Newfound Confidence

I left the room promptly after taking my stand, with the 5 of them whimpering on the ground like lost puppies. Their state was pathetic, I was almost sad. They way they acted so high and mighty before, like they were the kings of the school. Now, they were nothing but dross. I left the class room with my hands in my jacket pockets, preparing to go to the upper classrooms to see Aurora. The moment I stepped out of the classroom, a familiar middle-ranged voice called out to me.

"You know, I was about to help you when I saw those jerks almost grab you. But damn! You ran circles around them! Literally! What was that at the end as well? Reversal magic?" I looked to my left to see Alistair leaning on the wall. He was smiling from ear to ear. I even detected a hint of excitement in his expression. So he was here the whole time?

"So you were watching playboy?" I asked disrespectfully.

"Yeah…I ran away from Jack and the others cuz i knew you were about to get pummeled into oblivion, but when I came back, well you were moving too fast to even see you! What happened?" Jack and the others must have been that group that pulled him away after class. While I could still consider telling Aurora about the gauntlets, as of right now, Alistair was completely out of the question. He seemed genuine, but I needed to test that.

"C'mon. Let's find Aurora, she's taking me to the entrance test for the Magic Club." I said, dodging his question. I started walking up the stairs. Alistair followed me without prying further. He also expressed his interest in joining the club since I was joining this year.

When we reached the 3rd floor, it appeared that class had just ended. In any normal scenario, I would have waited outside for her to walk out. However, today, I was swelling with confidence, and I knew how Aurora would react, so I waltz in like I owned the place. "Woah what are you doing?" Alistair tried to stop me.

"Scared?" I asked.

"Of course not. I am just surprised you aren't." He was right, this was irregular behaviour from me. Alistair was popular and thus would have no problem just going where ever he wanted. But for me, I would have been glared at on the spot. However, I knew Aurora would be happy to see me, I would probably be saving her from the crowd trying to get her attention. I smiled at Alistair and entered the room.

The moment I entered, whispers and gasps started circulating through the room. They looked at Alistair in surprise, and some were throwing incriminating looks at me. I ignored them for now. I had no intention of showing them my abilities for now. Aurora seemed to have noticed the commotion and looked over the paparazzi surrounding her. She saw me and smiled, catching everyone around her off guard.

"Move." She commanded, and the sea of people parted. She gave them one last cold glance and briskly walked to me and hugged me. I heard the room erupt in gasps and I heard Alistair struggle to contain his laughs.

"Look dude! You are the talk of the town now!" He said laughing boisterously. Covering his mouth did him no favours, the reactions of those around us were priceless. He was clutching his stomach trying not to die from laughing so hard.

I smirked on the inside and returned the hug Aurora gave. We remained like that for who knows how long. I heard the clicking of cameras, people taking pictures on their phone. It was either to gossip, or to prepare a bounty hunt for me. It was bad to stay here.

"Um Aurora…" I said trying to pull her away, but her grip was firm and I could not peel her off.

"Let them…I don't care." She said, still hugging me. "You actually came. You actually walked into this class like it was your own. Let me enjoy this for a bit." She said, closing her eyes. It was good to see someone enjoying this. I soon noticed that the number of whispers was increasing. I scanned the room and saw people with furrowed brows and gritted teeth, mostly male. The females were gleefully gossiping and giggling.

"Aurora, if I stay here any longer, my head would be taken off. The test is soon isn't it? Let's leave." I coaxed her. She sighed defeatedly and released me, dragging me out of the classroom. I let her and signalled Alistair to come along.

We soon reached the school's soccer field where the test is to be held. A teacher is already holding the briefing for those taking the test. There are at least 30 students lined up to enter, and only 10 can make it past. Aurora quickly dragged me to join the students who were participating and Alistair followed suit.

A few eyes stared at eyes, some are surprised that there are more entrants, most are appalled by the fact that the cold student council president is dragging a guy with her. I felt eyes drilling into me once more. "Ms Black. I have two more people who wish to join. Please allow them per my request." She asked the teacher in charge, Ms Black.

The teacher was wearing sports attire, joggers and a tight shirt. Her long black hair was flowing in the wind and she had an imposing presence. "Alright Ms Singford. Next time, let me know in advance ok? And as for you two, don't be late." She sternly instructed. The 3 of us bowed in gratitude and took our positions. Aurora went to the benches to watch, she was already part of the club since her first year. Alistair and I were at the very back. Alistair's reputation preceded him, people immediately tried to start a conversation with him. He quickly brushed them off. I, all the while was being ignored, snickering at his plight.

However, I was not totally ignored. I saw a girl right in front of me staring daggers into my soul. I was kind of creeped out by it. Her gaze was unrelenting and fierce. She had medium length brown hair and piercing green eyes. She wore a simple t-shirt and track pants. It was starting to get awkward, with her staring at me, so I tried to defuse the tension. "Um…Hi?" I awkwardly asked.

"Don't think you can get too close with the president. She is and ace student and practically a queen. You would only be a stain on her reputation, and another addition to her ever-growing list of ex-lovers." She said. The hatred in her voice was clear as day. I noticed the pin on her shirt, she was a member of the council. Additionally, she appeared to be an underclassman. I didn't bother to explain myself and just sighed and nodded. She sharply turned away.

"Wow…that girl hates your guts." I heard Alistair tease.

"Put a sock in it dude, the test is about to start." I pushed back.

"Good afternoon students!" Ms Black started off. "Welcome to the entrance test for the Magic Club. Because I don't want to waste anymore of my time, I will skip the ceremony and get straight to the point. This test has 3 components, physicality, casting and dueling."

Everyone was listening attentively. I scanned around and saw Aurora sitting at the bench on the other side with a fellow council member. She was smiling and waving. I think it was at me, however, everyone else seemed to have interpret it differently, thinking it was for them. Girls and boys alike in front of me started squealing in delight.

"This will be the test of physicality first. We will test 3 things, your speed, strength and reflexes. First, speed. You are allowed to use magic to enhance your speed if you can, and teleportation is not allowed, but I'm sure none of you can do it anyway. Zachary Montreal get to the starting line." She instructed. The black haired boy at the front walked up to the starting line and readied himself. I was already excited to see what these guys could do.