Loved Ones (1)

I didn't know how long we both sat in silence for, but I didn't really care. My life has been like a hurricane for the past month or so, these few minutes are the most peaceful I will have in forever. A reprieve from the storm.

Looking down at Aurora, she looked as peaceful and serene as a baby. No noise, just her steady breathing.

I wrapped my arm around her instinctively. I wanted to hold her close to me, and never let go. It was pure bliss being like this.

My hand started to stroke her long flowing hair as well. It was smooth, silky. It's bright blue colour was radiant and made her look like a true angel. Though it was still slightly messy, as she just woke up, I didn't mind, in fact, I still found it pretty.

Odd, how you can find someone's smallest flaws beautiful. I heard her silently humming as well with every stroke, a smile creeping onto her delicate lips.