I should go". I said and tried to seperate myself.

"Nn". She hummed but more strongly and gripped my shirt tightly to not let me go .

"Miyuki, we will meet tomorrow again ." I said while coaxing the stubborn baby.

After pampering her for 20 minutes I separated myself. Kissing Miyuki is still difficult in public as she is very shy in to do something in open space so she just kissed my cheek and stepped back with a cute smile .

"Don't forget , There will be no stopping me at the beach so you better be prepared." I said and left the flushed Miyuki and returned back home.

Mom was feeling carsickness after the journey so I prepared light porridge for both of us . Literally it felt like nothing, so I prepared two bowls of curry ramen secretly for myself, without getting noticed .

At night I completed all of my quest to be stress free for tomorrow.

After workout , I asked Darbi in a teary tone as I realised something.

"Darbi, the beach is 8 hours away on wheels, how will I manage tomorrow . Help me please...." I cried for help as I really wanted to enjoy my time, rather than running like a madman in the sun.

[There is a solution just pay 1000 coins on each use and you will be directed back to the place where you used to enter dojo. You just have to say 'Special Authority ' and done]


[Hey, I can't get you disco..]

"Then why the fuck, you didn't told me earlier. I literally ran thousand of kilometres in three days." I yelled at her.

[Tee~hee. You never asked]

"How I wish , I could show you the fruits of my training personally , right now". I said grudgingly , while clutching my water bottle transforming it into thin stick.

[Ara~ impatient boy are best to tease.]

I didn't answered the hentai system and returned to my room nearly at 1 a.m as I tried blacksmithing again so it took more time than usual.





Notification was keep on poking my head like needles. I was really pissed at the sound of phone, that I literally wanted to hammer it on the anvil right now.

Frustratingly I picked my phone and saw

"18 missed call. I am dead". I gulped after checking the calls from my classmate and most of them were from Miyuki.

'Ah it's only 8 why they are so imp-.....fucccckkkk its 8 already .' I ran toward the bathroom with my phone and texted all of them that I will report sharply in half an hour.

Ofcourse I got sweet replies from my buddies which made me puke but I did what I said.

In half an hour , I cleaned myself checked my backpack and after changing clothes , I dashed toward Ishikawa residence.

"Miyamura , a minute late would have cost you to enjoy your vacation alone . " Ishikawa kun said as soon I arrived infront of his huge house where all the others were standing.

" Here Izumi". Miyuki offered me water which I gulped before replying.

"Sorry guys , I woke up a little late." I apologised to every furious faces staring at me.

The plan was to leave at 6 in the morning so it really was late .

'Darbi thanks for support'. I cursed inwardly.

[I am not an alarm clock , for you information and it's fun to see you troubled fufu..]

After getting a little bit of complaints from everyone I introduced myself to the new person in the group.

"Hey Yanagi kun. I am Miyamura Izumi ." I said the red haired handsome guy who was standing with a smile from the beginning.

"Hey Miyamura kun. I am Akane Yanagi, pleats take care of me." He said with his trademark smile .

'How Yuuki simply rejected this face without a second thought'. I thought as comparing Ishikawa kun to Yanagi was so simple to determine the results.

We settled inside the mini van which Ishikawa kun rented for two days. It was 10 seaters with two in front and four equals in back and middle.

Iura and Yanagi took the front with Yanagi kun on driver's seat. All the girls in the middle with Miyuki beside Hori san . Me and Ishikawa kun on the back seat .

"Hori san I demand my girlfriend back here". I said with a poker face while putting my hand on Miyuki's shoulder.

"You were late, then it's you punishment." She said while glaring at me and swaying my hands off her.

Miyuki looked at me with a apologetic gaze .

" Aren't you jealous here? Don't worry you will also get your better half very soon Hori san ". I said with a grin and saw veins popping on Hori san forehead.

"Hoh, getting full of yourself huh. Don't forget the day you come with puppy face to ask my help about . Ungrateful ". She said with a smirk .

Now this time my vein popped out and before I can counter the attack Ishikawa kun jumped for Hori san help.

"Now now guys chill out . We have long journey ahead so we could reshuffle again ". He said to lighten the mood.

"Like hell I would give my Miyu chan ". Hori san shouted.

"Try me . No one can come between us even a sadistic single is my rival." I said with a serious tone.

Me and Hori san glared at each other and turned our head to opposite way.

Everyone else chuckled and our journey to the beach continued.