The Dragon King (3)

Drayden was overcome in complete disbelief. "How …How is this possible?!" He yelled. Suddenly, his face distorted as the left side began to smile, the eyes lightening from their furious expression. His horns, his eyes, like his hand, they were golden.

"Kale…" Aurora muttered, feeling tears starting to cascade down her cheeks.

Kaler continued to restrain the other half of his body, turning the let his left side face Aurora, guiding the blade away. "I'm here… I'm sorry." Aurora couldn't help but smile widely. She was elated! Kaler came back to her.

Everyone was equally stunned as they stared at the man like they were seeing a ghost. Half golden, half orange. Two sides of a coin.

Suddenly, the orange energy engulfed Kaler once more. His face distorting in anger. "Know your place boy! Keep quiet!" Drayden yelled back, facing the ground, he was panting heavily. He was trying to control Kaler's body. However, he was fighting back!