Old Enemies (1)

"This just in, a mysterious light has been spreading through North Ourannos like wildfire. Some parts of East Ourannos have even reported the same thing. Experts claim that both of these countries were the ones hit by the devastating OmegaQuake just a month or two ago. Witnesses to this iridescent light show claim that any damage done to the land by the OmegaQuake was reversed." 

The news has been set alight by the news of a miraculous light that reverses the damages of the earthquake. Every channel, every station, that's all they are talking about. Some have begun to speculate the source, and if there even is one. God? The Devil? Some insanely powerful magician, honestly, they were all just amusing to listen to.

"You've got the media going crazy." A familiar voice said behind me. I turned around to see Aurora standing behind me, offering me a cup of water.