The Hunter (2)

I was in awe of what I just saw. My head was spinning with what it had to process. Firstly, this guy was able to conceal himself, despite being in a place that was supposed to be so blatantly obvious, no one sensed him, not even his overly-perceptive father could pinpoint where he was. I was only aware of his presence, his location was still unknown to me.

Second, his balance was amazing. The palm tree is not exactly sturdy, and it was already bending. Despite that, he could still sit so causally at the top of it.

Thirdly, his agility and physique are nothing to scoff at. At first glance, he looked like weak scrawny guy. His muscles were barely defined, but they were still there. On top of that, being able to do a flip mid air and land from great heights like a cat is a show of years of practice and experience. The fall was easily the height of a 3 storied building, should he land improperly, he would have fractured  bone or two.