The Journey to Glory (1)

Sunday, 15th October, 2023

Proud magical prodigies and athletes have all waited for this day. The day of the Arcanothon opening ceremony. The premium sports and talent competition for young magicians. They were just a few hours away from showing the world their skills and lay claim to the title of Champion.

In order to make it on time, all attending schools, staff and participants are to arrive in Central Ourannos at 12 pm sharp. Later at night, there would be a formal dinner for the schools to socialise, or more accurately, size up their opponents.

Central Ourannos is, as the name implies, the central island of the Country Ourannos. The island is completely manmade. A testament to technological advancements of the modern age. The island is considered one of the best tourist destinations in the world, so much so that even Japan would be jealous. It keeps itself above water with completely environmentally friendly plasma conversion engines.