Insulted (3)

Jaxon was still stunned by what he just witnessed, his ice blade wasn't broken without any effort! For a solid half a minute, we was too stunned to make any sort of move. However, I had my own set of circumstances… something felt off in my body. Anger.

"Don't give your opponent an opening. I thought you would already know this," I said, still using the primordial voice from before. Without moving, my feet still frozen in place, I thrusted my palm outwards, a bolt of lighting leapt form my hand and attached itself onto Jaxon, like a jockey.

Jaxon crumpled to the ground in pain, screaming out loud the entire time. Even after he hit the ground, his body writhed in pain, spazzing out. "What's wrong? Can't handle it?" My voice sounded like that of a monster, fierce, full of fury, unrelenting. I opened my palm once more, preparing to strike another devastating blow.