My fiance that defends me

January 15, 2022

New York City, New York

(Stone-Michaels household)

"Mother must you always be like this??" Darian screamed infuriated at his mother. "Darian Luke Stone-Michaels I raised you to be with people who are on your level not some beggar who looks to be 6 months pregnant with some man's child. I'm saving you the trouble." She said simply. Oh yeah the same way you "Saved" Arizona right from him right? I bet she's so happy where she is." Darian clenched his fist.

"you get no right to talk about her as if you did anything Darian. " His mother screamed at him. "I was 10 when it happened mother and had no idea how to help her, where as you had the ability to call the cops and end her misery, but no you just let it happen now look where she is. In a mental hospital with her child in your youngest child's care because you didn't help her?!" Darian screamed at her till he was red in the face. "Alright that's enough everyone," his sister said. "I get that things have happened but it doesn't change the situation if we continue to talk about it."

"And even then mom you can tell she isn't used to these kind of things. I mean she was in here trying to make us like her because she probably doesn't know what to do or say and you just made someone like her probably feel ugly and useless and from what I have seen I know she definitely is not either." Zara said pointedly.

"I like her for you son." his father said fixing himself on the couch. "but sweet heart she-" Michael cut his wife off. "She's a strong and stubborn one for her to defend herself against your mother and for you to be on her side. You must really want to be with her." Darian smiled at his father. "thank you Dad. now if you'll excuse me." Darian started to leave until his mother spoke up. "I hope you're happy with being the step dad to some illegitimate child." she smirked as he stopped his steps.

As he turned around to go towards his mother a loud smack was heard in the room. "That is enough mom!"You are embarrassing yourself in front of everyone right now." Zara said placing the child in the car seat. "So what if it's not his child he still wants her which is why he chose her. I'm pretty sure you only married dad because he had while you didn't." Zara said. "I had a good paying job when I met your dad." Her mom said.

"We didn't get to know her life and other things before you struck her as a slut and homewrecker. Give her a chance to prove that she isn't who you think she is." Zara said hoping her mom would cooperate. After what felt like a good five minutes, her mom spoke up. "two chances she screws up she's done for." she says. "Thank you mom." Darian then leaves to go look for Akira only to see that she was not outside in the front like he had expected.

"where did she go?" Darian began to look around frantically. "She can't leave me. she is under contract." he said remembering her signing the contract. Darian then took out his walkie talkie and turned it on. "All staff and security please keep an eye for Akira Mae Martinez. Report to me if she is ever found." He said turning it off and walking back into the house.