Terrorist (3)

Whiplash wasted no time and leapt of the stairs and barrel rolled mid air, expelling lines of flames in every direction with his whips. Searing the ground, ceiling and walls. Cyrus and Masaki easily dodged them. Seeing Masaki as the weaker of the two, he went after him first. 

Whiplash swung his whips at Masaki, the searing hot flames burning the carpet whenever he missed. Masaki skillfully dodged the attacks. He faded in and out of the shadows, dodging the attacks with relative ease. However, while Whiplash couldn't hurt him, Masaki couldn't land anything on him either.

Every shot fired as a counter attack was dodged or blocked by Whiplash. He would twirl one of his whips in a spiral, fending off any attack due to the menacing wall of flames being projected. This stalemate would continue for a few minutes. All the while, it was difficult for Cyrus to launch an attack while Masaki was near Whiplash. He had to set a trap instead.