Just How Strong…

I was alarmed by what Gaia told me. I had no idea I was even being glanced at. "Look up" She hinted. I did and traced my eyes to the giant staircase. This house was way to big for it's own good. At the third floor, I saw a man leaning over the bannister. He wore a simple t-shirt and shorts, staring at me. I focused a bit more and saw he was smiling. I looked away quickly, so that he wouldn't notice.

"Even more importantly..." I started, picking up the toast and taking a bite. "How long are we gonna allow your dad to just watch us?" I asked. Aurora suddenly stopped and looked up. The moment she spotted her father, she stood up from the stool angrily.

"DAD!" She yelled. I could barely contain my laughter. I felt the bite of toast in my mouth almost get launched out like a cannonball. This was funny, I didn't even know why.

"Oh! Um, hey... Sweetheart....Um, you kids carry on...Forget this old geezer was even here." He said nervously and disappeared, probably walking hiding and walking towards the stairs. I heard Aurora growling and gritting her teeth. Honestly, it was hard not to die of laughter.

After a minute or two, I saw Mr Singford reaching the bottom of the staircase, cautiously shuffling toward the kitchen, like he was stepping on hot stones. He was nervously dragging his feet as he walked to the fridge. At first I wondered, what's the big deal? Then, I felt the air beside become frigid, then I felt the wind brush past my ear as a pure white projectile flew toward Mr Singford.

"AHHH!" He screamed like a lady, which was beyond amusing. I knew now. No one, not even her own parents, are safe from Aurora's wrath. I wonder if her sister is the same. I casually put another bite of toast in my mouth as I watched the morning comedy show unfold in front of my eyes. "Sweetheart! I'm sorry! Sorry!" Mr Singford looked like a man begging for his life.

"You better be..." Aurora said coldly. I was suddenly awake, this is bad. Aurora raised her hand and it looked like she was about to hit him. It was a little too early for this, so I decided to help. When Aurora brought her hand down, I casually flexed my palm toward Mr Singford and a prismatic crystalline barrier formed around him. Aurora's eyes widened as her hand bounced off the shield. The portion of the shield that was hit started glowing white, absorbing her magic. It looked like Mr Singford was encased in a precious jewel. It looked like the most valuable gemstone in existence. I had a rainbow shine in every direction.

Both father and daughter were stunned silent by what just happened, Aurora slowly turned her head to me like a haunted doll while Mr Singford poked the crystal shield. Meanwhile, I was still eating casually. Like nothing had happened. I stared blankly at Aurora like I was innocent. "Aury...Don't you think it's a little early to be getting so aggressive?" I said with my mouth full of food.

"What the... You just... You... HUH?!" She was lost for words and I felt like my insides could die from laughter. "I do this with my dad all the time...Wait forget about that! What the hell is this?!" She was in a flurry now. She gestrued toward the shield.

"A shield to protect your dad," I said casually again. Aurora rolled her eyes and groaned.

"Dummy! What element?" She asked sharply.

"Earth." I said without hesitation, and retracted the barrier.

"You are a dual elementalist?!" It was Mr Singford, who was no longer sitting on the ground. "I thought you could only use lightning!" With that question, it finally hit me, dual elementalists are extremely rare. However, part of me had no problem sharing this info, I trusted Aurora's parents like my own.

"Huh...I guess I am..." I said nonchalantly. I finally finished my breakfast and stared at the astounded pair. I smiled at them widely.

"Dad...get the training room ready." Aurora said finally, turning to her father. Aurora's father blasted off like a rocket and went to the basement. Aurora sat next to me again, this time looking me dead in the eye. "When could you do that?" She asked seriously. I dropped the joking attitude, scared she might get angry.

"I guess when I got Gaia. It just feels natural to me." I answered honestly.

"So receiving a new avatar gives you the power of their respective element?" I thought for awhile, then nodded. She sighed and looked away. "We should find the rest of your avatars... I wonder just how strong you will become..." Before I could even think about it, Mr Singford came back, panting and breathless.

"The…training room… is… ready…" He said between breaths. He had his hands on his knees, exhausted.

"I'll head to my room to get ready. See you in 5 minutes." Aurora said, jumping off the stool and calmly walking upstairs. I looked at Mr Singford who seemed to have caught his breath. He gestured for me to follow, and I obeyed.

Similar to their regular home, the training room looked like a huge cube like simulation room in the basement, albeit smaller than the one they have back in Ourannos. "You know Kaler…" I heard Mr Singford say behind me. I quickly turned to him and gave him my attention. "After seeing what you did back there…I'm rather curious…" I sensed something off. I moved into a more defensive pose. He was planning something, his face oozed with a cunning intent. "Just how powerful are you…"

As he said his last two words, he lunged at me with his fist pulled back. Normally, I would side step with my speed and dodge. This time, I wanted to feel the full force of my durability. I did not budge, instead standing as still as a stone. His punch landed square in my face. Any normal human being would have received a broken nose and a concussion equivalent to getting run over by a truck.

Me on the other hand… "YOW!" He screamed and pulled his hand back, massaging it with his other hand. "How in the…" I smirked a little, I hope Aurora doesn't mind if I mess with her cunning father. I ignited the speed in my body and moved like a bullet. To him, I suddenly disappeared from existence. In my eyes, I moved to his right, faster than he could even register what happened.

I cancelled the speed, stomping my foot on the ground. Luminescent and radiant crystals emerged from the ground, caging him in an instant. Mr Singford was stunned, he looked around frantically. He looked like a lab rat, being held against his will. I gave and even smirk and stretched out my hand. Rocks started flying and spiraling above him, combining to form a single spear like stone. I could see his eyes go wide with fear as I released the stone and dropped it on his head. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!"

His scream would be delightful, if he had actually crossed me. However, seeing this is Aurora's dad, the man I saw as a second father for most of my life, I felt horrible. I stopped the stone jsut before it hit his head. I clenched my hand into a fist and the stone exploded into a million harmless pieced, like dust, falling apart around him. Mr Singford slowly looked at me, he said nothing, but his eyes did the talking.

"Is that a good enough demonstration sir?" I asked in a slightly condescending manner.

"Yes! I think that will suffice!" I heard a hardened female voice come from behind me. I turned, seeing Aurora lunging at me like a missile, in her hands, a sword, aimed right for my chest.