Deja Vu

*Kaler's POV*

My bodies to heavy... I can't get up. Man...I hate this feeling. When am I ever gonna wake up feeling fresh a spring flower?

I used all my effort and lifted my eyelids which felt like they weighed a ton. I could feel the stress on my facial muscles, fighting to keep my drowsy self conscious. I looked to my left slowly to try and gather my bearings, attempting to scan the room. 

It didn't take me too long to realise I was lying on a soft, marshmallow-like mattress, in a dark, spacious room. Wait. Have I been here before? This feels strangely familiar...

I looked all the way to my left, seeing a wooden bedside table with a digital alarm clock on it. The clock red "12.30 pm, 9th September 2023." 

'What on earth?' was what was going through my head. I feel like I had lost all sense of time. The date didn't even carry any meaning for me. It like how I was before meeting Aurora, its just another day.