Heir of the Dragon’s Blood

I know why Aurora didn't say goodbye, I was going to see her later again. The thought of it was exhilarating, yet, I felt an air of caution. She rarely came over ever since I moved. Even when she did, she never stayed over like she used to. Perhaps she knew I was pushing her away. However, now I know how much she still cherished me. I was elated, I took the train again for the first time in forever. I wanted to get home quickly, there was no time to waste!

The sun was still setting. Its orange hue painted the train a comforting colour. It was empty, not another passenger in sight. I suppose it was later than normal. "6.45pm" it said on my phone. Perhaps I just got lucky and missed the crowd? It didn't matter, I could barely even contain my excitement. I wonder if Aurora is gonna stay over like she used to. I am grinning from ear to ear just at the thought of it.

Out of the blue, I felt the whole train shake. The vibrations travelled through the carriage I was one, even carrying over to the other compartments. The floor of the train vibrated and occasionally shook violently like I was surfing on waves at the beach., I snapped out of my daydream, jumping to my feet. My previous tranquil thoughts were now completely erased, caution and fear replacing them in their stead. I was wide-eyed from the shock and fear, I could feel beads of cold sweat rolling down my cheeks. My hands were sweaty and clammy.

'What was that? Turbulence ? On a train?' My brain was working overtime to rationalise that tremor.

Suddenly, a much more violent quake occurred. If the previous ones were like waves on a beach, this one felt like an approaching tsunami. I lost balance and leaned on a pole nearby to help myself to my feet. This had to be some kind of bad dream. The sunset pallet that once gave the train a warm feeling was now eerie and frightful.

If this was a dream... I would very much like to wake up now... 

There was one final shake. This one felt like an earthquake. I could not stabilise myself, yelping as I fell to the ground once more, hitting my back. I let out one last groan of pain before my world faded to black.

The last thing I heard was the lights short-circuiting before darkness surrounded me. It was pitch black, I peered into the veil of nothingness as the abyss stared back at me. Am I dead? I couldn't see anything. It was dark and cold. Is this really how I die? In some train devoid of people, where no one will find me? 

Wait, I feel something. I could still feel my hand moving. However, the air around me felt like it has changed. It was no longer air conditioned like the train compartment. It felt fresh, and warm. I strenuously peeled my eyes. It was still dark, but I could see that my surroundings have changed.  I stumbled to my feet, feeling slight weakness in my knees. I focused all my energy inwards, gathering it in my core and in my hands. Maybe a huge jolt of electricity can jump-start the lights. Assuming there were electric powered lights here of course... My powers are nowhere near as strong as Aurora's, and this might leave me exhausted, but I had to try.

I thrusted my hands outwards, grunting as I felt the energy drain from my body as a beam of yellow light flew to the ceiling. To my surprise, the ceiling was 10 feet above me. As it hit the ceiling, the spot I hit became illuminated. That light spread to the rest of the cave in a flash. The effect was blinding forcing me to cover my eyes and prevent being blinded.

My breathing quickened, preparing for the worst. I had to brave it, for I knew there was no other path of escape. I walked forward, noticing that I was standing on an isolated platform. The ground beneath my feet was of stone. I now realise that the light that illuminated the cave is coming from crystals, crystals infused with my electricity from before.

It seems that the platform is elevated with no clear entry or exit. The water that surrounded me was crystal clear, pristine, untainted. I was completely dumbfounded. First, I had gotten completely transported to a different place. Not only that, but this place was absolutely beautiful. It looked surreal, too clean.

"Thy who inherits the blood of the dragons. Step forth and claim your rightful place." A voice, soft as a whisper, played in my head. It was firm, yet far away. I looked around, now on edge. "Who's there!" I called in desperation, feeling fear and curiosity ignite within me. It gave me the courage to push forward.

Soon, a pedestal raised itself from the ground in the centre of the platform. I watched in awe. Speechless as a small stool-like pedestal was being raise, with serpents wrapped around it for ornamental design.

"That which thou seeketh shall now be bestowed unto thee. Heir of the dragon's blood. Progenitor of Dragons. Overlord of the elements. Step forth, and claim your rightful place as king." I was overwhelmed now, with fear and anticipation. But before I stepped forwards, I looked around once more. Was I in a dream? This cannot be real. There was no one around. No one could have said those words. But it also could not have been directed at anyone else.

I mustered every ounce of courage I had left in my body, braving my fears, I stepped forward. As I did, I noticed a light on my chest. With every cautious step I took, the light glowed brighter and brighter. However, I did not stop. I was now in front of the pedestal. The light on my chest was now as bright as the sun, emitting a low humming noise. I patted the spot on my chest, my eyes widening when I felt it. I reached into my shirt, pulling out the Dragon pendant from within. The light was as radiant as the sun. It was reacting to the pedestal!

With newfound courage and curiosity, I looked at the pedestal, seeing what was on it. On the pedestal, I could now see its contents, were two glove-like garments. They were carved into the form of dragon heads. It was made of a golden metallic material which covered the lower forearm segment as well as the palm and most of the fingers. The fingertips, hand and upper forearm were all made of a transparent crystalline material.

These gauntlets, they were mesmerising. They were like diamonds, shining brilliantly in the dark. As I admired them, I felt the same voice calling out to me. "Reach out, and realise your destiny." The voice spoke one final time. As it did, my body moved on its own. There was a red barrier covering the gauntlets made of electrical energy. The energy was a deep shade of red. It was unlike anything I have seen before. The energy was virulent, wrapping around the gauntlets fiercely, protecting them with their lives, so it seemed. Any sane person would back away. But at this moment, I was not sane. I knew it would burn my hand off, but my body was moving on its own.