Revelation (1)

I got my chance soon. The headmaster dismissed the other 3 Teachers, leaving only himself, Ms Dhalia and Aurora in the arena. I knew Ms Dhalia to be trustworthy, seeing how Aurora also places her trust in her. My avatars also gave me the go ahead, deeming her to be worthy of our trust. 

As they were walking over to the benches to let the headmaster rest, I released the power stored within me, willing Volt into existence. My body overflowed with energy, coalescing into the form of a spectral wyvern. It let out a guttural roar. It was Volt. His body completely covered in electricity. He wrapped his wings around the prison, discharging immense amounts of lightning into it. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw all 3 of them with spells in hand. Ms Dhalia with a bright orange flame prepared, Aurora's hand ready to send me back to the ice age and the headmaster preparing a magic circle.