My home doctor that gives us news

"How could you Darian you ruined her life and she told you no." A womanly voice spoke harshly to someone. "Mom I already to you that I'm taking responsibility for this otherwise we wouldn't be in this situation. " Darian's said sounding annoyed with himself.

" Well you better. Besides I thought that after everything we went through with..him you wouldn't do what he did."Darian's mother said as she moved hair from Akira's face.

"Why are you only doing this in defense of her?" Darian said angry. "You were never like this when." Darian clenched his fists as they both heard Akira wake up. " Oh sweetheart." His mother said going immediately to Akira and gave her some water. "Don't drink too fast or you'll get sick. " She told Akira as she sat watching Akira sip the water like she had. gone years without it.

" How are you feeling Ms. Martinez?" The doctor said as he walked in the room. "I'm okay. " Akira said feeling like she was going to puke any second. "Bucket," Darian's mother grabbed the white bucket and handed it to Akira as she began to vomit.

"Sorry guys I don't know what happened. "

Akira said cleaning the vomit from her mouth. "Well to put things straight with you as of currently you and the babies are okay. However your body is in danger." The doctor said looking at her from the clipboard in his hand.

" What are you talking about Dr.." Akira said realizing that she didn't know his name. "Oh Monroe." He said with a slight blush. "What I mean is that when you're in high tense situations your blood pressure gets very high, which is normal." Dr. Monroe placed the clipboard on the table. "But your blood doesn't go to your heart, making you 'dead' the moment you have these situations."

"if you're saying what I think you are saying then I won't do it." Akira said boldly. " Akira Honey I think you should take his advice besides it'll get you out of this mess that was Darian's fault to begin with. " Darian's mother said. Though Akira knew she was right, she didn't know what was keeping her from termination of the pregnancy.

"I'm not going to do it." Akira said looking at Darian and his mother. Darian looked to be somewhat relieved which surprised Akira but when looking at his mother she was only smirking at him. "if anything we could go the safe way and do a cesarean section which will keep the baby alive." He said looking at them. "What about me?" Akira said. " Will I live as well?"

The doctor looked at her. "There's a slim chance but it's only if you give the okay. " Akira then looked at both of them. " What do you think Mrs. Stone.. " Akira began to ask only for Darian to leave the room angry. "Is he okay?" Akira asked concerned.

"I'm sorry Akira let me just.. excuse me." She said leaving the doctor and Akira in the room alone.